Farouki, Rida




  • BA, Engineering Science, Oxford University, 1978
  • MS, Astronomy and Space Sciences, Cornell University, 1981
  • MA (Honorary), Engineering Science, Oxford University, 1982
  • PhD, Astronomy and Space Sciences, Cornell University, 1983



  • 1983-1986 : Research Scientist, GE Corporate Research and Development, Schenectady NY
  • 1986-1994 : Research Staff Member, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights NY
  • 1994-1998 : Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, University of Michigan
  • 1998-2016 : Professor, Dept. of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, University of California, Davis
  • 2001-2005 : Chair, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, Davis
  • 2016-present : Distinguished Professor, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, Davis



  • Visiting Professor, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione e Scienze Matematiche, Universita di Siena, Italy, May 2024
  • Visiting Professor, Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy, September 2022
  • Invited Speaker, Curves and Surfaces 2022 Conference, Arcachon, France, June 20-24, 2022
  • Pierre Bezier Award, Solid Modeling Association, 2021
  • Co-Chair, SIAM Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling, University of California Davis, September 27-29, 2021
  • Invited Speaker, Conference on Geometry: Theory and Applications, Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia, September 20-24, 2021
  • Co-Chair, Geometric Modeling and Processing Workshop (GMP 2021), Plzen, Czech Republic, May 10-13, 2021
  • Chair, SIAM Activity Group on Geometric Design, 2019-2020
  • Invited Speaker, INdAM Workshop on Design of Reliable, Exact, and Application-Oriented Techniques for Geometric Modeling and Numerical Simulation, Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica “Franceso Severi,” Rome, Italy, January 22-26, 2018
  • Distinguished Professor, University of California Davis, 2016
  • Invited instructor, Spring 2016 INdAM School on Hypercomplex Function Theory and Applications, Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Universita di Firenze, Italy, June 2016
  • Invited Speaker, SMART 2014 Conference, Pontignano, Italy, 2014
  • Editor-in-Chief, Computer Aided Geometric Design (Elsevier), 2014-present
  • Invited Speaker, 19th IMACS World Congress, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain, 2013
  • Invited Speaker, Workshop on Mathematics and Algorithms for Computer-Aided Manufacturing, Engineering and Numerical Control, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 2011
  • Invited Speaker, New Frontiers in Computer Aided Geometric Design, Bertinoro, Italy, 2010
  • College of Engineering Dean’s Award for Outstanding Teaching, UC Davis, 2009
  • ASUCD Excellence in Education Award for College of Engineering, UC Davis, 2009
  • Invited Speaker, Algebraic Geometry and Geometric Modeling Conference, Lijiang, China, 2009
  • Visiting Professor, Universite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France, 2009
  • Invited Speaker, Geometric Modeling and Processing Conference, Hangzhou, China, 2008
  • Invited Speaker, Asian Symposium on Computer Mathematics, Singapore, 2007
  • Invited Speaker, Workshop on Computational Methods for Algebraic Spline Surfaces, Strobl, Austria, 2007
  • Invited Speaker, Zero 2007 Workshop, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul, Korea, 2007
  • Invited Speaker, Algebraic Geometry and Geometric Modeling Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2006
  • John Gregory Memorial Award for Outstanding Contributions in Geometric Modeling, 2005
  • Invited Public Lecture, Australian Mathematical Society 49th Annual Meeting, Perth, Australia, 2005
  • Invited Speaker, 11th IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces, Loughborough, England, 2005
  • Invited Speaker, 5th International Conference on Curves and Surfaces, Saint Malo, France, 2002
  • Invited Speaker, Mathematics and Visualization 2002 Workshop, Berlin, Germany, 2002
  • Invited Speaker, Surface Approximation and Visualization II Conference, Westport, New Zealand, 2002
  • Associate Editor, Advances in Computational Mathematics (Springer), 2001-2014
  • Invited Speaker, EuroConference on CAE Integration – Tools, Trends, and Technologies, Cambridge, England, 2001
  • Co-Chair, SIAM Conference on Geometric Design and Computing, Sacramento CA, 2001
  • Invited Speaker, Geometric Modeling and Processing Conference, University of Hong Kong, China, 2000
  • Chair, MSRI Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of CAD, Berkeley CA, 1999
  • Chair, SIAM Workshop on Integration of CAD and CFD, Davis CA, 1999
  • Co-Chair, SIAM Conference on Geometric Design, Albuquerque NM, 1999
  • Invited Speaker, 4th International Conference on Curves and Surfaces, Saint Malo, France, 1999
  • Chair, SIAM Activity Group on Geometric Design, 1999-2001
  • Pi Tau Sigma Professor of the Term Award, University of Michigan, 1998
  • Invited Speaker, 8th IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces, Birmingham, England, 1998
  • Excellence in Teaching Award, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, 1997
  • Invited Speaker, Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces Conference, Lillehammer, Norway, 1997
  • Invited Speaker, 6th IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces, Brunel University, England, 1994
  • Invited Speaker, International Conference on Computer-Aided Geometric Design, Penang, Malaysia, 1994
  • Invited Speaker, SIAM 40th Anniversary Meeting, Los Angeles CA, 1992
  • Invited Speaker, 2nd SIAM Conference on Geometric Design, Tempe AZ, 1991
  • Invited Speaker, Conference on Curves, Surfaces, CAGD, and Image Processing, Biri, Norway, 1991
  • Invited Speaker, Geometric Modeling Workshop, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 1991
  • Associate Editor, Computer Aided Geometric Design (Elsevier), 1990-2014
  • Invited Speaker, SIAM Conference on Geometric Design, Tempe AZ, 1989
  • Oustanding Technical Achievement Award, IBM Research Division, 1988
  • Invited Speaker, 3rd IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces, Oxford, England, 1988
  • Graduate Student Prize, Astronomical Society of New York, 1982
  • Andrew D. White Fellowship, Cornell University, 1978-1981
  • Maurice Lubbock Memorial Prize in Engineering Science, Oxford University, 1978
  • Open Scholarship, New College, Oxford, 1975-1978