Research Interests
Computer-aided design, verification, and testing for digital systems; Fault-tolerant computing; and VLSI architectures.
Research Activities
Professor Al-Asaad’s research focuses on the comprehensive lifetime validation of digital systems that uses fabrication fault testing and simulation techniques and accounts for design errors, fabrication faults, and operational faults. The specific contributions of his research activities include: (1) efficient techniques for gate-level and high-level simulation-based design verification, (2) new post silicon verification methods that improve the observability of internal signals within complex digital systems, (3) several on-line testing techniques for the detection of operational faults during normal operation, (4) various approximate and exact global fault collapsing techniques that drastically reduce the number of modeled faults, and (5) new implementation-independent functional test generation techniques that extract good sets of functional vectors.
In addition to the above, Professor Al-Asaad conducts research in Fault-Tolerant Computing where he has made significant contributions especially in the fields of time redundant task-scheduling and reconfigurable fault-tolerant processor arrays.