
(172) 2024. L. Yang, M.J. Kleeman, L. Cushing, J. Lipsitt, J. Su, R. Burnett, C. Batteate, C.L. Nau, D.R. Young, S.Y. Tartof, R.K. Butler, A. Padilla, M. Jerrett.  Risks of Source and Species-Specific Air Pollution for COVID-19 Incidence and Mortality in Los Angeles.  Environmental Research: Health, accepted for publication.

(171) 2024 J. Jiang, Y. Li, and M.J. Kleeman.  Air Quality and Public Health Effects of Dairy Digesters in California.  Atmospheric Environment, accepted for publication.

(170) 2024 S. Wu, C.P. Alaimo, Y. Zhao, P.G. Green, T. Young, S. Liu, T. Kuwayama, M. Coggon, C. Stockwell, L. Xu, C. Warneke, J. Gilman, M. Robinson, P. Veres, J.A. Neuman, M.J. Kleeman. O3 sensitivity to NOx and VOC during RECAP-CA: implication for emissions control strategies.  Environmental Science and Technology Air, accepted for publication.

(169) 2024 A. Goodrich, M. J. Kleeman, D.J. Tancredi, Y.J. Ludena, D.H. Bennett, I. Hertz-Picciotto, R.J. Schmidt.  Pre-pregnancy ozone and ultrafine particulate matter exposure during second year of life associated with decreased cognitive and adaptive functioning at aged 2-5 years.  Environmental Research, accepted for publication.

(168) 2024 Y. Li, Y. Zhao, and M.J. Kleeman.  Formaldehyde exposure racial disparities in southeast Texas.  Environmental Science and Technology, 58 (10), pp4680-4690.

(167) 2023 Y. Zhao, Y. Li, Y. Li, A. Kumar, Q. Ying, and M.J. Kleeman. Reducing Southern California Ozone Concentrations in the Year 2050 under a Low Carbon Energy Scenario.  Atmospheric Environment, accepted for publication.

(166) 2023 A. Goodrich, M.J. Kleeman, D.J. Tancredi, Y.J. Ludena, D. Bennett, I. Hertz-Picciotto, R.J. Schmidt.  Ultrafine particulate matter exposure during second year of life, but not before, associated with increased risk of autism spectrum disorder in BKMR mixtures model of multiple air pollutants.  Environmental Research, accepted for publication.

(165) 2023 X. Yu, M. Rahman, S.A. Carter, J.C. Lin, Z. Zhuang, T. Chow, F.W. Lurmann, M.J. Kleeman, M.P. Martinez, A. Van Donkelaar, R.V. Martin, S.P. Eckel, Z. Chen, P. Levitt, J. Schwartz, D. Hackman, J. Chen, R. McConnell, A.H. Xiang.  Prenatal Air Pollution, Maternal Immune Activation, and Autism Spectrum Disorder.  Environment International, accepted for publication.

(164) 2023 M.J. Jerrett, C.L. Nau, D.R. Young, R.K. Butler, C.M. Batteate, A. Padilla, S.Y. Tartof, J. Su, R.T. Burnett, M.J. Kleeman.  Air Pollution and the Sequelae of COVID-19 Patients: A Multistate Analysis.  Environmental Research, Manuscript Number: ER-23-4659, accepted for publication.

(163) 2023 S.A. Carter, M. Rahman, J.C. Lin, T. Chow, X. Yu, M.P. Martinez, P. Levitt, Z. Chen, J-C Chen, S.P. Eckel, J. Schwartz, F.W. Lurmann, M.J. Kleeman, R. McConnell, A.H. Xiang.  Maternal exposure to aircraft emitted ultrafine particles during pregnancy and likelihood of ASD in children.  Environment International, accepted for publication.

(162) 2023 M. Rahman, S.A. Carter, J.C. Lin, T. Chow, X. Yu, M.P. Martinez, P. Levitt, Z. Chen, J-C Chen, S.P. Eckel, J. Schwaartz, F.W. Lurmann, M.J. Kleeman, R. McConnell, A.H. Zhang.  Prenatal exposure to tailpipe and non-tailpipe particulate matter pollution and Autism Spectrum Disorders.  Environment International, accepted for publication.

(161) 2023 Y. Li, G. Wang, C. Murphy, M.J. Kleeman.  Modeling Expected Air Quality Impacts of Oregon’s Proposed Expanded Clean Fuels Program.  Atmospheric Environment, accepted for publication.

(160) 2022 M. Rahman, S. Carter, J. Lin, T. Chow, X. Yu, M. Martinez, Z. Chen, J-C Chen, D. Rud, J. Lewinger, A. vanDonkelaar, R. Martin, S. Eckel, J. Schwartz, F. Lurmann, M. Kleeman, R. McConnell, A. Xiang.  The Associations of Autism Spectrum Disorder with PM2.5 Components: A Comparative Study Using Two Different Exposure Models.  Environmental Science and Technology, accepted for publication.

(159) 2022 M. Jerrett, C.L. Nau, D.R. Young, R.K. Butler, C.M. Batteate, J. Su, R.T. Burnett, and M.J. Kleeman.  Air Pollution and Meteorology as Risk Factors for COVID-19 Death in a Cohort from Southern California.  Environment International, accepted for publication.

(158) 2022 Y. Li, A. Kumar, S.D. Hamilton, J.D. Lea, J. Harvey, and M.J. Kleeman.  Spatial Resolution Required to Model Air Pollution Environmental Justice in Southern California.  Heliyon, 8(10) e10732,
ISSN 2405-8440,

(157) 2022 Y. Zhao, Y. Li, A. Kumar, Q. Ying, F. Vandenberghe, M.J. Kleeman.  Separately resolving NOx and VOC contributions to ozone formation.  Atmospheric Environment, 285, 119224, ISSN 1352-2310,

(156) 2022 W. Xue and M.J. Kleeman.  Comparison of size-resolved PM elements measured using aluminum foil and Teflon impaction substrates: implications for ultrafine particle source apportionment and future sampling networks in California.  Science of the Total Environment, 838, 156523, ISSN 0048-9697,

(155) 2022 Y. Li., A. Kumar, Y. Li, and M.J. Kleeman.  Adoption of Low-Carbon Fuels Reduced Race/Ethnicity Disparities in Air Pollution Exposure in California.  Science of the Total Environment, 15;834:155230. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155230. Epub 2022 Apr 12. PMID: 35427611.

(154) 2022 S. Wu, H.J. Lee, A. Rohrbacher, S. Liu, T. Kuwayama, J.H. Seinfeld, and M.J. Kleeman.  Direct Measurements of Ozone Response to Emissions Perturbations in California.  Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22, pp4929-4949,

(153) 2022 Y. Li, C. Yang, Y. Li, A. Kumar, and M.J. Kleeman. Future Emissions of Particles and Gases that Cause Regional Air Pollution in California under Different Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Strategies.  Atmospheric Environment, 273, 118960, ISSN 1352-2310,

(152) 2021 C.P. Alaimo, Y. Li, P.G. Green, M.J. Kleeman, T.M. Young.  Diversity of Carbonyl Compounds in Biogas and Natural Gas Revealed using High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry and Nontarget Analysis.  Environmental Science and Technology, 55 (19), pp12809-12817.

(151) 2021 Q. Ying, J. Zhang, H. Zhang, J. Hu, M.J. Kleeman.  Atmospheric Age Distribution of Primary and Secondary Inorganic Aerosols in a Polluted Atmosphere.  Environmental Science and Technology, 55(9), pp5669-5676.

(150) 2021 Y. Li, J. Xue, J. Peppers, N. Kado, C. Vogel, C. Alaimo, P. Green, R. Zhang, B. Jenkins, M. Kim, T. Young, and M.J. Kleeman. Chemical and toxicological properties of emissions from a light-duty CNG vehicle fueled with renewable natural gas.  Environmental Science and Technology, 55 (5), pp2820-2830.

(149) 2020 A. Kumar, C. Zapata, S. Yeh, C. Yang, J. Ogden, H. Lee, S. Chen, and M.J. Kleeman.  Effects of low-carbon energy adoption on airborne particulate matter concentrations with feedbacks to future climate over California.  Journal of Geophysical Research 125(16) Article No. e2020JD032636.

(148) 2020 A. Akherati, Y. He, M. Coggon, A. Koss, A. Hodshire, K. Sekimoto, C. Warneke, J. deGouw, L. Yee, J. Seinfeld, T. Onasch, S. Herndon, W. Knighton, C. Cappa, M. Kleeman, C. Lim, J. Kroll, J. Pierce, S. Jathar.  Oxygenated Aromatic Compounds are Important Precursors of Secondary Organic Aerosol in Biomass Burning Emissions.  Environmental Science and Technology, 54(14), pp8568-8579.

(147) 2020 Y. Li, C. Rodier, J.D. Lea, J. Harvey, and M.J. Kleeman.  Improving Spatial Surrogates for Area Source Emissions Inventories in California.  Atmospheric Environment, 247:117665, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117665.

(146) 2020 K.F. Chin, C. Wan, Y. Li, C.P. Alaimo, P.G. Green, T.M. Young, and M.J. Kleeman.  Statistical Analysis of Trace Contaminants Measured in Biogas.  Science of the Total Environment, 729 Article No. 138702.

(145) 2019 W. Xue, J. Xue, A. Mousavi, C. Sioutas, and M.J. Kleeman.  Positive Matrix Factorization of Ultrafine Particle Mass at three sites in California.  Science of the Total Environment, 715, Article No. 136902.

(144) 2019 H. Lee, S. Chen, A. Kumar, H. Zhang, and M.J. Kleeman.  Improvement of Aerosol Activation/Ice Nucleation in a Source-Oriented WRF-Chem Model to Study a Winter Storm in California.  Atmospheric Research, 235, Article No. UNSP 104790.

(143) 2019 W. Xue, J. Xue, F. Shairmolhammadi, C. Sioutas, A. Lolinco, A. Hasson, and M.J. Kleeman.  Day-of-week patterns for ultrafine particulate matter components at four sites in California.  Atmospheric Environment, 222, Article No. 117088.

(142) 2019 X. Yu, M. Venecek, A. Kumar, J. Hu, S. Tanrikulu, S. Soon, C. Tran, D. Fairley, and M.J. Kleeman.  Regional Sources of Airborne Ultrafine Particle Number and Mass Concentrations in California.  Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, pp 14677-14702.  Air quality data.

(141) 2019 Y. Li, C. Alaimo, M. Kim, N. Kado, J. Peppers, J. Xue, C. Wan, P. Green, R. Zhang, B. Jenkins, C. Vogel, S. Wuertz, T. Young, M.J. Kleeman.  Composition and Toxicity of Biogas Produced from Different Feedstocks in California.  Environmental Science and Technology, 19, pp 11569-11579.

(140) 2019 J. Hu, B. Ostro, H. Zhang, Q. Ying, M.J. Kleeman. Using Chemical Transport Model Predictions To Improve Exposure Assessment of PM2.5 Constituents.  Environmental Science and Technology Letters, 6, pp 456-461.

(139) 2019 J. Peppers, Y. Li, J. Xue, X. Chen, C. Alaimo, L. Wong, T. Young, P.G. Green, B. Jenkins, R. Zhang, M.J. Kleeman.  Performance analysis of membrane separation for upgrading biogas to biomethane at small scale production sites.  Biomass and Bioenergy, 128, Article No. UNSP 105314.

(138) 2019 M.A. Venecek, X. Yu, M.J. Kleeman.  Predicted ultrafine particulate matter source contributions across the continental United States during summer time air pollution events.  Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, pp 9399-9412.

(137) 2019 O. Laurent, T. Benmarhnia, C. Milesi, J. Hu, M.J. Kleeman, M. Cockburn, J. Wu.  Relationships between greenness and low birth weight: investigating the interaction and mediation effects of air pollution.  Environmental Research, 175, pp 124-132.

(136) 2019 A. Akherati, C.D. Cappa, M.J. Kleeman, K.S. Docherty, J.L. Jimenez, S.M. Griffith, S. Dusanter, P.S. Stevens, and S.H. Jathar.  Simulating secondary organic aerosol in a regional air quality model using the statistical oxidation model – Part 3: Assessing the influence of semi-volatile and intermediate volatility organic compounds and NOX.  Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, pp 4561 – 4594.

(135) 2019 H. Zhang, H. Guo, J. Hu, Q. Ying, and M.J. Kleeman.  Modeling atmospheric age distribution of elemental carbon using a regional age-resolved particle representation framework.  Environmental Science and Technology, 53, 270-278.

(134) 2018 Chen, C.L., Chen, S.J., Russell, L.M., Liu, J., Price, D.J., Betha, R., Sanchez, K.J., Lee, A.K.Y., Williams, L.; Collier, S.C., Zhang, Q., Kumar, A., Kleeman, M.J., Zhang, X.L., Cappa, C.D. Organic Aerosol Particle Chemical Properties Associated With Residential Burning and Fog in Wintertime San Joaquin Valley (Fresno) and With Vehicle and Firework Emissions in Summertime South Coast Air Basin (Fontana).  Journal of Geophysical Research, 123, 10,707-10,731.

(133) 2018 S. Chen, L. Russell, C.D. Cappa, X. Zhang, M.J. Kleeman, A. Kumar, D. Liu, V. Ramanathan.  Comparing black and brown carbon absorption from AERONET and surface measurements at wintertime Fresno.  Atmospheric Environment, 199, 164-176.

(132) 2018 J. Xue, W. Xue, M. Sowlat, C. Sioutas, A. Lolinco, A. Hasson, and M.J. Kleeman.  Seasonal and annual source appointment of carbonaceous ultrafine particulate matter (PM0.1) in polluted California cities.  Environmental Science and Technology, 53, 39-49.

(131) 2018 J. Xue, J. Peppers, C. Wan, N.Y. Kado, P.G. Green, T. Young, M.J. Kleeman.  Ultrafine particle emissions from natural gas, biogas, and biomethane combustion.  Environmental Science and Technology, 52, 13619-13,628.

(130) 2018 M.A. Venecek, C. Cai, A. Kaduwela, J. Avise, W.P.L. Carter, and M.J. Kleeman.  Analysis of SAPRC16 Chemical Mechanism for Ambient Simulations.  Atmospheric Environment, 192, 136-150.

(129) 2018 M.A. Venecek, W.P.L. Carter and M.J. Kleeman.  Updating the SAPRC Maximum Incremental Reactivity (MIR) scale for the United States from 1988 to 2010.  Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association,  68, 1301-1316.

(128) 2018 Q. Ying, M. Feng, D.L. Song, L. Wu, J.L. Hu, H.L. Zhang, M.J. Kleeman, X.H. Li.  Improve regional distribution and source apportionment of PM2.5 trace elements in China using inventory-observation constrained emission factors.  Science of the Total Environment, 624, 355-365.

(127) 2018 C.B. Zapata, C. Yang, S. Yeh, J. Ogden, M.J. Kleeman. Estimating criteria pollutants using the California Regional Multisector Air Quality Emissions (CA-REMARQUE) model.  Geoscientific Model Development, 11, 1293-1320.

(126) 2018 C.B. Zapata, C. Yang, S. Yeh, J. Ogden, M.J. Kleeman.  Low Carbon Energy Generates Health Savings in California.  Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 4817-4830.

(125) 2017 S.H. Jathar, C. Heppding, M.F. Link, D.K. Farmer, A. Akherati, M.J. Kleeman, J.A. de Gouw, P.R. Veres, and J.M. Roberts. Investigating Diesel Engines as an Atmospheric Source of Isocyanic Acid in Urban Areas.  Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 8959-8970.

(124) 2017 J. Hu, S. Jathar, H. Zhang, Q. Ying, S. Chen, C.D. Cappa, and M.J. Kleeman.  Long-term particulate matter modeling for health effect studies in California – Part 2: Concentrations and sources of ultrafine organic aerosols.  Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 5379-5391, doi:10.5194/acp-17-5379-2017.

(123) 2016 M. Venecek, Y. Zhao, J. Mojica, C.E. McDade, P.G. Green, M.J. Kleeman, A.S. Wexler. Characterization of the 8-state rotating DRUM impactor under low concentration conditions.  Journal of Aerosol Science, 100, 140-154, 2016.

(122) 2016 H. Lee, S. Chen, M.J. Kleeman, H. Zhang, S.P. DeNero, D.K. Joe. Implementation of warm-cloud processes in a source-oriented WRF/Chem model to study the effect of aerosol mixing state on fog formation in the Central Valley of California.  Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16, 8353-8374, doi:10.5194/acp-16-8353-2016.

(121) 2016 O. Laurent, J. Hu, L. Li, M.J. Kleeman, S.M. Bartell, M. Cockburn, L. Escobedo, J. Wu.  Low birth weight and air pollution in California: which sources and components drive the risk?  Environment International, 92, pp 471-477. DOI:10.1016/j.envint.2016.04.034

(120) 2016 M. Wang, P. Sampson, J. Hu, M. Kleeman, J. Keller, C. Olives, A. Szpiro, S. Vedal, J. Kaufman.  Combining Land-Use Regression and Chemical Transport Modeling in a Spatio-temporal Geo-statistical Model for Ozone and PM2.5.  Environmental Science and Technology, 50, pp 5111-5118.  DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b06001

(119) 2016 J. West, A. Cohen, F. Dentener, B. Brunekreef, T. Zhu, B. Armstrong, M. Bell, M. Brauer, G.R. Carmichael, D. Costa, D. Dockery, M.J. Kleeman, M. Krzyzanowski, N. Kunzli, C. Liousse, S. Lung, R.V. Martin, U. Pöschl, C.A. Pope, J.M. Roberts, A.G. Russell, and C. Wiedinmyer.  What we breathe impacts our health: improving understanding of the link between air pollution and health.  Environmental Science and Technology 50, pp4895-4904.  DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03827.

(118) 2016 C.D. Cappa, S. Jathar, M.J. Kleeman, K.S. Docherty, J.L. Jiminez, J.H. Seinfeld, A.S. Wexler.  Simulating Secondary Organic Aerosol in a Regional Air Quality Model Using the Statistical Oxidation Model: 2. Assessing the Influence of Vapor Wall Losses.  Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, pp 3041-3059.  DOI: 10.5194/acp-16-3041-2016

(117) 2016 O. Laurent, J. Hu, L. Li, M. Kleeman, S. Bartell, M. Cockburn, L. Escobedo, J. Wu.  A Statewide Nested Case-Control Study of Preterm Birth and Air Pollution by Source and Composition: California, 2001–2008.  Environmental Health Perspectives, 124, 1479-1486.

(116) 2016 S.H. Jathar, C.D. Cappa, A.S. Wexler, J.H. Seinfeld, M.J. Kleeman.  Simulating secondary organic aerosol in a regional air quality model using the Statistical Oxidation Model: 1. Assessing the influence of constrained multi-generational ageing.  Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, pp 2309-2322.  DOI: 10.5194/acp-16-2309-2016

(115) 2016 S. H. Jathar, A. Mahmud, K.C. Barsanti, W.E. Asher, J.F. Pankow, M.J. Kleeman.  Water update by organic aerosol and its influence on gas/particle partitioning of secondary organic aerosol in the United States.  Atmospheric Environment, 129, pp 142-15.  DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.01.001

(114) 2015 J. Pankow, M.C. Marks, K.C. Barsanti, A. Mahmud, W.E. Asher, J. Li, Q. Ying, S.H. Jathar, M.J. Kleeman.  Molecular View Modeling of Atmospheric Organic Particulate Matter Incorporating Molecular Structure and Co-condensation of Water.  Atmospheric Environment, 122, pp 400-408.  DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.10.001

(113) 2015 H. Zhang, K.T. Magara- Gomez, M.R. Olson, T. Okuda, K.A. Walz, J.J. Schauer, M.J. Kleeman.  Atmospheric impacts of black carbon emissions reductions through the strategic use of biodiesel in California.  Science of the Total Environment, 538, pp 412-422.  DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.08.030.

(112) 2015 S.H. Jathar, C.D. Cappa, A.S. Wexler, J.H. Seinfeld and M.J. Kleeman.  Multi-generational Oxidation Model to Simulate Secondary Organic Aerosol in a 3D Air Quality Model.  Geophysical Model Development, 8, pp2553-2567. DOI: 10.5194/gmd-8-2553-2015.

(111) 2015 J. Hu, H. Zhang, Q. Ying, S. Chen, F. Vandenberghe, and M.J. Kleeman.  Long-term Particulate Matter Modeling for Health Effects Studies in California – Part I: Model Performance on Temporal and Spatial Variations.  Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15(6), pp3445-3461.

(110) 2015 B. Ostro, J. Hu, D. Goldberg, P. Reynolds, A. Hertz, L. Bernstein, and M.J. Kleeman.  Long-term exposures to fine and ultrafine particles, species and sources: Results from the California Teachers Study Cohort.  Environmental Health Perspectives, 123(6), pp549-556.

(109) 2015 T. Kuwayama, S. Collier, S. Forestieri, J.M. Brady, T.H. Bertram, C.D. Cappa, Q. Zhang, and M.J. Kleeman.  Volatility of Primary Organic Aerosol Emitted from Light Duty Gasoline Vehicles.  Environmental Science and Technology, 49(3), pp1569-1577.

(108) 2015 S. Collier, S. Zhou, T. Kuwayama, S. Forestieri, J. Brady, M. Zhang, M. Kleeman, C. Cappa, T. Bertram, Q. Zhang.  Organic PM Emissions from Vehicles: Composition, O/C ratio, and Dependence on PM Concentration.  Aerosol Science and Technology, 49(2), pp86-97.

(107) 2014 J.M. Brady, T.A. Crisp, S. Collier, T. Kuwayama, S. Forestieri, V. Perraud, Q. Zhang, M.J. Kleeman, C.D. Cappa, T. Bertram.  Real-time emission factor measurements of isocyanic acid from light duty gasoline vehicles.  Environmental Science and Technology, 48(19) pp 11405-11412.  DOI: 10.1021/es504354p.

(106) 2014 T.A. Crisp, J.M. Brady, C.D. Cappa, S. Collier, S.D. Forestieri, M.J. Kleeman, T. Kuwayama, B.M. Lerner, E.J. Williams, Q. Zhang, T.H. Bertram.  On the primary emission of formic acid from light duty gasoline vehicles and ocean-going vessels.  Atmospheric Environment, 98, pp 426-433..

(105) 2014 D. Wang, J. Hu, Y. Xu, D. Lv, X. Xie, M. Kleeman, J. Xing, H. Zhang, Q. Ying.  Source Contributions to Primary and Secondary Inorganic Particulate Matter during a severe PM2.5 Pollution Episode in Xi’an China, Atmospheric Environment, 97 SI, pp182-194.

(104) 2014 O. Laurent, J. Hu, L. Li, M. Cockburn, L. Escobedo, M.J. Kleeman, J. Wu. Sources and contents of air pollution affecting term low birth weight in Los Angeles County, California, 2001-2008.  Environmental Research, 134 SI,   pp488-495.

(103) 2014 J. Chen, J. Lu, J. Avise, M.J. Kleeman, A. Kaduwela.  Seasonal Modeling of PM2.5 in California’s San Joaquin Valley.  Atmospheric Environment, 92, pp 182-190.

(102) 2014 H. Zhang, Q. Ying, J. Hu, M.J. Kleeman.  Source Apportionment of Sulfate and Nitrate Particulate Matter in the Eastern United States and Effectiveness of Emission Control Programs.  Science of the Total Environment, 490 , pp171-181.

(101) 2014 J. Hu, H. Zhang, S. Chen, C. Wiedinmyer, F. Vandenberghe, Q. Ying, M.J. Kleeman.  Predicting Primary PM2.5 and PM0.1 Trace Composition for Epidemiological Studies in California.  Environmental Science and Technology, 48 (9), pp 4971–4979, doi 10.1021/es404809j.

(100) 2014 X. Zhang, C.D. Cappa, S. Jathar, R.C. McVay, J.J. Ensberg, M.J. Kleeman, and J.H. Seinfeld.  Influence of vapor wall-loss in laboratory chambers on yields of secondary organic aerosol.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 111(16),   pp5802-5807.

(99) 2014 J. Hu, H. Zhang, S. Chen, Q. Ying, C. Wiedinmyer, F. Vandenberghe, and M.J. Kleeman.  Identifying PM2.5 and PM0.1 Sources for Epidemiological Studies in California.  Environmental Science and Technology, 48(9), pp 4980-4990.

(98) 2014 H. Zhang, S.P. DeNero, D.K. Joe, H. Lee, S. Chen, J. Michalakes, and M.J. Kleeman.  Development of a Source Oriented version of the WRF/Chem Model and its Application to the California Regional PM10/PM2.5 Air Quality Study.  Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14, 485-503. doi:10.5194/acp-14-485-2014.

(97) 2013 H. Zhang, G. Chen, M.J. Kleeman, S. Chen, C. Wiedinmyer, Q. Ying. Evaluation of a seven-year air quality simulation using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)/Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) models in the eastern United States.  Science of the Total Environment,  473, pp275-285.

(96) 2013 T. Kuwayama, C.R. Ruehl, and M.J. Kleeman.  Daily Trends and Source Apportionment of Ultrafine Particulate Mass (PM0.1) over and Annual Cycle in a Typical California City.  Environmental Science and Technology,

(95) 2013 D.J. Rasmussen, J. Hu, A. Mahmud, and M.J. Kleeman.  The Ozone-climate Penalty: Past, Present, and Future.  Environmental Science and Technology,

(94) 2014 D.K. Joe, H. Zhang, S.P. DeNero, H.H. Lee, S. chen, B.C. McDonald, R.A. Harley, and M.J. Kleeman.  Implementation of a High-Resolution WRF/Chem Model at the Port of Oakland, Atmospheric Environment, 82, pp351-363.

(93) 2013 Forestieri, SD, Collier, S, Kuwayama, T, Zhang, Q, Kleeman, MJ, Cappa, CD. Real-time black carbon emission factor measurements from light duty vehicles. Environmental science & technology, 47(22): 13104-12.

(92) 2013 L. Tao, D. Fairly, M.J. Kleeman, and R.A. Harley.  Effects of Switching to Low Sulfur Marine Fuel Oil on air Quality in the San Francisco Bay Area.  Environmental Science and Technology, 47, pp10171-10178.

(91) 2012 F. Tablin, L.J. den Hartigh, H.H. Aung, M.W. Lame, M.J. Kleeman, W. Ham, J.W. Norris, M. Pombo, D.W. Wilson.  Seasonal Influences on CAPs Exposures: Differential Responses in Platelet Activation, Serum Cytokines, and Xenobiotic Gene Expression.  Inhalation Toxicology, 24:8, pp506-517.

(90) 2012 A. Mahmud, M. Kleeman.  Quantifying Population Exposure to Airborne Particulate Matter During Extreme Events in California Due to Climate Change.  Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12:16, pp7453-7463.

(89) 2012 M. Kleeman, C. Zapata, J. Stilley, and M. Hixson.  PM2.5 Co-benefits of Climate Change Legislation Part 2: California Governor’s Executive Order S-3-05 Applied to the Transportation Sector.  Climatic Change, 117:1, pp399-414.

(88) 2012 C. Zapata, N. Muller, and M.J. Kleeman.  PM2.5 Co-benefits of Climate Change Legislation Part 1: California’s AB32.  Climatic Change, 117:1, pp377-397.

(87) 2012 Kuwayama T., J.R. Schwartz, R.A. Harley, and M.J. Kleeman.  Particulate Matter Emissions Reductions due to Adoption of Clean Diesel Technology at a Major Shipping Port.  Aerosol Science and Technology, 47:1, pp29-36.

(86) 2012 Plummer L.E., W. Ham, M.J. Kleeman, A.S. Wexler, and K.E. Pinkerton.  Influence of Season and Location on Pulmonary Response to California’s San Joaquin Valley Airborne Particulate Matter.  Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health (Part A – Current Issues), 75:5, pp253-271.

(85) 2012 Hu, J., C.J. Howard, F. Mitloehner, P.G. Green, and M.J. Kleeman.  Mobile Source and Livestock Feed Contributions to Regional Ozone Formation in Central California.  Environmental Science and Technology, 46:5, pp2781-2789.

(84) 2012 Hixson, M., A. Mahmud, J. Hu, and M.J. Kleeman.  Resolving the Interactions between Population Density and Air Pollution Emissions Controls in the San Joaquin Valley, USA.  Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 62:5, pp566-575.

(83) 2011 Ham, W., and M.J. Kleeman.  Size-Resolved Apportionment of Carbonaceous Particulate Matter in Urban and Rural Atmospheres in Central California.  Atmospheric Environment, 45(24), pp3988-3995.

(82) 2011 Ham, W., C. Ruehl, and M.J. Kleeman.  Seasonal Variation of Airborne Particle Deposition Efficiency in the Human Respiratory System.  Aerosol Science and Technology, 45(7), pp 795-804.

(81) 2011 Kumar, A., C.P. Alaimo, R. Horowitz, F.M. Mitloehner, M.J. Kleeman, and P.G. Green.  Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Green Waste Composting: Characterization and Ozone Formation.  Atmospheric Environment, 45(10), pp 1841-1848.

(80) 2011 Zhao, Z. S. Chen, M.J. Kleeman, M. Tyree, D. Cayan.  The Impact of Climate Change on Air Quality Related Meteorological Conditions in California – Part I: Present Time Simulation Analysis.  Journal of Climate, 13, pp3344-3361, 2011.

(79) 2011 Zhao, Z., S. Chen, M.J. Kleeman, and A. Mahmud.  The Impact of Climate Change on Air Quality Related Meteorological Conditions in California – Part II: Present versus Future Time Simulation Analysis.  Journal of Climate, 13, pp3362-3376, 2011.

(78) 2010 Ruehl, C, W. Ham, and M.J. Kleeman.  Temperature-induced volatility of molecular markers in ambient airborne particulate matter.  Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11(1), pp 67-76.

(77) 2010 den Hartigh, L.J., M.W. Lame, W. Ham, M.J. Kleeman, F. Tablin, and D.W. Wilson.  Endotoxin and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient fine particulate matter from Fresno, California initiate human monocyte inflammatory responses mediated by reactive oxygen species.  TOXICOLOGY IN VITRO, 24, 1993-2002.

(76) 2010 Mahmud, A., M. Hixson, J. Hu, S. Chen, and M.J. Kleeman.  Climate Impact on Airborne Particulate Matter Concentrations in California Using Seven Year Analysis Periods.  Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10(22), pp 11097-11114.

(75) 2010 Chen, J., C. Jakober, S. Clegg, and M.J. Kleeman.  Theoretical vs. Observed Gas-Particle Partitioning of Carbonyl Emissions from Motor Vehicles.  Journal of the Air and Waste Management Assocication, 60, 1237-1244.

(74) 2011 Kumar, A., C.J. Howard, D. Derrick, I.L. Malkina, F.M. Mitloehner, M.J. Kleeman, C.P. Alaimo, R.G. Flocchini, and P.G. Green.  Determination of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions and Ozone Formation from Spraying Solvent-Based Pesticides.  Journal of Environmental Quality, 40(5), pp 1423-1431.

(73) 2010 Ham, W., J. Herner, P.G. Green, and M.J. Kleeman.  Size Distributions of Health-Relevent Trace Metals in Airborne Particulate Matter During a Severe Winter Stagnation Event: Implications for Epidemiology and Inhalation Exposure Studies.  Aerosol Science and Technology, 44, 753-765.

(72) 2010 Howard, C., A. Kumar, F. Mitloehner, K. Stackhouse, P. Green, R. Flocchini, M.J. Kleeman. Direct Measurements of the Ozone Formation Potential from Livestock and Poultry Waste Emissions.  Environmental Science and Technology, 44, 2292-2298.

(71) 2010 Howard, C., A. Kumar, I. Malkina, P. Green, R. Flocchini, M.J. Kleeman. Reactive Organic Gas Emissions from Livestock Feed Contribute Significantly to Ozone Production in Central California.  Environmental Science and Technology, 44, 2309-2314.

(70) 2009 Hixson, M., A. Mahmud, J. Hu, S. Bai, D. Niemeier, S.L. Handy, S. Gao, J.R. Lund, D. Coe Sullivan, and M.J. Kleeman. Influence of Regional Development Policies and Clean Technology Adoption on Future Air Pollution Exposure.  Atmospheric Environment, 44, 552-562.

(69) 2009 Hu, J., Q. Ying, J. Chen, A. Mahmud, Z. Zhao, S. Chen, M. J. Kleeman.  Particulate Air Quality Model Predictions using Prognostic vs. Diagnostic Meteorology in Central California.  Atmospheric Environment, 44, 215-226.

(68) 2009 Wilson, D.W., H.H. Aung, M.W. Lame, L. Plummer, K.E. Pinkerton, W. Ham, M. Kleeman, J. Norris, and F. Tablin.  Platelet and Systemic Cytokine Activation in Mice Exposed to Concentrated Ambient Particualte Matter.  Inhalation Toxicology, 22, 267-276.

(67) 2009 Chen, J., Ying, Q., and Kleeman, M.J. Source Apportionment of Visual Impairment During the California Regional PM10/PM2.5 Air Quality Study.  Atmospheric Environment, 43, 6136-6144.

(66) 2009 Pinkerton, K.E., M. Ngo, S.L. Freeland, M. Geller, W. Ham, L.E. Hopkins, M.J. Kleeman, U.P. Kodavanti, E. Meharg, L. Plummer, J.J. Recendez, M.B. Schenker, C. Sioutas, S. Smiley-Jewell, A.S. Wexler, Studying Agriculture, Particles, and Health in the San Joaquin Valley, California Agriculture, 64, 12-16.

(65) 2009 Livingston, P.L., Magliano, K., Gurer, K., Allen, P.D., Zhan, K.M., Ying, Q., Jackson, B.S., Kaduwela, A., Kleeman, M., Woodhouse, L.F., Turkiewicz, K., Horowitz, L.W., Scott, K., Johnson, D., Taylor, C., O’Brien, G., DaMassa, J., Cores, B.E. Simulating PM Concentrations During a Winter Episode in a Subtropical Valley: Sensitivity Simulations and Evaluation Methods.  Atmospheric Environment, 43, 5971-5977.

(64) 2009 Chen, J., Ying, Q., and Kleeman, M.J.  Source Apportionment of Wintertime Secondary Organic Aerosol During the California Regional PM10/PM25 Air Quality Study.  Atmospheric Environment, 44, 1331-1340.

(63) 2009 Ying, Q., Kleeman, M.J.  Regional Contributions to Airborne Particulate Matter in Central California During a Severe Pollution Episode.  Atmospheric Environment, 43, 1218-1228.

(62) 2009 Ying, Q. Lu J., Kaduwela, A. and Kleeman, M.J.  Modeling Air Quality during the California Regional PM10/PM2.5 Air Quality Study (CPRAQS) using the UCD/CIT Source Oriented Air Quality Model – Part III. Regional Source Apportionment of Secondary and Total Airborne PM2.5 and PM0.1.  Atmospheric Environment, 43, pp419-430.

(61) 2008 Kleeman, M.J., Riddle, S.G., Robert, M.A., Jakober, C.A., Fine, P.M., Hays, M.D., Schauer, J.J. and Hannigan, M.P. Source Apportionment of Fine (PM1.8) and Ultrafine (PM0.1) Airborne Particulate Matter During a Severe Winter Pollution Episode.  Environmental Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1021/es800400.

(60) 2008 Mahmud, A., Tyree, M., Cayan, D., Motallebi, N., and Kleeman, M.J.  Statistical Downscaling of Climate Change Impacts on Ozone Concentrations in California.  Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D21103, doi:10.1029/2007JD009534.

(59) 2008 Snyder, D.C., Dallmann, T.R., Schauer, J.J., Holloway, T., Kleeman, M.J., Geller, M.D., Souitas, C.  Direct Observation of the Break-Up of a Nocturnal Inversion Layer using Elemental Mercury as a Tracer.  Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L17812, doi:10.1029/2008GL034840.

(58) 2008 Kleeman, M.J., S.G. Riddle, and C.A. Jakober.  Size Distribution of Particle-Phase Molecular Markers During a Severe Winter Pollution Episode.  Environmental Science and Technology, 42, pp4697-4703.

(57) 2008 Riddle, S., M.A. Robert, C.A. Jakober, M.P. Hannigan, and M.J. Kleeman.  Size-resolved Source Apportionment of Airborne Particulate Matter in a Roadside Environment.  Environmental Science and Technology, 42, pp6580-6586.

(56) 2008 Ying, Q., J. Lu, P. Allen, P. Livingstone, A. Kaduwela, and M.J. Kleeman.  Modeling Air Qualitying During the California Regional PM10/PM2.5 Air Quality Study Using the UCD/CIT Source-Oriented Air Quality Model – Part I.  Base Case Model Results.  Atmospheric Environment, 42, pp 8954-8966.

(55) 2008 Ying, Q., J. Lu, A. Kaduwela, and M.J. Kleeman.  Modeling Air Qualitying During the California Regional PM10/PM2.5 Air Quality Study Using the UCD/CIT Source-Oriented Air Quality Model – Part II.  Regional Source Apportionment of Primary Airborne Particulate Matter.  Atmospheric Environment, 42, pp8967-8978.

(54) 2008 Yang, W., A. Kumar, C.J. Howard, M.J. Kleeman, D. Derrick, and P.G. Green.  Towards a Field Method for Assessment of Ozone Formation Potential from Pesticide Application.  Journal of ASTM International, 5, pp1-10 (Paper ID JAI101583).

(53) 2008 Jakober, C.A., M.A. Robert, S.G. Riddle, H. Destaillats, M.J. Charles, P.G. Green, and M.J. Kleeman.  Carbonyl Emissions From Gasoline and Diesel Motor Vehicles.  Environmental Science and Technology, 42, pp4697-4703.

(52) 2008 Howard, C.J., W. Yang, P.G. Green, F. Mitloehner, I. Malkina, R.G. Flocchini, and M.J. Kleeman.  Direct Measurement of Ozone Formation Potential from Dairy Cattle Emissions Using a Transportable Smog Chamber.  Atmospheric Environment, 42 pp5267-5277.

(51) 2008 Kleeman, M.J., M.A. Robert, S.G. Riddle, P.M. Fine, M.D. Hays, J.J. Schauer, and M.P. Hannigan.  Size Distribution of Trace Organic Species Emitted From Biomass Combustion and Meat Charbroiling.  Atmospheric Environment, 42 pp3059-3075.

(50) 2008 Clegg, S.L., M.J. Kleeman, R.J. Griffin, and J.H. Seinfeld.  Effects of Uncertainties in the Thermodynamic Properties of Aerosol Components in an Air Quality Model.  I.  Treatment of inorganic electrolytes and organic compounds in the condensed phase.  Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 8(4) pp1057-1085.

(49) 2008 Clegg, S.L., M.J. Kleeman, R.J. Griffin, and J.H. Seinfeld.  Effects of Uncertainties in the Thermodynamic Properties of Aerosol (49) Components in an Air Quality Model.  II.  Predictions of Pure Component Vapour Pressures of Organic Compounds.  Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 8(4) pp1087-1103.

(48) 2008 Kleeman, M.J.  A Preliminary Assessment of the Sensitivity of Air Quality in California to Global Change.  Climatic Change, 87 (Suppl 1), pp273-292.

(47) 2008 Kleeman, M.J., S.G. Riddle, M.A. Robert, and C.A. Jakober.  Lubricating Oil and Fuel Contributions to Particulate Matter Emissions from Light Duty Gasoline and Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles.  Environmental Science and Technology, 42, pp235-242.

(46) 2007 Robert, M.A., C.A. Jakober, and M.J. Kleeman.  Size and Composition Distribution of Particulate Matter 2.  Heavy -duty Diesel Vehicles. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 57, pp1429-1438.

(45) 2007 Robert, M.A., C.A. Jakober, S. VanBergen, and M.J. Kleeman, Size and Composition Distribution of Particulate Matter 1.  Light-duty Gasoline Vehicles. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 57, pp1414-1428.

(44) 2007 Riddle, S.G., C.A. Jakober, M.A. Robert, T.M. Cahill, M.J. Charles and M.J. Kleeman. Large PAHs detected in fine particulate matter emitted from light-duty gasoline vehicles. Atmospheric Environment, 41, pp8658-8668.

(43) 2007 Jakober, C. A.; S.G. Riddle, M.A. Robert, H. Destaillats, M.J. Charles; P.G. Green, M.J. Kleeman. Quinone Emissions from Gasoline and Diesel Motor Vehicles.  Environmental Science and Technology, 41 pp 4548-4554.

(42) 2007 Riddle SG, M.A. Robert, C.A. Jakober, M.P. Hannigan, M.J. Kleeman.  Size distribution of trace organic species emitted from light duty gasoline vehicles.  Environmental Science and Technology, 41, pp7464-7471.

(41) 2007 Riddle SG, M.A. Robert, C.A. Jakober, M.P. Hannigan, M.J. Kleeman.  Size distribution of trace organic species emitted from heavy-duty diesel vehicles.  Environmental Science and Technology 41 pp 1962-1969.

(40) 2007 Kleeman, M.J., Q. Ying, J. Lu, M.J. Mysliwiec, R.J. Griffin, J. Chen, and S. Clegg.  Source Apportionment of Secondary Organic Aerosol During a Severe Photochemical Smog Episode.  Atmospheric Environment, Vol 41, pp576-591.

(39) 2007 Ying, Q., M.P. Fraser, R.J. Griffin, J. chen, and M.J. Kleeman. Verification of a Source-Oriented Externally Mixed Air Quality Model During a Severe Photochemical Smog Episode.  Atmospheric Environment, Vol 41, pp1521-1538.

(38) 2006  Herner, J.D., J. Aw, O. Gao,  D.P. Chang, and M.J. Kleeman, Dominant Mechanisms that Shape the Airborne Particle Size and Composition Distribution in Central California.  Aerosol Science and Technology Vol 40, pp 827-844.

(37) 2006  Jakober, C.A., M.J. Charles, M.J. Kleeman, P.G. Green.  LC-MS analysis of carbonyl compounds and their occurrence in diesel aerosol. Analytical Chemistry, Vol 78, pp 5086-5093.

(36) 2006 Herner, J.D., P.G. Green, and M.J. Kleeman, Measuring the trace elemental composition of size-resolved airborne particles.  Environmental Science and Technology 40: 1925-1933.

(35) 2006 Ying, Q. and M.J. Kleeman, Source contributions to the regional distribution of secondary particulate matter in California. Atmospheric Environment,  40: 736-752.

(34) 2005  Hays M.D., P.M. Fine, C.D. Geron, M.J. Kleeman, and B.K. Gullett. Open burning of agricultural biomass: Physical and chemical properties of particle-phase emissions.  Atmospheric Environment 39: 6747-6764.

(33) 2005 Kleeman MJ, Ying Q, Kaduwela A. Control strategies for the reduction of airborne particulate nitrate in California’s San Joaquin Valley. Atmospheric Environment 39: 5325-5341.

(32) 2005 Held T., Q. Ying, M.J. Kleeman, J.J. Schauer, M.P. Fraser.  A comparison of the UCD/CIT air quality model and the CMB source-receptor model for primary airborne particulate matter. Atmospheric Environment.  39: 2281-2297.

(31) 2005 Herner J.D., J. Aw, O. Gao, D.P.Y. Chang, M.J. Kleeman.  Size and composition distribution of airborne particulate matter in northern California. 1. Particulate mass, carbon, and water soluble ions.  Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 55: 31-51.: 3689-3711.

(30) 2004 Held T, Q. Ying, A. Kaduwela, M.J. Kleeman.  Modeling particulate matter in the San Joaquin Valley with a source-oriented externally mixed three-dimensional photochemical grid model. Atmospheric Environment 38(22): 3689-3711.

(29) 2004 Ying Q, M. Mysliwiec, M.J. Kleeman.  Source apportionment of visibility impairment using a three-dimensional source-oriented air quality model.  Environmental Science and Technology 38(4) 1089-1101.

(28) 2003 Ying Q, M.J. Kleeman.  Effects of aerosol UV extinction on the formation of ozone and secondary particulate matter.  Atmospheric Environment 37 (36): 5047-5068.

(27) 2003 Aw J, M.J. Kleeman.  Evaluating the first-order effect of intraannual temperature variability on urban air pollution.  Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 108 (D12) Art. No. 4365.

(26) 2003 Foresman E.L., M.J. Kleeman, T.P. Kear, D.N. Niemeier. PM10 conformity determination using the equivalent emissions method. Transportation Research Part D – Transport and the Environment. 8: 97-112.

(25) 2002 Griffin R.J., D. Dabdub, M.J. Kleeman, M.P. Fraser, G.R. Cass, J.H. Seinfeld. Secondary organi aerosol – 3. Urban / regional scale model of size- and composition-resolved aerosols. Journal of Geophysical Research. 107: Sept 2002.

(24) 2002 Mysliwiec M.J., M.J. Kleeman. Source apportionment of secondary particulate matter in a polluted atmosphere. Environmental Science and Technology. 36: 5376-5384.

(23) 2002 Bhave P.V., M.J. Kleeman, J.O. Allen, L.S. Hughes, G.R. Cass. Evaluation of an air quality model for the size and composition of source-oriented particle classes. Environmental Science and Technology. 36: 2154-2163.

(22) 2002 Schauer J.J., M.J. Kleeman, G.R. Cass, B.R.T. Simoneit. Measurement of emissions from air pollution sources. 3. C-1-C-32 organic compounds from gasoline-powered motor vehicles. Environmental Science and Technology, 36:1169-1180.

(21) 2002 Schauer J.J., M.J. Kleeman, G.R. Cass, B.R.T. Simoneit. Measurement of emissions from air pollution sources. 3. C-1-C-27 organic compounds from cooking with seed oils. Environmental Science and Technology, 36:567-575.

(20) 2001 Kleeman M.J., G.R. Cass. A 3D Eulerian source-oriented model for an externally mixed aerosol. Environmental Science and Technology, 35: 4834-4848.

(19) 2001 Kleeman M.J., A. Eldering, J.R. Hall, G.R. Cass. Effect of emissions control programs on visibility in Southern California. Environmental Science and Technology, 35: 4668-4674.

(18) 2001 Chung A., J.D. Herner, M.J. Kleeman. Detection of alkaline ultrafine atmospheric particles at Bakersfield, California. Environmental Science and Technology, 35: 2184-2190.

(17) 2001 Schauer J.J., M.J. Kleeman, G.R. Cass, B.R.T. Simoneit. Measurement of emissions from air pollution sources. 3. C-1-C-29 organic compounds from fireplace combustion of wood. Environmental Science and Technology, 35:1716-1728.

(16) 2001 Chung A., D.P.Y. Chang, M.J. Kleeman, K.D. Perry, T.A. Cahill, D. Dutcher, E.M. McDougall, K. Stroud. Comparison of real-time instruments used to monitor airborne particulate matter. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 51: 109-120.

(15) 2000 Cass G.R., L.S. Hughes, P. Bhave, M.J. Kleeman, J.O. Allen, L.G. Salmon. The chemical composition of atmospheric ultrafine particles. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A-Mathemcatical Physcial and Engineering Sciences. 358: 2581-2592.

(14) 2000 Hughes L.S., J.O. Allen, P. Bhave, M.J. Kleeman, G.R. Cass, D.Y. Liu, D.F. Fergenson, B.D. Morrical, K.A. Prather. Evolution of atmospheric particles along trajectories crossing the Los Angeles basin. Environmental Science and Technology, 34: 3058-3068.

(13) 2000 Kleeman, M.J., J.J. Schauer, and G.R. Cass. Size and Composition Distribution of Fine Particulate Matter Emitted from Motor Vehicles. Environmental Science, and Technology, 34:1132-1142.

(12) 2000 Fraser, M.P., M.J. Kleeman, J.J. Schauer, and G.R. Cass. Modeling the Atmospheric Concentrations of Individual Gas-Phase and Particle-Phase Organic Compounds. Environmental Science and Technology, 34:1302-1312.

(11) 2000 Allen, J.O., D.P. Fergenson, E.E. Gard, L.S. Hughes, B.D. Morrical, M.J. Kleeman, D.S. Gross, M.E. Galli, K.A. Prather and G.R. Cass. Particle Detection Efficiencies of Aerosol Time of Flight Mass Spectrometers under Ambient Sampling Conditions. Environmental Science, and Technology, 34:211-217.

(10) 1999 Kleeman, M.J., and G.R. Cass. Effect of Emissions Control Strategies on the Size and Composition Distribution of Urban Particulate Air Pollution. Environmental Science and Technology, 33: 177-189.

(9) 1999 Kleeman, M.J., and G.R. Cass. Identifying the Effect of Individual Emissions Sources on Particulate Air Quality Within a Photochemical Aerosol Processes Trajectory Model. Atmospheric Environment, Atmospheric Environment 33:4597-4613.

(8) 1999 Kleeman, M.J., J.J. Schauer, and G.R. Cass. Size and Composition Distribution of Fine Particulate Matter Emitted from Wood Burning, Meat Charbroiling and Cigarettes. Environmental Science, and Technology, Environmental Science, and Technology, 33:3516-3523.

(7) 1999 Kleeman, M.J., L.S. Hughes, J.O. Allen, and G.R. Cass. Source Contributions to the Size and Composition Distribution of Atmospheric Particles: Southern California in Septemeber, 1996. Environmental Science, and Technology, 33:4331-4341.

(6) 1999 Hughes, L.S., J.O. Allen, M.J. Kleeman, R.J. Johnson, G.R. Cass, D.S. Gross, E.E. Gard, M.E. Galli, B.D. Morrical, D.P. Fergenson, T. Dienes, C.A. Noble, P.J. Silva, K.A. Prather. Size and Composition Distribution of Atmospheric Particles in Southern California. Environmental Science and Technology, 33:3506-3515.

(5) 1999 Schauer, J.J., M.J. Kleeman, G.R. Cass, B.R.T. Simoneit. Measurement of Emissions from Air Pollution Sources. 1. C-1 through C-29 Organic Compounds from Meat Charbroiling. Environmental Science and Technology 33:1566-1577.

(4) 1999 Schauer, J.J.; M.J. Kleeman, G.R. Cass, B.R.T. Simoneit. Measurement of Emissions from Air Pollution Sources. 2. C-1 through C-30 Organic Compounds from Medium Duty Diesel Trucks. Environmental Science and Technology 33:1578-1587.

(3) 1998 Gard, E.E., M.J. Kleeman, D.S. Gross, L.S. Hughes, J.O. Allen, B.D. Morrical, D.P. Fergenson. T. Dienes, M.E. Galli, R.J. Johnson, G.R. Cass, and K.A. Prather. Direct Observations of Heterogeneous Chemistry in the Atmosphere. Science, 279:1184-1187.

(2) 1998 Kleeman, M.J., and G.R. Cass. Source Contributions to the Size and Composition Distribution of Urban Particulate Air Pollution. Atmospheric Environment, 32:2803-2816.

(1) 1997 Kleeman, M.J., A. Eldering and G.R. Cass. Modeling the Airborne Particle Complex as a Source-Oriented External Mixture. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102:21355-21372.

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