Peer Reviewed Publications
Spang, E. S., F. J. Loge, W. Abernathy, D. R. Dove, C. Tseng, and M. Williams (2015) Implementing Consumption-Based Fixed Rates Water Rates in Davis, California. Journal of the American Water Works Association.
Spang, E., F. Loge (2015) A High-Resolution Approach to Mapping Energy Flows through Water Infrastructure Systems. Journal of Industrial Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12240.
Spang, E., S. Miller, F. Loge (2015) Consumption-Based Fixed Rates: Harmonizing Water Conservation and Revenue Stability. Journal of the American Water Works Association, 107(3): 92-93. Full online version can be found at 107: E164-E173.
Evans, A. F., N. J. Hostetter, K. Collis, D. D. Roby, and F. J. Loge (2014) Relationship Between Juvenile Fish Condition and Survival to Adulthood in Steelhead. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 143: 899-909.
Hung, T. C., K. J. Eder, A. Javidmehr, and F. J. Loge (2014) Decline in Feeding Activity of Female Cultured Delta Smelt Prior to Spawning. North American Journal of Aquaculture, 76: 159-163.
Negrea, C., D. E. Thompson, S. D. Juhnke, D. S. Fryer, and F. J. Loge (2014) Automated Detection and Tracking of Adult Pacific Lampreys in Underwater Video Collected at Snake and Columbia River Fishways. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 34(1): 111-118.
McKenzie, E. R., T. E. Pistochini, F. J. Loge, and M. P. Modera (2013) An Investigation of Coupling Evaporative Cooling and Decentralized Graywater Treatment in the Residential Sector. Building and Environment, 68: 215-224.
Olmos, K. C., and F. J. Loge (2013) Offsetting Water Conservation Costs to Achieve Zero-Net Water Use. Journal of the American Water Works Association, 105: 41-42. Full online version can be found at 105: E62-E72.
Lambertini, E., M. A. Borchardt, B. A. Kieke, S. K. Spencer, and F. J. Loge (2012) Risk of Viral Acute Gastrointestinal Illness from Non-Disinfected Drinking Water Distribution Systems. Environmental Science and Technology, 46: 9299-9307.
Connon, R., L. D’Abronzo, N. Hostetter, A. Javidmehr, D. Roby, A. Evans, F. Loge, I. Werner (2012) Transcription profiling in environmental diagnostics: health assessments in Columbia River basin steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Environmental Science and Technology, 46: 6081-6087.
Borchardt, M. A., S. K. Spencer, B. A. Kieke, E. Lambertini, F. J. Loge (2012) Viruses in Nondisinfected Drinking Water from Municipal Wells and Community Incidence of Acute Gastrointestinal Illness. Environmental Health Perspectives, 120: 1272-1279.
Waller, J. L., P. G. Green, and F. J. Loge (2012) Mixed-Culture Polyhydroxyalkonoate Production from Olive Oil Mill Pomace. Bioresource Technology, 120: 285-289.
Loboschefsky, E., G. Benigno, T. Sommer, T. Ginn, A. Massoudieh, K. Rose, F. Loge (2012) Individual-Level and Population-Level Historical Prey Demand of San Francisco Estuary Striped Bass Using a Bioenergetics Model. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science, 10: 1-23.
Van Gaest, A. L., J. P. Dietrich, D. E. Thompson, D. A. Boylen, S. A. Strickland, T. K. Collier, F. J. Loge, and M. R. Arkoosh (2011) Survey of Pathogens in Hatchery Chinook Salmon with Different Out-migration Histories through the Snake and Columbia Rivers. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, 23: 62-77.
Camarillo, M. K., F. J. Loge, J. L. Darby, T. R. Ginn, H. Basagaoglu, L. Foglia (2011) Modeling the Inactivation of Microorganisms Occluded in Effluent Wastewater Particles to Enhance Operation of Filtration and Disinfection Systems. Water Environment Research, 83: 313-325.
Bravo, C. F., L. R. Curtis, M. S. Myers, J. P. Meador, L. L. Johnson, J. Buzitis, T. K. Collier, J. D. Morrow, C. A. Laetz, F. J. Loge, and M. R. Arkoosh (2011) Biomarker Responses and Disease Susceptibility in Juvenile Rainbow Trout Onchorhynchus Mykiss Fed a High Molecular Weight PAH Mixture. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 30: 704-714.
Massoudieh, A., E. Loboschefsky, T. Sommer, T. Ginn, K. Rose, F. Loge (2011) Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Striped-Bass Egg, Larval Movement, and Fate in the San Francisco Bay-Delta. Ecological Modeling, 222: 3513-3523.
Dietrich, J. P., D. A. Boylen , D. E. Thompson , E. J. Loboschefsky, C. F. Bravo, D. K. Spangenberg, G. M. Ylitalo , T. K. Collier, D. S. Fryer, M. R. Arkoosh , F. J. Loge (2011) An Evaluation of the Influence of Stock Origin and Out-migration History on the Disease Susceptibility and Survival of Juvenile Chinook Salmon. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, 23: 35-47.
Coats, E. R., K. E. VandeVoort, J. L Darby, F. J Loge (2011) Toward Polyhydroxyalkanoate Production concurrent with Municipal Wastewater Treatment in a Sequencing Batch Reactor System. ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 137: 46-54.
Liu, H. Y., J. S. VanderGheynst, J. L. Darby, D. E. Thompson, P. G. Green, F. J. Loge (2011) Factorial experimental designs for enhancement of concurrent poly(hydroxyalkanoate) production and brewery wastewater treatment. Water Environment Research, 83: 36-43.
Sommer, T., F. Mejia, K. Hieb, R. Baxter, E. Loboschefsky, and F. Loge (2011) Long-Term Shifts in the Lateral Distribution of Age-0 Striped Bass in the San Francisco Estuary. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 140: 1451-1459.
Hostetter, N. J., A. F. Evans, D. D. Roby, K. Collis, M. Hawbecker, B. P. Sandford, D. E. Thompson & F. J. Loge (2011): Relationship of External Fish Condition to Pathogen Prevalence and Out-Migration Survival in Juvenile Steelhead. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 140: 1158-1171.
Lambertini, E., S. K. Spencer, B. A. Kieke, F. J. Loge, and M. A. Borchardt (2011) Virus Contamination from Operations and Maintenance Events in Small Drinking Water Distribution Systems. Journal of Water and Health, 9: 799-812.
Al-Najjar, M. M., E. R. Coats, F. J. Loge (2011) The Role of the Microbial Stringent Response in Excess Intracellular Accumulation of Phosphorous in Mixed Consortia Fed Synthetic Wastewater. Water Research, 45: 5038-5046.
Coats, E. R., D. L. Watkins, C. K. Brinkman, F. J. Loge (2011) Effect of Anaerobic HRT on Biological Phosphorus Removal and the Enrichment of Phosphorus Accumulating Organisms. Water Environment Research, 83: 461-469.
Mockos, A., E. R. Coats, F. J. Loge (2010) Post-anoxic Denitrification Driven by PHA and Glycogen within Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal. Bioresource Technology, 102: 1019-1027.
Massoudieh, A., C. Crain, T. Barkouki, K. Nelson, E. Lambertini, P. L’Amoreaux; F. Loge, T. R. Ginn (2010) Kinetics of conjugative gene transfer among bacteria attached to surfaces in granular porous media. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 112: 91-102.
Camarillo, M. K., F. J. Loge, J. L. Darby (2010) Model to Quantify Removal and Inactivation of Microorganisms Occluded in Effluent Wastewater Particles Using Filtration and Disinfection Systems. ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 136(10): 1153-1160.
Arkoosh, M.R., D. Boylen, J. Dietrich, B. F. Anulacion, G. Ylitalo, C. F. Bravo, L. L. Johnson, F. J. Loge, T. K. Collier (2010) Disease susceptibility of salmon exposed to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). Aquatic Toxicology, 98(1): 51-59.
Horgan, C. J., E. R. Coats, F. J. Loge (2010) Assessing the Effects of Solids Residence Time and Volatile Fatty Acid Augmentation on Biological Phosphorus Removal Using Real Wastewater. Water Environment Research, 82: 216-226.
Lambertini, E, S. K. Spencer, P. D. Bertz, F. J. Loge, M. Borchardt (2010) New Mathematical Approaches to Quantify Human Infectious Viruses from Environmental Media Using Integrated Cell Culture-qPCR. Journal of Virological Methods, 163: 244-252.
Loge, F. J., E. Lambertini, M. A. Borchardt, H. Basagaoglu, and T. R. Ginn (2009) Effects of Etiological Agent and Bather Shedding of Pathogens on Interpretation of Epidemiological Data Used to Establish Recreational Water Quality Standards. Risk Analysis, 29(2): 257-266.
Dietrich, J. P., J. Darby, F. J. Loge (2009) Potential Health Risks Associated with Particles in Reclaimed Wastewater. ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 135(5): 285-290.
Lambertini, E., S. K. Spencer, P. D. Bertz, F. J. Loge, B. A. Kieke, and M. A. Borchardt (2009) Concentration of Enteroviruses, Adenoviruses, and Noroviruses from Drinking Water with Glass Wool Filters. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 74(10): 2990-2996.
Anuskiewicz, M.K., J. L. Darby, and F. J. Loge (2008) Kill More Pathogens. Water Environment Laboratory Solutions, June-July Issue.
Barber, M. E., F. J. Loge, A. Al-Omari, C. Stockle, M. Fayyad (2008) Assessing Seasonal Variations in Water Quality and Quantity in Jordan’s Dead Sea Wadis. Water International, 33(3): 369-379.
Liu, H. Y., P. V. Hall, J. L. Darby, E. R. Coats, P. G. Green, D. E. Thompson, F. J. Loge (2008) Production of Poly(hydroxyalkanoate) During Treatment of Tomato Cannery Wastewater. Water Environment Research, 80(4): 367-372.
Mockos, G. R., W. A. Smith, F. J. Loge, D. N. Thompson (2008) Selective Enrichment of a Methanol-Utilizing Consortium Using Pulp and Paper Mill Waste Streams. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 148: 211-226.
Coats, E. R., F. J. Loge, K. Englund, M. P. Wolcott, A. McDonald (2008) Production of Natural Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites through the use of PHB-rich Biomass. Bioresources Technology, 99(7): 2680-2686.
Coats, E. R., F. J. Loge , M. P. Wolcott , K. Englund , A. G. McDonald (2007) Synthesis of Polyhydroxyalkanoates in Municipal Wastewater Treatment. Water Environment Research, 79(12): 2396-2403.
Coats, E. R., F.J. Loge, W.A. Smith, D.N. Thompson, M.P. Wolcott (2007) Functional Stability of a Mixed Microbial Consortium Producing PHA from Waste Carbon Sources. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 136-140: 909-925
Ginn, T. R., and F. J. Loge (2007) Dose-structured population dynamics. Mathematical Biosciences, 208:325-343.
Dietrich, J. P., F. J. Loge, T. R. Ginn , H. Başağaoğlu (2007) Inactivation of particle-associated microorganisms in wastewater disinfection: Modeling of ozone and chlorine reactive diffusive transport in polydispersed suspensions. Water Research, 41, 2189-2201.
Ginn, T. R., F. J. Loge, T. D. Scheibe (2007) Explaining ‘Noise’ as Environmental Variations in Population Dynamics. Computing in Science and Engineering, 9(2): 40-49.
Arkoosh, M. R., L. Gilbreath, A. N. Kagley, C. Stafford, D. Boylen, B. Sanford, F. J. Loge, L. Johnson, T. K. Collier (2006) Disease Susceptibility of Yearling Hatchery Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) with Different Juvenile Migration Histories in the Columbia River. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, 18: 223-231.
Schirp, A., F. Loge, S. Aust, P. Swaner, G. Turner, M. Wolcott (2006) Production and Characterization of Natural Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites Utilizing Wheat Straw Modified with the Fungus Pleurotus ostreatus, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 102(6): 5191-5201.
Schirp, A., F. J. Loge, K. R. Englund, M. P. Wolcott, J. R. Hess, T. P. Houghton, J. A. Lacey, D. N. Thompson (2006) Pilot-scale production and material properties of extruded straw-plastic composites based on untreated and fungal-treated wheat straw. Forest Products Journal, 56(10): 90-96.
Loge, F. J., T. Inouye, R. J. Watts (2006) Disinfection of Secondary Effluents Using Tin Oxide Anodes. Water Environment Research, 78(1): 41-48.
Soule, M., E. Kuhn, F. Loge, J. Gay, and D. R. Call (2006) Using DNA microarrays to identify library-independent markers for bacterial source tracking. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 72: 1843-1851.
Kuhn, E.A., T. Papagiannakis, and F. J. Loge (2005) Preliminary Analysis of the Impact of Cold Mix Asphalt Concretes on Air and Water Quality. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 74: 501-508.
Broschat S. L., D. R. Call, E. A. Kuhn, and F. J. Loge (2005) Comparison of the reflectance and crystal violet assays for measurement of biofilm formation by Enterococcus. Biofilms, 2:177-181.
Loge, F. J., M. R. Arkoosh, T. R. Ginn, L. L. Johnson, T. K. Collier (2005) Impact of Environmental Stressors on the Dynamics of Disease Transmission. Environmental Science and Technology, 39: 7329-7336.
Bendz, D., N. A. Paxéus, T. R. Ginn, and F. J. Loge (2005) Occurrence and Fate of Pharmaceutically Active Compounds in the Environment, a Case Study: Höje River in Sweden. Journal of Hazardous Material, 122:195-204.
Watts, R. J., J. Sarasa, F. J. Loge, and A. L. Teel (2005) Oxidative and Reductive Pathways in Manganese-Catalyzed Fenton’s Reactions. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 131: 158-164.
Broschat, S. L., F. J. Loge, J. D. Peppin, D. White, D. R. Call, E. A. Kuhn (2005) An Optical Reflectance Assay for the Detection of Biofilm Formation. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 10(4): 1-6.
Papagiannakis, A. T., J. Birchman, and F.J. Loge (2004) Engineering Properties of Some Cold-Mix Asphalt Concretes. International Journal of Pavements, 3(3): 39-50.
Warsen, A., M. J. Krug, S LaFrentz, D. R. Stanek, F. J. Loge, and D. R. Call (2004) Simultaneous discrimination between 15 fish pathogens using 16S rDNA PCR and DNA microarrays. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 70:4216-4221.
Lane, S., J. Evermann, F. J. Loge and D.R. Call (2004) Secondary structure prevents target hybridization to oligonucleotide microarrays. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 20:728-735.
Arkoosh, M. R., E. Clemons, A. N. Kagley, C. Stafford, A. C. Glass, K. Jacobson, P. Reno, M. S. Myers, E. Casillas, F. Loge, L. L. Johnson, and T. K. Collier (2004) Survey of Pathogens in Juvenile Salmon Onchorhynchus spp. Migrating Through Pacific Northwest Estuaries. Journal Aquatic Animal Health, 16: 186-196.
Houghton, T. P., D. N. Thompson, J. R. Hess, J. A. Lacey, M. P. Wolcott, A. Schirp, K. Englund, D. Dostal, and F. J. Loge (2004) Fungal Upgrading of Wheat Straw for Straw-Thermoplastics Production. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 113: 71-93.
Borucki, M. K., J. Peppin, D. White, F. Loge, D. R. Call (2003) Variation in Biofilm Formation among Strains of Listeria monocytogenes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 69: 7336-7342.
Watts, R. J., D. Washington, J. Howsawkeng, F. J. Loge, and A. L. Teel (2003) Comparative Toxicity of Hydrogen Peroxide, Hydroxyl Radicals, and Superoxide to Escherichia coli. Advances in Environmental Research, 7: 961-968.
Tsuchihashi, R., F. J. Loge, and J. L. Darby (2003) Detection of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in Secondary Effluents Using a MPN/PCR Assay. Water Environment Research, 75: 292-299.
Dietrich, J. P., H. Basagaoglu, F. J. Loge, T. R. Ginn (2003) Preliminary Assessment of Transport Processes Influencing the Penetration of Chlorine Into Wastewater Particles and the Subsequent Inactivation of Particle-Associated Organisms. Water Research, 37: 139-149.
Call, D. R., M. K. Borucki, F. J. Loge (2003) Detection of Bacterial Pathogens in Environmental Samples Using DNA Microarrays. Journal Microbiological Methods, 53: 235-243.
Basagaoglu, H., B. J. McCoy, T. R. Ginn, and F. J. Loge (2002) A Diffusion Limited Sorption Kinetics Model with Multiple Identical or Non-Identical Spherical Particles. Advances in Water Resources, 25: 755-772.
Loge, F. J., D. E. Thompson, D. R. Call (2002) PCR Detection of Specific Pathogens in Water: A Risk-Based Analysis. Environmental Science and Technology, 36: 2754-2759.
Loge, F. J., R. W. Emerick, T. R. Ginn, and J. L. Darby (2002) Association of Coliform Bacteria with Wastewater Particles: Impact of Operational Parameters of the Activated Sludge Process. Water Research, 36: 41-48.
Loge, F. J., K. Bourgeous, R. W. Emerick, and J. L. Darby (2001) Natural Variations in the Water Quality Parameters Influencing UV Disinfection Performance: Relative Impact of Filtration. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 127: 832-837.
Emerick, R. W., F. J. Loge, T. Ginn, and J. L. Darby (2000) Modeling the Inactivation of Particle-Associated Coliform Bacteria. Water Environment Research, 72: 432-438.
Emerick, R. W., F. J. Loge, D. E. Thompson, and J. L. Darby (1999) Factors Influencing UV Disinfection Performance-Part II: Association of Coliform Bacteria With Wastewater Particles. Water Environment Research, 71: 1178-1187.
Loge, F. J., R. W. Emerick, D. E. Thompson, D. C. Nelson, and J. L. Darby (1999) Factors Influencing UV Disinfection Performance-Part I: Light Penetration Into Wastewater Particles. Water Environment Research, 71: 377-381.
Loge, F. J., R. W. Emerick, D. E. Thompson, D. C. Nelson, and J. L. Darby (1999) Development of a Fluorescent 16S rRNA Oligonucleotide Probe Specific to the Family Enterobacteriaceae. Water Environment Research, 71: 75-83.
Tchobanoglous, G., F. Loge, J. Darby, M. Devries (1996) UV Design: Comparison of Probabilistic and Deterministic Design Approaches. Water Science and Technology, 33: 251-260.
Loge, F. J., J. L. Darby, G. Tchobanoglous (1996) UV Disinfection of Wastewater: A Probabilistic Approach to Design. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 122: 1078-1084.
Loge, F. J., R. W. Emerick, M. Heath, J. Jacangelo, G. Tchobanoglous, J. Darby (1996) Ultraviolet Disinfection of Secondary Wastewater Effluents: Prediction of Performance and Design. Water Environment Research, 68: 900-916.
Braunstein, J. L., F. J. Loge, G. Tchobanoglous, J. L. Darby (1996) Ultraviolet Disinfection of Filtered Activated Sludge Effluent for Reuse Applications. Water Environment Research, 68: 152-161.
Additional Publications
Loge, F.J., R. Tsuchihashi, and J. L. Darby (2005) Closure-Detection of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in Secondary Effluents Using a MPN/PCR Assay. Water Environment Research.
Papagiannakis, T. A., and F. J. Loge (2004) An Evaluation of Cold Mix Asphalt Concretes. Prepared for the Washington Technology Center under Contract No. 624691.
Schroeder, E. D., W. M. Stallard, D. E. Thompson, F. J. Loge, M. A. Deshussess, H. J. Cox (2002) Management of Pathogens Associated With Storm Drain Discharge: Results of Investigations of the Presence of Human Pathogens in Urban Storm Drains. Prepared for the Environmental Division of the California Department of Transportation. Center for Environmental and Water Resources Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA.
Loge, F. J., and D. Yonge (2002) Assessment and Mitigation of Potential Environmental Impacts of Portland Cement Concrete Highway Grindings. Prepared for the Washington Department of Transportation, T1804, and distributed by the National Technical Information Service.
Barber, M.E., C.O. Stockle, M. Fayyad, A. Al-Omari, F. Loge, and S. Juul (2001). Skills Enhancement and Information to Decision-Makers in Jordan’s Water Sector: Zara and Zarqa Ma’in Springs Study, Technical Report to USAID, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Emerick, R. W., F. J. Loge, T. R. Ginn, and J. L. Darby (2001) Closure-Modeling the Inactivation of Particle-Associated Coliform Bacteria. Water Environment Research. 73: 504-507.
Watts, R. J., and F. J. Loge (2000) Disinfection in Small Water Systems Using Tin Oxide Anodes. Publication of the Montana Water Center, GC 023-00-Z1054.
Watts, R. J., and F. J. Loge (2000) Disinfection of Wastewater Secondary Effluents Using Tin Oxide Anodes. Publication of the Water Environment Research Foundation, 99-CTS-4-ET.
Loge, F. J., R. W. Emerick, G. Tchobanoglous, and J. Darby (1999) Design and Optimization of Upstream Treatment Processes to Improve the Performance of Ultraviolet Disinfection Facilities at Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. Publication of the Center For Environmental and Water Resources Engineering, UC Davis, No. 99-1, 1999.
Loge, F. J., D. Schwartzel, J. L. Darby, and G. Tchobanoglous (1998) Ultraviolet Disinfection For Wastewater Reuse. In Water Reclamation and Reuse, Vol. 10. Technomic Publishing, New York.
Loge, F. J., and J. L. Darby (1997) Closure-Ultraviolet Disinfection of Secondary Wastewater Effluents: Prediction of Performance and Design. Water Environment Research, Vol. 69, pp. 123-124.
Loge, F. J., J. L. Darby, G. Tchobanoglous (1996) Design and Cost Analysis of Ultraviolet Disinfection Facilities at Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. Publication of the Center For Environmental and Water Resources Engineering, UC Davis, No. 96-1, 1996.