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  • Phenotypic signatures arising from unbalanced bacterial growth.
    C. Tan, R. Smith, M-C. Tsai, R. Schwartz, and L. You.
  • Cellular force signal integration through vector logic gates.
    R. Steward, C. Tan, C-M Cheng, and P. LeDuc
  • The engineering of artificial cellular nanosystems using synthetic biology approaches.
    Fan Wu, C. Tan.
    WIREs Nanomedicine & Nanobiotechnology, 2014, pdf
  • Programmed Allee effect in bacteria causes a tradeoff between population spread and survival.
    R. Smith, C. Tan, K. Riccione, A. Pai, H. Song, and L. You.
    PNAS, 2014, pdfSelected for F1000Prime Access the recommendation on F1000Prime
  • Shaping gene expression in artificial cellular systems by cell-inspired molecular crowding.
    C. Tan, S. Saurabh, M. Bruchez, R. Schwartz, and P. LeDuc.
    Nature Nanotechnology, 2013, pdfHighlighted in News&View, Artificial cells: Crowded genes perform differently, Nature Nanotech, 2013.

    Highlighted in Learning how to make artificial cells, Nanowiki, 2013.

    Highlighted in Top Stories: Artificial cells show why crowding is key, Futurity, 2013.

  • The inoculum effect and band-pass bacterial response to periodic antibiotic treatment.
    C. Tan*, R. Smith*, J. Srimani, K. Riccione, S. Prasada, M. Kuehn, and L. You. (*Equal contribution).
    Molecular Systems Biology, 2012 pdfHighlighted in “Editor Choice”: Microbiology – Hit ‘Em Quick, Hit ‘Em Strong, Science, 338, 6104, 2012. pdf
  • Frontiers of optofluidics in synthetic biology
    C. Tan, S. Lo, P. LeDuc, and CM. Cheng.
    Lab on a Chip, 2012 pdf
  • Fusion of giant unilamellar vesicles with planar hydrophobic surfaces: A fluorescence microscopy study.
    G. H. Zan, C. Tan, M. Deserno, F. Lanni, and M. Losche.
    Soft Matter, 2012. pdf
  • Direct calculation of steady-state molecule number probability distributions in biochemical networks subject to intrinsic and extrinsic noise.
    M. Hallen, B. Li, Y. Tanouchi, C. Tan, L. You.
    PLoS Comp. Bio, 2011 pdf
  • Origin of bistability underlying mammalian cell cycle entry.
    G. Yao, C. Tan, M. West, J. R. Nevins, and L. You.
    Molecular Systems Biology, 2011.pdf
  • Programming microbial population dynamics by engineered cell-cell communication.
    H. Song, S. Payne, C. Tan, and L. You.
    Biotechnology Journal, 2011.pdf
  • Emergent bistability by a growth-modulating positive feedback circuit.
    C. Tan, P. Marguet, and L. You.
    Nature Chemical Biology, 2009. pdfHighlighted in “News and Views”: Slow growth leads to a switch, Nature Chemical Biology, 5, 784-785, 2009.
  • Image segmentation and dynamic lineage analysis in single-cell fluorescent microscopy.
    Q. Wang, J. Niemi, C. Tan , L. You and M. West.
    Cytometry A, 2009.pdf
  • Noise-limited frequency signal transmission in gene circuits.
    C. Tan, F. Reza, and L. You.
    Biophysical Journal, 2007. pdf
  • A synthetic biology challenge: making cells compute.
    C. Tan, H. Song, J. Niemi, and L. You.
    Molecular BioSystems, 2007.pdfHighlighted in Living computers (Perspective). H. Song, C. Tan, and L. You. Chemical Biology, 2007.
  • Biology by design: reduction and synthesis of cellular components and behaviour.
    P. Marguet, F. Balagadde, C. Tan, and L. You.
    J. Royal Society Interface, 2007.pdf
  • Hybrid simulations of stochastic reaction-diffusion processes for modeling intracellular signaling pathways.
    K.-H. Chiam*, C. Tan*, V. Bhargava, and G. Rajagopal (*Equal contribution).
    Physical Review E, 2006. pdf
  • Grid Cellware: The first Grid-enabled tool for modeling and simulating cellular processes.
    P. Dhar, C. Tan, S. Somani, Y. Li, K. Sakharkar, A. Krishnan, A. Ridwan, M. Chitre, and H. Zhu.
    Bioinformatics, 2005. pdf
  • Modeling and simulation of biological systems with stochasticity.
    C. Tan, S. Somani, and P. Dhar.
    In-Silico Biology, 2004.pdf

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