Recent Publications
“Uncertainty Analysis of Experimental Data with R”, B.D. Shaw CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC (2017).
“Fundamental Aspects of Combustion”, B. D. Shaw, Chapter 1 in the book titled “Environmental Implications of Combustion Processes,” I. K. Puri, Editor, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (1993).
“Evaluation of the Nusselt Number for a Fluid Sphere in Stokes Flow”, B. D. Shaw and C. L. Vang, Physics of Fluids (in press).
“Influence of the Gas Phase Lewis Number and Thermocapillary Stress on Motion of a Slowly Evaporating Droplet in Stokes Flow”, B. D. Shaw, Journal of Fluid Mechanics (in press).
“Analysis of Noisy Radiometer Data from ISS Reduced Gravity Droplet Combustion Experiments”, S. Das and B. D. Shaw, Microgravity Science and Technology 33(1), Article Number 2, DOI: 10.1007/s12217-020-09858-0 (2021).
“Evaluation of Free-floating Droplet Acceleration in ISS Droplet Combustion Experiments”, C. L. Vang and B. D. Shaw, Microgravity Science and Technology 32, 531-543 (2020).
“Digital Image Analysis of Burning Droplets in the Presence of Backlight Diffraction and Soot”, R. Bhaskar and B. D. Shaw, Image Analysis & Stereology 38(1), pp. 53-61 (2019).
“ISS Experiments on Combustion of Heptane/Hexadecane Droplets”, C. L. Vang; and B. D. Shaw, AIAA Journal 56(12), pp. 4858-4869 (2018).
“Oxygen Lewis Number Effects on Reduced Gravity Combustion of Methanol and n-Heptane Droplets”, B. D. Shaw and C. L. Vang, Combustion Science and Technology 188(1), pp. 1-20 (2016).
“Estimates of Liquid Species Diffusivities in n-Propanol/Glycerol Mixture Droplets Burning in Reduced Gravity “, C. L. Vang and B. D. Shaw, Microgravity Science and Technology 27(4), pp. 281-295 (2015).
“Computational Modeling of Unsupported and Fiber-supported n-Heptane Droplet Combustion in Reduced Gravity: A Study of Fiber Effects,” N. Ghata and B. D. Shaw, Combustion Science and Technology 187, pp. 83-102 (2015).
“ISS Droplet Combustion Experiments – Uncertainties in Droplet Sizes and Burning Rates from the FLEX and FLEX-2 Experiments”, B. D. Shaw and F. Yu, Microgravity Science and Technology 26, pp. 89-99 (2014).
Publisher’s Erratum to: “ISS Droplet Combustion Experiments – Uncertainties in Droplet Sizes and Burning Rates from the FLEX and FLEX-2 Experiments”, B. D. Shaw and F. Yu, Microgravity Science and Technology 26, pp. 101-101 (2014).
“Analysis of Ion and DOC Interference on Soil Solution Nitrate Concentration Measurements using UV Absorption Spectroscopy,” B. D. Shaw, J. B. Wei, A. Tuli, J. Campbell, S. J. Parikh, S. Dabach, M. Buelow, and J. W. Hopmans, Vadose Zone Journal 13(12), pp. 1-9 (2014).
“Computational Modeling of the Effects of Support Fibers on Evaporation of Fiber-supported Droplets in Reduced Gravity,” N. Ghata and B. D. Shaw, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 77, pp. 22-36 (2014).
“Droplet Combustion Experiments Aboard the International Space Station,” D. L. Dietrich, V. Nayagam, M. C. Hicks, P. V. Ferkul, F. L. Dryer, T. Farouk, B. D. Shaw, H. K. Suh, M. Y. Choi, Y. C. Liu, C. T. Avedisian and F. A. Williams, Microgravity Science and Technology 26, pp. 65-76 (2014).
“Interpretation of Backlit Droplet Images from ISS Droplet Combustion Experiments,” F. Yu and B. D. Shaw, Gravitational and Space Research 2, pp. 82-93 (2014).
“Detailed Results from the Flame Extinguishment Experiment (FLEX) – March 2009 to December 2010,” D. L. Dietrich, P. V. Ferkul, V. M. Bryg, V. Nayagam, M. C. Hicks, F. A. Williams, F. L. Dryer, B. D. Shaw, M. Y. Choi and C. T. Avedisian, NASA/TP-2013-216046.