Current Quarter Updates

Individual meeting schedule

Plan to meet with me individually every second week. Below I will be listing dates for meetings. In every meeting please come prepared to answer questions and go over your progress. If you want me to prepare for something, please send me an email 24h before our meeting.

NOTE: Please send me meeting minutes of our meetings no later than 24 hours following the meetings.


End of Quarter scholarly product

You are expected to engage in specific areas of scholarly activity to develop skills in critical analysis; to assimilate new knowledge, concepts, and techniques; to formulate clear and testable questions from a body of literature and to advance research in your topic; to translate ideas into written products; and to develop as leaders in the field.

You are expected to engage in projects to develop hypotheses or substantive scholarly exploration and analysis that require critical thinking. I am here at all times to provide substantial feedback, work with you, and support your development. Every we do will be first and foremost shared with your UC Davis peers. You are encouraged to discuss your thoughts and progress with every member of the Geotechnical Graduate Student Society (GGSS) and to share your products (from a literature review to a code). This will only benefit our work!

We will set the scholarly product together each quarter. Examples will include:

  • A literature review outline / manuscript
  • A research manuscript with a hypothesis and results
  • A research proposal (see GRFP below)
  • A conference paper and presentation


NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)

Part of research is explaining through writing your ideas and methods of research.  We will decide together if the GRFP is something you should submit. You can find more details about format here.