
Writing an Abstract

Abstracts are important because they must convince the reader or reviewer that your work is meaningful and interesting… they need to briefly mention what the work is all about but also hint (or even straight up say!) at the conclusions so that the reader/reviewer can decide whether he/she would like to:

  1. read your paper
  2. come to your poster
  3. accept your abstract and request a full paper

Read this post by Fuji Lozada.

Study this “dissected” abstract.

Writing a Paper

Systematic Writing Guide by Jason T. DeJong and Ross W. Boulanger (most recent version 2013)

Watch this video by George Whitesides and read this paper by the same author.

The IMRaD Model for Writing

Norman Fenton’s Guide to Improving your Technical Writing Skills

The ASCE Writing Style Guide

broader resource by Professors Russell A. Green, J. Michael Duncan, and Matthew Mauldon (Civil Engineering – Virginia Tech)

Editing a Paper

Checklist for finalizing papers / plots / official deliverables

Where to submit your Paper?

Grammar / Syntax / Common Errors

Grammar Traps and Common Grammar Mistakes

Exercises on Grammar, Usage, Punctuation, Style and Usage

UC Davis Resources

University Writing Program. The UWP promotes excellence in written communication among UC Davis students and faculty and emphasizes the importance of writing in the larger community. It helps undergraduate and graduate students from all disciplines to master the writing skills they need to succeed as academics, professionals, and citizens.  For more information on programs and services go to the corresponding tab. Their Writing Across the Curriculum program offers one-on-one services as well as workshops for graduate students.

UC Davis Student Academic Success Center Resources

The same center has a YouTube channel with helpful writing videos and they will be updating it with their own content in the coming months.

The GradPathways program also provides information on workshops, writing consultations, and writing retreats.