
  1. Guo, J. Deride, Y. Fan, Infrastructure Planning for Fast Charging Stations in a Competitive Market, Transportation Research Part C, 68, pp. 215-227, 2016.
  2. Yang and Y. Fan, Data Dependent Input Control for Origin-Destination Demand Estimation using Observability Analysis, Transportation Research Part B, 75, pp. 385–403, 2015.
  3. Sohnen, Y. Fan, J. Ogden, and C. Yang, A network-based dispatch model for evaluating the spatial and temporal effects of plug-in electric vehicle charging on GHG emissions, Transportation Research Part D, 38, pp. 80-93, 2015.
  4. X. Huang, Y. Fan, and C.W. Chen, An Integrated Biofuel Supply Chain to Cope with Feedstock Seasonality and Uncertainty, Transportation Science, 48, pp. 540- 554, 2014.
  5. Chen and Y. Fan, Coping with technology uncertainty in transportation fuel portfolio design, Transportation Research Part D, 32, pp. 354-361, 2014.
  6. Sun X., Y. Fan, and H.P. Lu, Optimal Bus Lane Infrastructure Design, Transportation Research Record (Network Modeling), 14-3119, pp. 1-11, 2014.
  7. Chen and Y. Fan, Transportation fuel portfolio design under evolving technology and regulation: A California case study, Transportation Research Part D, 24, pp. 76-82, 2013.
  8. X. Huang and Y. Fan, Modeling Uncertainties in Emergency Service Resource Allocation, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 17 (1), pp. 35 – 41, 2011.
  9. W. Chen and Y. Fan, Bioethanol Supply Chain System Planning under Supply and Demand Uncertainties. Transportation Research Part E, 48 (1), pp. 150 – 164, 2011.
  10. Parker, Y. Fan, J. Ogden, From wastes to hydrogen – an optimal design of energy production and distribution network, Transportation Research, Part E. 46(4), pp: 534-545, 2010.
  11. Fan, C.Z. Liu, R. Lee, A.S. Kiremidjian, Highway Network Retrofit under Seismic Hazard, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 16 (3), pp. 181-188, 2010
  12. X. Huang, C.W. Chen, and Y. Fan, Multistage optimization of supply chains of biofuels, Transportation Research Part E, 46 (6), pp. 820-830, 2010.
  13. Z. Liu, Y. Fan, and F. Ordonez, A two-stage stochastic programming model for transportation network protection, Computers and Operations Research, 36(5), pp. 1582-1590, 2009.
  14. X Huang, Y. Fan, N. Johnson, Multistage System Planning for Hydrogen Production and Distribution, Networks and Spatial Economics, 10(4), pp: 455-472, 2009.
  15. Fan and C.Z. Liu, Solving Stochastic Transportation Network Protection Problem using the Progressive Hedging-Based Method, Networks and Spatial Economics, 10(2), pp. 192-208, 2008.
  16. Lin, J. Ogden, Y. Fan, C.W. Chen, The Fuel-Travel-Back Approach to Hydrogen Station Siting, Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33, pp. 3096-3101, 2008.
  17. Lin, C.W. Chen, J. Ogden, Y. Fan, The Least-cost Hydrogen for Southern California, Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 33, pp. 3009-3014, 2008.
  18. Parker, J. Ogden, Y. Fan, The role of biomass in California’s hydrogen economy, Journal of Energy Policy, 36(10), pp. 3925-3939, 2008.
  19. Kiremidjian, J. Moore, Y. Fan, O. Yazlali, N. Basoz, M. Williams, Seismic Risk Assessment of Transportation Network Systems, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 11(3), pp. 371-382, 2007.
  20. X. Huang, Y. Fan, and R.L. Cheu, Optimal Allocation of Multiple Emergency Service Resources for Critical Transportation Infrastructure Protection, Transportation Research Record (Network Modeling), No. 2022, pp. 1-8, 2007.
  21. P. Naga and Y. Fan, Quick Estimation of Network Performance Measures Using Associative Memory Techniques, Transportation Research Record (Network Modeling), pp. 75-82, 2007.
  22. Nie, and Y. Fan, The Arriving-On-Time Problem: A Discrete Algorithm that Ensures Convergence, Transportation Research Record (Network Modeling), No. 1964, pp. 193-200, 2006.
  23. Fan and Y. Nie, Optimal Routing for Maximizing the Travel Time Reliability, Journal of Networks and Spatial Economics, 6, pp. 333-344, 2006.
  24. Fan and R. Kalaba, A General Linear Quadratic Problem, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 127, pp. 485-496, 2005.
  25. Fan, H. Bhargava, H. Natsuyama, Dynamic Pricing via Dynamic Programming, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 127, pp. 565-577, 2005.
  26. Fan, R. Kalaba, and J. Moore, Optimal Routing through Networks with Correlated Link Travel Times, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 49, pp. 1549-1564, 2005.
  27. Fan, R. Kalaba, and J. Moore, Arriving on Time, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 127, pp. 497-513, 2005.
  28. Udwadia, R. Kalaba, and Y. Fan, Is Analytical Dynamics a Theoretical or An Experimental Science? Journal of Nonlinear Analysis, 63, pp. 692-698, 2005.
  29. Fan, R. Kalaba, H. Natsuyama, and F. Udwadia, Reflections on the Gauss’s Principle of Least Constraint, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 127, pp. 475-484, 2005.
  30. Fan and R. Kalaba, Dynamic Programming and Pseudo-inverses, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 139, pp. 323-342, 2003.

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