Takamura, Yayoi


Educational Background

  • B.S., 1998, Cornell University, Dept. Materials Science and Engineering
  • M.S., 2000, Stanford University, Dept. Materials Science and Engineering
  • Ph.D., 2004, Stanford University, Dept. Materials Science and Engineering
  • Postdoctoral Research, U.C. Berkeley – Dept. Materials Science and Engineering


Honors and Awards

  • NSF CAREER Award, Division of Materials Research (2008-2013)
  • 2011 DARPA Young Faculty Award
  • 2016 Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering organized by the National Academy of Engineering 
  • 2020 UC Davis College of Engineering Mid-Career Research Award 
  • 2022 Graduate Program Advising and Mentoring Award, Office of Graduate Studies, UC Davis
  • 2022 Pi Day Professor Award, UC Davis Tau Beta Pi
  • 2022 Citation of Excellence, UC Davis Staff Assembly and Academic Affairs, Faculty and Staff Partnership Award
  • IEEE Senior Member (2023)