Recent Publications
Hartsough, B.R., R. Spinelli, and S.J. Pottle. 2002. Delimbing hybrid poplar prior to processing with a flail/chipper. Forest Products Journal 52(4):85-93.
Spinelli, R., B.R. Hartsough, P.M.O. Owende, and S.M. Ward. 2002. Productivity and cost of mechanized whole-tree harvesting of fast-growing Eucalypt stands. Journal of Forest Engineering 13(2):49-60.
Hartsough, B.R. 2003. Economics of harvesting to maintain high structural diversity and resulting damage to residual trees. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 18(2):133-142.
Rummer, B., J. Prestamon, D. May, P. Miles, J. Vissage, R. McRoberts, G. Liknes, W. D. Shepperd, D. Ferguson, W. Elliot, S. Miller, S. Reutebuch, J. Barbour, J. Fried, B. Stokes, E. Bilek, K. Skog, B. Hartsough and G. Murphy. 2003. A Strategic Assessment of Forest Biomass and Fuel Reduction Treatments in Western States. USDA Forest Service Research and Development. 18 pages.
Rummer, B., J. Prestamon, D. May, P. Miles, J. Vissage, R. McRoberts, G. Liknes, W. D. Shepperd, D. Ferguson, W. Elliot, S. Miller, S. Reutebuch, J. Barbour, J. Fried, B. Stokes, E. Bilek, K. Skog, B. Hartsough and G. Murphy. 2005. A Strategic Assessment of Forest Biomass and Fuel Reduction Treatments in Western States. General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-149. USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO. 17 pages.
McIver, J.D., P.W. Adams, J.A. Doyal, E.S. Drews, B.R. Hartsough, L.D. Kellogg, C.G. Niwa, R. Ottmar, R. Peck, M. Taratoot, T. Torgersen and A. Youngblood. 2003. Environmental effects and economics of mechanized logging for fuel reduction in northeastern Oregon mixed-conifer stands. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 18(4):238-249.
Spinelli, R., B. Hartsough and N. Magagnotti. 2004. Qualita del cippato: confronto tra nove cippatrici mobili in commercio in Italia. (Chip quality: tests on nine chippers sold in Italy.) Sherwood Foreste ed Alberi Oggi 99:13-18.
Also as: Spinelli, R., B. Hartsough and N. Magagnotti. 2004. Hackschnitzelqualitat: vergleichende Tests von neun kommerziellen Hackern. (Wood chip quality: test comparisons of nine commercial chippers.) AFZ/Der Wald, Allgemeine Forst Zeitschrift fur Waldwirtschaft und Umweltvorsorge 59(19):1053-1054.
Puttock, D., R. Spinelli and B.R. Hartsough. 2005. Operational trials of cut-to-length harvesting of poplar in a mixed wood stand. International Journal of Forest Engineering 16(1):39-49.
Spinelli, R., B. Hartsough and N. Magagnotti. 2005. Testing mobile chippers for chip size distribution. International Journal of Forest Engineering 16(2): 29-35.
Fight, R.D., B.R. Hartsough and P. Noordijk. 2006. Users guide for FRCS:
fuel reduction cost simulator software. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-668. Portland, OR:
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 23 p.
Spinelli, R. and B. R. Hartsough. 2006. Harvesting SRF poplar for pulpwood: Experience in the Pacific Northwest. Biomass & Bioenergy 30(5):439-445.
Spinelli, R. and B. Hartsough. 2005. Thinning trials with a dedicated steep-terrain harvester. Nova mehanizacija sumarstva 26(2):45-51.
Raffaele Spinelli, Natascia Magagnotti e Bruce Hartsough. 2006. Raccolta integrata di tondame e biomassa nel taglio a gruppi di fustaie alpine. (Integrated harvesting of roundwood and biomass from group cuts in Alpine forests) L’Italia Forestale e Montana 61(4):303-316
Spinelli, R., B.R. Hartsough and P.W. Moore. 2008. Recovering sawlogs from pulpwood-size plantation cottonwood. Forest Products Journal 58(4):80-84.
Hartsough, B.R., S. Abrams, R.J. Barbour, E.S. Drews, J.D. McIver, J.J. Moghaddas, D.W. Schwilk and S.L. Stephens. 2008. The economics of alternative fuel reduction treatments in western United States dry forests: financial and policy implications from the National Fire and Fire Surrogate Study. Forest Policy and Economics 10(6):344-354.
Hartsough, B.R., R. Spinelli and S.J. Pottle. 2008. On-site veneer production in short-rotation hybrid poplar plantations. Forest Products Journal 58(9):66-71.
Li, B., Y. Zheng, Z. Pan and B. Hartsough. 2009. Improved properties of medium-density particleboard manufactured from saline Creeping Wild Rye and HDPE plastic. Industrial Crops and Products 30(1):65-71.
De Lasaux, M.J., R. Spinelli, B.R. Hartsough and N. Magagnotti. 2009. Using a small-log mobile sawmill system to contain fuel reduction treatment cost on small parcels. Small-scale Forestry 8(3):367-379.
Stephens, S.L., J.J. Moghaddas, B.R. Hartsough, E.E.Y. Moghaddas and N.E. Clinton. 2009. The effects of a fuel treatment on stand-level carbon pools, treatment-related emissions, and fire risk in a Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39:1538-1547.
Jenkins, B.M., R.B. Williams, N. Parker, P. Tittmann, Q. Hart, M.C. Gildart, S.R. Kaffka, B.R. Hartsough, and P.G. Dempster. 2009. Sustainable use of California biomass resources can help meet state and national bioenergy targets. California Agriculture 63(4):168-177.
DeLasaux, M., B. Hartsough, R. Spinelli and N. Magagnotti. 2009. Small parcel fuel reduction with a low-investment, high-mobility operation. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 24(4):205-213.
Spinelli, R., B.R. Hartsough and N. Magagnotti. 2010. Productivity standards for harvesters and processors used in Italy. Forest Products Journal 60(3):226-235.
Rapport, J.L., R. Zhang, B.M. Jenkins, B.R. Hartsough and T.P. Tomich. 2011. Modeling the design and performance of the anaerobic phased solids digester system for biogas energy production. Biomass and Bioenergy 35:1263-1272.
Pan, Z., R. Khir, K.L. Bett-Garber, E.T. Champagne, J.F. Thompson, A. Salim, B.R. Hartsough and S. Mohamed. 2011. Drying characteristics and quality of rough rice under infrared radiation heating. Transactions of the ASABE 54(1): 203-210.
Khir, R., Z. Pan, A. Salim, B.R. Hartsough and S. Mohamed. 2011. Moisture diffusivity of rough rice under infrared radiation drying. Food Science and Technology 44(4):1126-1132. DOI: 10.1016/j.lwt.2010.10.003
Stephens, S.L., J.D. McIver, R.E.J. Boerner, C.J. Fettig, J.B. Fontaine, B.R. Hartsough, P. Kennedy and D.W. Schwilk. 2012. Effects of forest fuel-reduction treatments in the United States. BioScience 62(6):549-560.
Khir, R., Z. Pan, J.F. Thompson, A.S. El-Sayed, B.R. Hartsough, S. Mohamed and M.S. El-Amir. 2012. Moisture removal characteristics of thin layer rough rice under sequenced infrared radiation heating and cooling. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. doi:10.1111/j.1745-4549.2012.00791.x
Scott L. Stephens, Ralph E. J. Boerner, Jason J. Moghaddas, Emily E. Y. Moghaddas, Brandon M. Collins, Christopher B. Dow, Carl Edminster, Carl E. Fiedler, Danny L. Fry, Bruce R. Hartsough, Jon E. Keeley, Eric E. Knapp, James D. McIver, Carl N. Skinner, and Andrew Youngblood 2012. Fuel treatment impacts on estimated wildfire carbon loss from forests in Montana, Oregon, California, and Arizona. Ecosphere 3:art38.