Seongkyu Lee

Lab Photos

Jessica’s and Donghun’s Commencement Ceremony, June, 2024

Lab lunch and celebration of graduation, June, 2023

VFS conference, West Palm Beach in Florida, May, 2023

Prof. Ken Brentner of Penn State (Prof. Lee’s PhD advisor) received the AIAA Aeroacoustics Award, June, 2022

Lab lunch and celebration on Kevin’s and Jordon’s graduation, May, 2022

Henry’s Commencement Ceremony, December, 2021

Lab lunch and celebration on Henry’s and Jagdeep’s graduation, September, 2021

Lab meeting on Zoom, February, 2021

Lab Dinner and congratulating students who were graduating, June, 2019

With Prof. Brentner and lab students (three generations of academic family), May, 2019

Lab Dinner, December, 2018

Lab Dinner, June, 2018

BBQ Party at Prof. Lee’s house, October, 2017

Lab Dinner (Congratulating Henry and Danny for their pass on Ph.D. preliminary exam and welcoming new group members), May, 2017

Lab Seminar (Presenter: Gustavo Navarro), September, 2016

Prof. Lee’s group, September, 2016