
Professor M. Levent Kavvas, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor
Director, Hydrologic Research Laboratory
Director, UCD J.Amorocho Hydraulics Laboratory
Registered Professional Hydrologist
ASCE Distinguished Member and Fellow

Civil & Environmental Engineering
Room 3165 Ghausi Hall UC Davis
Tel: (530) 220-2402
Email:     mlkavvas@ucdavis.edu
Lab Office: Room 102 UCD J. Amorocho Hydraulics Laboratory

Website: https://faculty.engineering.ucdavis.edu/kavvas/


Dr. Kavvas’ areas of specialization include assessment of climate change impact by mathematical modeling of the coupled hydrologic-atmospheric processes at watershed, regional and continental scales. The in-house-developed regional and watershed-scale coupled hydrologic-atmospheric numerical models are also used for the simulation and forecasting of hydrologic water balances and hydrologic extremes toward quantifying and estimating phenomena such as  floods and droughts, and forecasting water supply at watershed and regional scales. The mathematical modeling of hydrologic processes at regional, watershed and hillslope scales are also used toward planning and management of water resources at these scales. Physics-based stochastic models are developed for investigating river flow, snow accumulation/melting, unsaturated soil water flow, unconfined and confined groundwater flow, and contaminant transport. Physical modeling of fish ecological hydraulics are performed at J. Amorocho Hydraulics Laboratory.

Details of past and current research activities can be seen in the Research Interests webpage.

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