La Saponara, Valeria



Peer-Reviewed Archival Journal Publications, Book Chapters

In the list below, * indicates corresponding/co-corresponding author, underlined names are those of graduate students/undergraduate students/research engineers/interns from the group or co-advised by VLS.

Nelson, D.*, and La Saponara, V.*, “A Novel Construct to Perform In Situ Deformation Measurements of Material Extrusion-Fabricated Structures”, 2024, Applied Composite Materials,

Ruiz, A.*, Cogdell, C., Mak, J., Rowe, A., Wan, S.La Saponara, V.*, “Valorization and Biorefinery of Local Agricultural and Textile Wastes through Mycelium Composites for Structural Applications”, 2024, Research Directions: Biotechnology Design, 2, e10, 1-12,  2,

La Saponara, V., Wan, S., Nagarkar, B., Zwain, F., Creinin, M.*, “Understanding the Mechanical Behavior of Intrauterine Devices during Simulated Removal”, 2024, Contraception,

Zaccardi, F., Toto, E., Rastogi, S., La Saponara, V., Santonicola, M. G., Laurenzi, S.*,  “Impact of Proton Irradiation on Medium Density Polyethylene/Carbon Nanocomposites for Space Shielding Applications”, 2023, Nanomaterials, 13(7), 1288, special issue on Nanomaterials for Potential Uses in Extraterrestrial Environments.


Trinh, N. N., Simms, L. A., Chew, B. S., Weinstein, A. S., La Saponara, V., McCartney, M. M., Kenyon, N. J., Davis, C. E.*, “Glass-to-fusion bonding quality and strength evaluation with time, applied force, and heat”, 2022, Micromachines, 13, 1892,

[[[[[This paper is a non peer-reviewed pre-print: 

Salandez, V., Emami, S., Taha, A.Y.*, La Saponara, V.*, “Use of Ganoderma lucidum Grown on Agricultural Waste to Remove Antibiotics from Water”, 2022, pre-print on bioRxiv,,  

DOI: ]]]]]

Rastogi, S., Bartolo, D., Gurses, S., Kronawitter, C., La Saponara, V.*, “Structural Health Monitoring of Irradiated High-Density Polyethylene Samples with Electrical Resistance Tomography”, 2021, Journal of Materials Science, 56, 17824-17842, 

DOI: 10.1007/s10853-021-06398-9, 


Pastrnak, A., Henriquez, A.La Saponara, V.*, “Parametric Study for Tensile Properties of Molded HDPE for Applications in Additive Manufacturing and Sustainable Designs”, 2020, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, doi10.1002/app.49283

Davoodi, B., Gomez, A., Pinto, B., Muliana, A.*, La Saponara, V.*, ” Modeling Nonlinear and Time-Dependent Behaviors of Polymeric Sandwich Composites at Various Environmental Conditions”, 2019, chapter in Advances in Thick Section Composite and Sandwich Structures -An anthology of ONR-sponsored research, 2020, S. W. Lee and Y. D. S. Rajapakse editors, Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-31065-3

Seibers, Z.*, Orr, M., Collier, G. S., Henriquez, A., Gabel, M., Shofner, M. L., La Saponara, V., Reynolds, J., “Chemically Functionalized Reduced Graphene Oxide as Additives in Polyethylene Composites for Space Applications”, 2019, Polymer Engineering & Science, doi: 10.1002/pen.25262

Clausi, M., Toto, E., Botti, S., Laurenzi, S., La Saponara, V.*, Santonicola, M. G.*, “Direct effects of UV irradiation on graphene-based nanocomposite films revealed by electrical resistance tomography”, 2019, Composites Science and Technology,

Fan, Y., Gomez, A., Muliana, A.*, La Saponara, V.*, “Multi-scale analysis of diffusion of fluid in sandwich composites”, 2019, Polymer Composites, DOI: 10.1002/pc.25214

Fan, Y., Gomez, A., Ferraro, S., Pinto, B., Muliana, A.*, La Saponara, V.*,”Diffusion of Water in Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites at Different Temperatures”, 2018, Journal of Composite Materials, doi:, published on August 31, 2018

La Saponara, V.*, “An Overview of Wave Propagation Techniques in Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composite Plates”, 2018, pp. 490-501, chapter in vol. 1 of Comprehensive Composites II, P. Beaumont and C. Zweben editors, Elsevier, ISBN 978-008-100-533-0 

Orlando, T. M.*, Jones, B., Paty, C., Schaible, M. J., Reynolds, J. R., First, P. N., Robinson, S. R., La Saponara, V., Beltran, E., “Catalyst: Radiation Effects on Volatiles and Exploration of Asteroids and the Lunar Surface”, 2018, Chem, 4, pp. 1-4, doi:

Ku-Herrera, J. J.*, La Saponara, V., Avilés, F.,* “Selective damage sensing in multiscale hierarchical composites by tailoring the location of carbon nanotubes”, 2017, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 10 pp.doi: 10.1177/1045389X17711790

Fan, Y., Gomez, A., Ferraro, S., Pinto, B., Muliana, A.*, La Saponara, V.*, “The Effect of Temperatures and Volumetric Expansion on the Diffusion of Fluids through Solid Polymers”, 2017, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 134, 45151, 15 pp., doi: 10.1002/APP.45151

Lestari, W.*, Pinto, B.La Saponara, V.*, Yasui, J., Loh, K. J., “Sensing Uniaxial Tensile Damage in Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites Using Electrical Resistance Tomography”, 2016, Smart Materials and Structures, 25, 085016 (8 pp), doi:10.1088/0964-1726/25/8/085016

Pinto, B., Ku-Herrera, J. J., Kern, S.La Saponara, V.*, Avilés, F., “Piezoresistive sensing of strain and damage in carbon/epoxy rectangular coupons and I-shaped cross-sections in flexure”, 2016, Journal of Multifunctional Composites (special issue on ‘Novel Sensing Techniques and Approaches in Composite Materials’, edited by J. L. Abot and G. Nilakantan, retroactively dated to 2014, vol. 2, 183-194), doi:10.12783/issn. 2168-4286/2.4/Pinto

Ku-Herrera, J. J.*, Pinto, B., La Saponara, V., Castro, R., Avilés, F.*, “Tailored self-sensing of failure mechanisms in glass fiber/carbon nanotube/vinyl ester multiscale hierarchical composites loaded in tension”, 2016, Journal of Multifunctional Composites (special issue on ‘Novel Sensing Techniques and Approaches in Composite Materials’, edited by J. L. Abot and G. Nilakantan, retroactively dated to 2014, vol. 2, 171-181), doi:10.12783/issn. 2168-4286/2.4/Ku-Herrera

Gomez, A., Pires, R., Yambao, A., La Saponara, V.*,  “A Testing Platform for Durability Studies of Polymers and Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites under Coupled Hygrothermo-Mechanical Stimuli”, 2014, Journal of Visualized Experiments, 94, e52464, doi:10.3791/52464 (2014). Downloadable under (7 min 15 s video). This site has been viewed over 3900 times from December 11th, 2014 (date of publication) to October 2016.

La Saponara, V.*Brandli, C., Arronche, L., Lestari, W., “Gabor Wavelet Transform Contours for the Detection of Uniaxial Tensile Damage in Woven Fiberglass/epoxy Composites”, 2014, Mechanics Research Communications, 62, pp. 138-145, DOI10.1016/j.mechrescom.2014.10.004, (November 2014)

Avilés, F.*, May-Pat, A., Canché-Escamilla, G., Rodríguez-Uicab, O., Ku-Herrera, J.J., S. Duarte-Aranda, S., Uribe-Calderon, J., Gonzalez-Chi, P. I., Arronche, L.La Saponara, V., “Influence of carbon nanotube physical properties on the piezoresistive behavior of multiwall carbon nanotube/polymer composites”, 2014, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Online First, December 4th, 2014, DOI: 10.1177/1045389X14560367,

La Saponara, V.*, Farrugia, A., Lestari, W.*, Muliana, A., “Analysis of ultrasonic waveforms from smart sandwich composite structures under creep bending at elevated temperatures”, 2014, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Online First, in May 2014, doi: 10.1177/1045389X14533441

Jeon, J., Muliana, A.*, La Saponara, V., “Thermal Stress and Deformation Analyses in Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites undergoing Heat Conduction and Mechanical Loading”, 2014, Composite Structures, 111, pp. 31-44, doi: (published online on December 10th, 2013)

Loyola, B. R.La Saponara, V.*, Loh, K. J., “Distributed in Situ Health Monitoring of Nanocomposite-enhanced Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites”, 2013 book chapter for Smart Composites: Mechanics and Design, Taylor and Francis LLC, December 2013, ISBN10: 1439895910

La Saponara, V.*, Elhajjar, R., “Experimental methods to quantify microdamage and microstructure anomalies in fiber-reinforced polymer composites: overview”, book chapter for Handbook of Macro to Nano Damage Mechanics, Springer, September 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4614-5588-2 (Print) 978-1-4614-5589-9 (Online)

Arronche, L., Martinez, I., La Saponara*, V., Ledesma*, E., “Finite Element Modeling and Experimental Characterization of Enhanced Hybrid Composite Structures for Improved Crashworthiness”, 2013, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 80(5), pp. 050902-1 to -9, doi: 10.1115/1.4023495

Moffet, M. L.La Saponara, V.*, “Rheological Properties of Neat Epoxy Exposed to In-Service Aerospace Contaminants”, 2013, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 130, pp. 3961-3971, doi: 10.1002/app.39654, (published online on July 3rd, 2013)

Loyola, B. R., Zhao, Y., Loh, K. J.*, La Saponara, V.*, “The electrical response of carbon nanotube-based thin film sensors subjected to mechanical and environmental effects”, 2013, Smart Materials and Structures, 22, 025010 (11pp), doi:10.1088/0964-1726/22/2/025010

Loyola, B. R., La Saponara, V.*, Loh, K. J.*, Briggs, T. M., O’Bryan, G., Skinner, J. L., “Spatial Sensing Using Electrical Impedance Tomography”, 2013, IEEE Sensors Journal, 13(6), pp. 2357-2367, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2013.2253456. One of the 25 most downloaded papers in May 2013.

Loyola B. R., Briggs, T. M., Arronche, L., Loh, K. J.*, La Saponara, V.*, O’Bryan, G., Skinner, J. L., “Detection of Spatially Distributed Damage in Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites”, 2013, Structural Health Monitoring, 12, pp. 225-239, doi: 10.1177/1475921713479642

Arronche, L.La Saponara, V., Martínez Ramirez, I., Ledesma Orozco*, E., Gutiérrez Rivera, M. E., Torres Cisneros, M., “Analisis Numérico-Experimental de Desempeño de Compuesto Hibrido Bajo Impacto”, 2012, Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Ingenieria Mecánica, 4(3), 11, pp. 103-113

Arronche, L., Gordon, K., Ryu, D., La Saponara*, V., Cheng*, L., “Investigation of Galvanic Corrosion between 1018 Carbon Steel and CFRPs Treated with Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes,” 2013, Journal of Materials Science, 48, pp. 1315-1323, doi: 10.1007/s10853-012-6876-2 (published online on September 26th, 2012)

Arronche, L., La Saponara, V.*, Yesil, S., Bayram, G., “Impact damage sensing of multiscale composites through epoxy matrix containing carbon nanotubes”, 2013, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 128(5), pp. 2797-2806, doi: 10.1002/app.38448 (published online on August 28th, 2012)

Ireland, R., Arronche, L.La Saponara, V.*, “Electrochemical Investigation of Galvanic Corrosion between Aluminum 7075 and Glass Fiber/Epoxy Composites Modified with Carbon Nanotubes”, 2012, Composites: Part B, 43, pp. 183-194

Campbell, R. A., Pickett B. M., La Saponara, V.*, Dierdorf*, D., “Thermal characterization and flammability of structural adhesive and carbon/epoxy composite with environmental and chemical degradation”, 2012, ‘High/Low Temperature Adhesive Joining Technology’, special issue of the Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology (guest editor: Dr. Dai Gil Lee), 26(7), pp. 889-910

Tang, H.-Y., Winkelmann, C., Lestari*, W., La Saponara, V.*, “Composite structural health monitoring through use of embedded PZT sensors”, 2011, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 22, pp. 739-755

La Saponara, V.*, “Environmental and Chemical Degradation of Carbon/Epoxy and Structural Adhesive for Aerospace Applications: Fickian and Anomalous Diffusion, Arrhenius Kinetics”, 2011, Composite Structures, 93, pp. 2180-2195

Kim, J. S., Arronche, L., Farrugia, A., Muliana*, A., La Saponara, V.*, “Multi-scale modeling of time-dependent response of smart sandwich constructions”, 2011, Composite Structures, 93, pp. 2196-2207

Farrugia, A., Winkelmann, C.La Saponara, V.*, Kim, J.-S., Muliana*, A., “Creep Responses of Smart Sandwich Composites at Multiple Length Scales: Experiments and Modeling”, 2011, 133, special issue of ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, pp. 011008-1 to -6

La Saponara, V.*, Horsley, D. A., Lestari, W., “Structural Health Monitoring of Glass/Epoxy Composite Plates Using PZT and PMN-PT Transducers”, 2011, 133, special issue of ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, pp. 011011-1 to -8

Sugita, Y., Winkelmann, C., La Saponara, V., Cheng*, L., “Effect of De-Icing Fluid on the Durability of Carbon/Epoxy Composites”, 2011, Mechanics of Composite Materials, 47, pp. 313-322

La Saponara, V.*, Campbell, R. A., Sullivan, P., Dierdorf, D., “Environmental and Chemical Degradation of Bonded Polymeric Composite Joints”, 2011, in ‘Adhesive Properties in Nanomaterials, Composites and Films’, K.A. Wilkinson and D. A. Ordonez editors, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., NY, ISBN 978-1-61209-268-3

Yesil, S., Winkelmann, C., Bayram*, G., La Saponara, V.*, “Surfactant-modified multiscale composites for improved tensile fatigue and impact damage sensing”, 2010, Materials Science and Engineering A, 527, pp. 7340-7352

Loyola, B. R., La Saponara, V.*, Loh*, K. J., “In Situ Strain Monitoring of Fiber-Reinforced Polymers using Embedded Piezoresistive Nanocomposites”, 2010, Journal of Materials Science, 45, pp. 6786-6798

Winkelmann, C., Kim, S. S., La SaponaraV.*, “Design and Development of Hybrid Composite Bistable Structures for Energy Absorption under Quasi-Static Tensile Loading”, 2010, Composite Structures, 93, pp. 171-178

Sugita, Y., Winkelmann, C., La Saponara, V.*, “Environmental and Chemical Degradation of Carbon/Epoxy Lap Joints for Aerospace Applications, and Effects on Their Mechanical Performance”, 2010, Composites Science and Technology, 70, pp. 829-839

Booker, P. M., Cargile, J. D., Kistler, B. L., La Saponara, V.*, “Investigation on the Response of Segmented Concrete Targets to Projectile Impacts”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2009, 36, pp. 926-939

Worley, M. D., La Saponara, V.* “A Simplified Dynamic Model for Front-end Loader Design”, 2008, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C), 222, pp. 2231-2249

Whitman, Z., La Saponara, V.*, “Bistable structures for energy absorption. Part 1: metallic structures under tension”, 2007, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2, pp. 347-358

Whitman, Z., La Saponara, V.*, “Bistable structures for energy absorption. Part 2: composite structures under tension”, 2007, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2, pp. 359-376

La Saponara, V., Muliana, H., Haj-Ali*, R., Kardomateas, G. A., “Experimental and numerical analysis of delamination growth in Double Cantilever laminated beams”, 2002, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 69, pp.687-699

La Saponara, V., Kardomateas*, G. A., “Crack branching in cross-ply layered composites: an experimental study”, 2001, Composite Structures, 53, pp. 333-344

La Saponara, V., Kardomateas*, G. A., “Statistical considerations in the analysis of data from fatigue tests on delaminated cross-ply graphite/epoxy composites”, 2000, ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 122, pp. 409-411 Underth