Teaching Interests
- ECI19 C Programming for Engineers. Introduction to C programming with extensions to parallel computing.
- ECI114 Probabilistic Systems Analysis for Engineers: Statistical analysis of civil engineering experimental field data.
- ECI119 Parallel Processing for Engineering Applications. Advanced parallel processing on distributed memory systems.
- ECI150 Air Pollution Control Systems Design. Design and control of air pollution control devices and systems.
- ECI241 Reactive Chemical Transport Modeling in the Environment. Modeling of reactive chemical transport problems including physical transformation, chemical reaction, and phase transfer. Emphasis on numerical techniques used in modern models.
- ECI242 Air Quality. Physical and chemical fundamentals of atmospheric transport and reaction.
- ECI247 Aerosols Behavior of airborne particles including formation, modification, and removal processes.
- ECI247L Aerosols Laboratory. Exercises designed to familiarize students with methods of generation and characterization of aerosols.