Computer security: wireless and mobile security, Web security, privacy and anonymity.
My current research focuses on mobile computing and security, as exemplified by our recent papers:
- Quantifying the Effects of Removing Permissions from Android Applications.
- Retrofitting Android Apps.
- Characterizing Android Application Plagiarism and its Impact on Developers.
- Asking for (and About) Permissions Used by Android Apps.
My past projects include:
- Wireless security: TRUST 2012, TRUST 2012, MoST 2012, MoST 2012, MobiSys 2012, ASIACCS 2012, HotSec 2011, NDSS 2011, INFOCOM 2010,HotMobile 2008, NDSS 2008, SecureComm 2006
- Web security: WebApps 2010, NDSS 2009, CCS 2008, UPSEC 2008, WWW 2007, NDSS 2007
- Malware analysis, detection, and defense: ACSAC 2007, ACSAC 2006
- Firewall security: IEEE S&P 2006
- Software security: MOPS
- NSF: Trusted Computing, CAREER Award, CyberTrust,
- Industrial: Sprint, Intel, Microsoft.