
[Professor Hamann’s complete publication list available here:]


Selected Publications Authored or Co-authored by Bernd Hamann


Nielson, G.M. and Hamann, B. (1991), The asymptotic decider: Resolving the ambiguity in marching cubes(pdf), in: Nielson, G.M. and Rosenblum, L.J., eds., IEEE Visualization ’91, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, California, pp. 83-91.

Hamann, B. (1994), A data reduction scheme for triangulated surfaces (pdf), Computer Aided Geometric Design 11(2), Elsevier, pp. 197-214.

LaMar, E.C., Hamann, B. and Joy, K.I. (2000), Multiresolution techniques for interactive texture-based volume visualization (pdf), in: Erbacher, R.F., Chen, P.C., Roberts, J.C. and Wittenbrink, C.M., eds, Visual Data Exploration and Analysis VII, Proc. SPIE Vol. 3960, SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, Washington, pp. 365-374.

Hamann, B. (1993), Curvature approximation for triangulated surfaces (pdf), in: Farin, G., Hagen, H. and Noltemeier, H., eds., Geometric Modelling, Computing Suppl. 8, Springer-Verlag, pp. 139-153.

Bremer, P.-T., Edelsbrunner, H., Hamann, B. and Pascucci, V. (2004), A topological hierarchy for functions on triangulated surfaces (pdf), preliminary version, in: Turk, G., van Wijk, J.J. and Moorhead, R.J., eds., IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 10(4), special issue, pp. 385-396.

Fowlkes, C.C., Luengo Hendriks, C.L., Keraenen, S.V.E., Weber, G.H., Ruebel, O., Huang, M.-Y., Chatoor, S., DePace, A.H., Simirenko, L., Henriquez, C.N., Beaton, A., Weiszmann, R., Celniker, S.E., Hamann, B., Knowles, D.W., Biggin, M.D., Eisen, M.B. and Malik, J. (2008), A quantitative spatiotemporal atlas of gene expression in the Drosophila blastoderm (pdf), Cell 133(2), ELSEVIER, pp. 364-374.

Nielson, G.M., Foley, T.A., Hamann, B. and Lane, D.A. (1991), Visualizing and modeling scattered multivariate data (pdf), IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 11(3), pp. 47-55.

Gieng, T.S., Hamann, B., Joy, K.I., Schussman, G.L. and Trotts, I.J. (1998), Constructing hierarchies for triangle meshes (pdf), IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 4(2), pp. 145-161.

Heckel, B., Weber, G.H., Hamann, B. and Joy, K.I. (1999), Construction of vector field hierarchies (pdf), in: Ebert, D.S., Gross, M. and Hamann, B., eds., IEEE Visualization ’99, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, California, pp. 19-25.

Weber, G.H., Dillard, S.E., Carr, H., Pascucci, V. and Hamann, B. (2007), Topology-controlled volume rendering (pdf), IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 13(2), pp. 330-341.

Luengo-Hendriks, C.L., Keraenen, S.V.E., Fowlkes, C.C., Simirenko, L., Weber, G.H., DePace, A.H., Henriquez, C.N., Kaszuba, D.W., Hamann, B., Eisen, M.B., Malik, J., Sudar, J.D., Biggin, M.D. and Knowles, D.W. (2006), 3D morphology and gene expression in the Drosophila blastoderm at cellular resolution I: data acquisition pipeline (pdf), BMC Genome Biology 7:R123, BioMed Central Ltd.

Wiley, D.F., Amenta, N., Alcantara, D.A., Ghosh, D., Kil, Y.J., Delson, E., Harcourt-Smith, W., Rohlf, F.J., St. John, K. and Hamann, B. (2005), Evolutionary morphing (pdf), in: Silva, C.T., Groeller, E. and Rushmeier, H.E., eds., IEEE Visualization 2005, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, California, pp. 431-438.


[Complete publication list available on Professor Hamann’s personal home page]


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