Sadoghi, Mohammad

Associate Professor Mohammad Sadoghi

Department of Computer Science
2063 Kemper Hall, Room 3055
University of California
Davis, CA 95616

Website: Exploratory Systems Lab

Professor Sadoghi‘s research spans all facets of secure and massive-scale data management. He leads the ExpoLab Research Group with the aim to pioneer a resilient data platform at scale, a distributed ledger centered around a democratic and decentralized computational model (Blockchain Textbook, Consensus Textbook, Apache ResilientDB (Incubating), JourneyOutlook/SlidesTalk/SlidesBitcoin RadioCodeHands-onWiki) that further aims to unify secure transactional and real-time analytical processing (Transaction TextbookL-StoreQueCC). We envision ResilientDB to serve as a platform to foster “creativity”.  He has co-founded a blockchain company called Moka Blox, a spin-off of our ResilientDB Fabric.

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