Seongkyu Lee

Lab News


    1. November, 2024: Prof. Lee gave an invited seminar about our lab research at GE Aerospace Research
    2. October, 2024: Prof. Lee gave an invited seminar about Graduate School – Career Advice to UC Davis undergraduate students, which was sponsored by ASME student club. 
    3. October, 2024: Prof. Lee interviewed with the Washington Post about Aix Taxis. 
    4. October, 2024: Welcome new undergraduate students to our lab, Kuval Bora and London Yeh.
    5. October, 2024: Dr. Natasha Schatzman of NASA Ames visited us to give a seminar about Mars helicopter development at NASA.
    6. September, 2024: Prof. Lee will serve as a founding faculty advisor for the newly established Vertical Flight Society (VFS) UC Davis Student Chapter.
    7. August, 2024: Congratulate Jessica Shum and Donghun Kang for their graduation and PhD degrees. Jessica started a new job at the US Department of State and Donghun joined UC San Diego as a post-doc.
    8. August, 2024: Donghun Kang gave a PhD exit seminar. Congratulations Donghun!
    9. July, 2024: Welcome new undergraduate students to our lab, Sarvarth Dobhal and Kevin Fan
    10. June, 2024: Prof. Lee gave an invited seminar to AIAA New England Chapter. 
    11. May, 2024: Prof. Lee was elected as the Aerospace Division Leader in the MAE department.
    12. May, 2024: Jessica Shum gave a PhD exit seminar. Congratulations Jessica!
    13. May, 2024: Donghun Kang received the Steger Memorial Graduate Fellowship for his excellent CFD research. 
    14. April, 2024: Ethan Brown and Huy Tran passed PhD preliminary exam. Congratulations Ethan and Huy!
    15. April, 2024: Prof. Wonju Jeon of KAIST visited UC Davis and gave a seminar to the department.
    16. April, 2024: Jessica Shum (PhD student) was awarded the Vertical Flight Foundation Scholarship. Congratulations Jessica! 
    17. March, 2024: Prof. Lee published an invited book review of “Aeroacoustics of Low Mach Number Flows: Fundamentals, Analysis and Measurement” in the International Journal of Aeroacoustics.
    18. March, 2024: Prof. Lee delivered an invited talk to Seoul National University. 
    19. March, 2024: Prof. Lee delivered an invited talk at NASA Advanced Modeling and Simulation (AMS) Seminars.
    20. March, 2024: Prof. Lee was invited to deliver a Tech Talk to the entire engineering team of Supernal
    21. February, 2024: Prof. Lee gave an invited lecture at UC Davis graduate turbulent fluid mechanics course. 
    22. February, 2024: Prof. Lee gave an invited talk at UC Davis MAE graduate seminar. 
    23. January, 2024: Prof. Lee was invited to the 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics 2024 Conference Committee
    24. January, 2024: Prof. Lee was appointed as the Conference Organization Chair of the AIAA Aeroacoustics Technical Committee .
    25. January, 2024: Prof. Lee served as a session chair in a Propeller, Open Rotor and Rotorcraft Noise session at AIAA SciTech.


    1. November, 2023: Hyunjune Gill passed the PhD qualifying exam. Congratulations Hyunjune!
    2. October, 2023: Prof. Lee delievered an invited talk at Seoul National University.
    3. October, 2023: Prof. Lee delivered an invited talk at Jeonbuk National University.
    4. October, 2023: We have received a new multi-disciplinary research grant about AAM aircraft design from UC Davis. In this research, we will work with Prof. Camli Badrya, Prof. Christina Harvey, and Prof. Holly Oldroyd (CEE).
    5. October, 2023: Jessica Shum (PhD student) was selected to attend the Future Leaders Symposium at MIT.
    6. September, 2023: Ethan Brown and Huy Tran have started as new PhD students in our lab.
    7. September, 2023: Xiangpu Wang (MS student), Michael Rodrigues (MS student), and Aaron Nguyen (Undergraduate student) joined our lab. Welcome Xiangpu, Michael, and Aaron!
    8. September, 2023: Prof. Lee delivered an invited talk at Korea Aerospace Research Institute.
    9. September, 2023: Prof. Lee delivered an invited talk at Pusan National University.
    10. September, 2023: Prof. Lee delivered an invited talk at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST).
    11. August, 2023: Prof. Lee delivered an invited talk at the International Conference on Aircraft Core Technology (ICACT) at Gyeongsang National University.
    12. August, 2023: Jared Sagaga (PhD student) successfully completed an exit seminar. Congratulations Dr. Sagaga. 
    13. July, 2023: Prof. Lee visited Lawrence Livermore National Lab for the collaborative research discussion.
    14. July, 2023: Prof. Lee taught high school students about wind energy, turbomachinery, and drone at COSMOS summer camp.
    15. July, 2023: Prof. Lee gave an invited talk to Maviate eVTOL company about UAM noise research at UC Davis.
    16. June, 2023: Ethan Brown, Huy Tran, and Sam Kilduff have graduated and received a BS degree. Congratulations Ethan, Huy, and Sam!
    17. June, 2023: We have received an ACT-UP award and a research grant from Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL) for dynamic stall in harsh environmentsThe award news was published in LLNL.
    18. June, 2023: Donghun Kang (PhD student)’s paper titled A Revisit of Amiet’s Trailing-edge Noise Theory through Large-Eddy Simulations was selected among top 5 best student papers in aeroacoustics discipline in AIAA Aviation forum. Congratulations Donghun!
    19. June, 2023: Prof. Lee served as a session chair in Propeller, Rotorcraft and V/STOL Noise session at the AIAA Aviation forum.
    20. June, 2023: Prof. Park, Jae-Sang (visiting scholar) gave MAE graduate students and faculty a seminar titled Active Vibration Controls for Lift-Offset Compound Helicopters.  
    21. May, 2023: Prof. Lee has been promoted to full Professor, effective July 1st of 2023.
    22. May, 2023: Hyunjune Gill (PhD student) was selected as an associate technical committee member in the Vertical Flight Society (VFS) acoustics committee. Congratulations Hyunjune!
    23. May, 2023: Donghun Kang (PhD student) passed the qualifying exam. Congratulations Donghun!
    24. April, 2023: Our propeller-wing interaction noise research was selected as one of highlights of NASA’s High-End Computing Capability (HECC) annual report.
    25. April, 2023: Jordon Won (PhD student) passed the preliminary exam. Congratulations Jordon!
    26. March, 2023: Prof. Lee gave an invited seminar about urban air mobility noise to Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). 
    27. March, 2023: The Supernal team visited our lab to review the sponsored project and discuss further collaborations.
    28. February, 2023: We welcome new undergraduate students to our lab: Evan Grim and Cade Porterfield.
    29. February, 2023: Jessica Shum (PhD student) passed the doctoral qualifying exam. Congratulations Jessica!
    30. January, 2023: Prof. Lee served at the AIAA SciTech conference as Technical Discipline Chair in Aeroacoustics and Session Chair in Aeroacoustics Lecture.
    31. January, 2023 We welcome new undergraduate students to our lab: Michael Tayler and Tien Lam Nguyen.
    32. January, 2023: Prof. Lee joined the CITRIS Aviation steering committee.


    1. December, 2022: A release of a new version of UCD-QuietFly and contract with Supernal were featured in Aerospace America’s 2022 Year in Review.
    2. November, 2022: Prof. Lee delivered an invited seminar about our lab research at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in South Korea. 
    3. November, 2022: Prof. Lee delivered an invited talk about UAM noise at 2022 BrainLink X-Lab day in South Korea.
    4. September, 2022: We welcome our new students to our lab: Juan Miranda (MS) and Alyssa Freed (Undergraduate).
    5. September, 2022: Huy Tran (Undergraduate student) received the Robert A. and Denzil M. Kepner Award (undergraduate scholarship). Congratulations Huy!
    6. August, 2022: Our lab students’ recent awards were featured in the news. Congratulations Nikos and Jared!
    7. August, 2022: Prof. Lee taught high school students on COSMOS about wind energy and turbomachinery.
    8. July, 2022: Prof. Lee and Donghun Kang (PhD student) participated in The Center for Turbulence Research (CTR) Summer Program at Stanford University for the research titled “Novel Techniques for Source Identifications of Airfoil Trailing-Edge Noise Using Large Eddy Simulations and Wavelet Transforms”.
    9. June, 2022: Three PhD students did summer internship: Jessica Shum at Lawrence Livermore, Jared Sagaga at US Army TDD, and Nikos Trembois at US Army Research Lab.
    10. June, 2022: Kevin Li (PhD student) and Jordon Won (undergraduate student) graduated. Kevin starts a new job at University of Hartford as an assistant professor. Jordon starts a PhD program in our lab. Congratulations Kevin and Jordon!
    11. June, 2022: Hyunjune Gill (PhD student) completed MS plan II project. He received a MS degree. Congratulations Hyunjune!
    12. May, 2022: Jared Sagaga (PhD student) received a Joseph L. Steger fellowship. This fellowship is awarded in recognition of outstanding academic record and excellent work in the area of computational fluid dynamics. Congratulations Jared!
    13. May, 2022: Nikos Trembois (PhD student) received the Vertical Flight Foundation (VFF) scholarship. Congratulations Nikos!
    14. May, 2022: Prof. Lee served as a session chair of Acoustics session at VFS Forum.
    15. May, 2022: Kevin Li (PhD student) gave a PhD exit seminar titled Comprehensive Rotorcraft Broadband Noise Prediction.
    16. April, 2022: Hyunjune Gill (PhD student) passed the preliminary exam. Congratulations Hyunjune!
    17. April, 2022: Our lab’s rotorcraft research has been featured on the FieldView website.
    18. April, 2022: Huy Tran (Undergraduate student) received 2022 National Center for Sustainable Transportation (NCST) Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship.
    19. April, 2022: We have received a new two-year grant from Supernal for UAM aircraft noise research.
    20. April, 2022: CITRIS featured our Caltrans project on advanced air mobility digitization.
    21. March, 2022: Prof. Lee invited Dr. Eric Ruggiero of GE Aviation to Aircraft Propulsion Class for an invited seminar.
    22. February, 2022: Jared Sagaga (PhD student) passed a doctoral qualifying exam. Congratulations Jared!
    23. February, 2022: Prof. Lee delivered an invited talk at the Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences Workshop.
    24. February, 2022: Prof. Lee delivered an invited talk titled “Recent Progress of Urban Air Mobility Noise Predictions,” at Penn State VFS Chapter.
    25. February, 2022: We have received a new two-year research grant from Caltrans (California Department of Transportation) in collaboration with UC Berkeley and UC Merced regarding advanced air mobility digitization. 
    26. January, 2022: Prof. Lee has been elected an Associate Fellow of AIAA. 
    27. January, 2022: Prof. Lee served as a session chair at AIAA SciTech in the Other Topics in Aeroacoustics session. He also served as a deputy technical discipline chair in Aeroacoustics.


    1. December, 2021: We welcome new undergraduate student researchers to our lab: Jordon Won, Ethan Brown, Sam Kilduff, and Huy Tran.
    2. December, 2021: Jagdeep Batther finished his MS degree and graduated this quarter. He will start a job at Advanced Rotorcraft Technology (ART). Congratulations Jagdeep!
    3. November, 2021: UC Davis College of Engineering featured our lab’s research in urban air mobility aircraft noise.
    4. November, 2021: We have received a new five-year research grant from US Army through Vertical Lift Research Center of Excellence (VLRCOE).
    5. October, 2021: Kevin Li (PhD student) was featured in MAE website as student spotlight.
    6. October, 2021: Prof. Sangjoon Shin of Seoul National University visited UC Davis as a visiting scholar and gave a graduate seminar titled “Introduction to Urban Air Mobility and Next Generation Rotorcraft Research in Seoul National University”.
    7. September, 2021: Prof. Lee gave an invited talk to Genesis Air Mobility about our lab’s urban air mobility noise research.
    8. August, 2021: Prof. Lee served as a session chair at the AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference in Airframe/High-Lift Noise session and Propeller, Rotorcraft and V/STOL Noise session.
    9. July, 2021: Prof. Lee interviewed with Lifewire about flying car
    10. July, 2021: Prof. Lee taught wind energy and turbomachinery at COSMOS high school summer camp.
    11. July, 2021: Prof. Lee received the UC Davis Graduate Program Advising and Mentorship Award.
    12. July, 2021: Prof. Lee interviewed with Bloomberg about eVTOL noise.
    13. June, 2021: Prof. Lee published a review paper about trailing-edge noise in Progress in Aerospace Sciences with other experts in the field.
    14. June, 2021: Kevin Li received a N&M Sarigul-Klijn Flight Research/Space Engineering Fellowship Award. This fellowship is awarded to top graduate students who are conducting research in flight related areas. Congratulations Kevin!
    15. June, 2021: Three PhD students did summer internship: Jessica Shum at Lawrence Livermore, Jared Sagaga at US Army TDD, and Nikos Trembois at US Army Research Lab.
    16. June, 2021: Henry Jia (PhD student) has graduated this spring quarter. Congratulations Dr. Jia. Wish you all the best for your continuous career development!
    17. May, 2021: Kevin Li (PhD student) and Prof. Lee received the best paper award in the Acoustic session at the VFS conference.
    18. May, 2021: We have received a new three-year NASA ULI (University Leadership Initiative) grant about eVTOL aircraft design and optimization. We will work with UCSD and other universities as well as companies.
    19. May, 2021: Prof. Lee served as a deputy session chair in Acoustics session of the 77th Vertical Flight Society (VFS) annual forum.
    20. April, 2021: Prof. Lee presented an invited talk about our lab research on UAM noise at University of California CITRIS Aviation.
    21. April, 2021: Jared Sagaga, Donghun Kang, and Nikos Trembois passed the PhD preliminary exam. Congratulations Jared, Donghun, and Nikos!
    22. April, 2021: Prof. Lee presented an invited talk about Urban Air Mobility Noise Research at UC Davis at NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting.
    23. March, 2021: Kevin Li and Jared Sagaga received the Vertical Flight Foundation (VFF) fellowship from the vertical flight society (VFS). Congratulations Kevin and Jared!
    24. March, 2021: Our lab was introduced in Institute of Control, Robotics, and Systems magazine.
    25. February, 2021: Prof. Lee interviewed with Capital Radio about the viability and challenges of off-shore wind energy. 
    26. February, 2021: Prof. Lee has started to work with an eVTOL startup company to develop an innovative eVTOL aircraft, which is funded by NSF SBIR program.
    27. January, 2021: Prof. Lee delivered an invited talk to Hyundai UAM team about Urban Air Mobility Noise: Predictions and Reductions.


    1. December, 2020: The development and accomplishment stories of UCD-QuietFly, which is a multi-rotor broadband noise prediction tool, were published in AIAA Aerospace America. The article can be found from here.
    2. December, 2020: Henry Jia gave an invited presentation about his rotorcraft and UAM noise research at NASA Ames Advanced Modeling & Simulation (AMS) seminar series. The presentation can be seen from here.
    3. December, 2020: Jessica Shum passed the MS report titled Computational Fluid Dynamics Best Practices for 2-D Dynamic Stall Predictions and received a MS degree. Congratulations Jessica!
    4. December, 2020: Prof. Lee invited Ms. Judith Gallman, an engineer at Northrop Grumman, and Ms. Susan Gorton, a manager at NASA, to EAE-1 class as invited speakers.
    5. November, 2020: Prof. Lee gave an invited talk (virtual) about Urban Air Mobility (UAM) noise research at International Symposium on Urban Air Mobility at KAIST.
    6. November, 2020: Henry Jia successfully completed his PhD exit seminar. Congratulations Dr. Jia! Henry will join the US Army as a rotorcraft aeroacoustic engineer.
    7. November, 2020: Nikos Trembois passed the MS report titled automatic mesh generation of structured overset rotor blades and received a MS degree. Congratulations Nikos!
    8. September, 2020: We welcome new students to our lab: Donghun Kang (PhD), Hyunjune Gill (MS), and AJ Johnson (MS).
    9. August, 2020: Prof. Lee served as the Inter-Noise 2020 conference organizing committee and session chair in the area of flow induced noise and vibration. Check the conference website here and committee members here.
    10. August, 2020: Kevin Li (PhD student) submitted the MS report titled development of rotorcraft forward flight analysis code using the finite-state dynamic inflow model and received a MS degree. Congratulations Kevin!
    11. July, 2020: Kevin Li (PhD student) passed the doctoral qualifying exam. Congratulations Kevin!
    12. July, 2020: Prof. Lee became an associate professor starting from July 1st.
    13. June, 2020: Kevin Li (PhD student) was selected to the associate member of the Vertical Flight Society (VFS) Technical Committee. Congratulations Kevin!
    14. June, 2020:  We congratulate our undergraduate student who graduated this spring: Inbal Shlesinger. Inbal will start her MS degree at Stanford University. Best wishes to Inbal for starting a new adventure!
    15. June, 2020: Prof. Lee will serve as a session chair in a trailing-edge noise session at the AIAA Aeroacoustics conference.
    16. June, 2020: Jessica Shum (PhD student) will do a paid summer internship at Sandia National Lab.
    17. June, 2020: Henry Jia (PhD student) and Jared Sagaga (PhD student) will do a paid summer internship for their rotorcraft CFD and acoustics research at US Army located at NASA Ames.
    18. May, 2020: Henry Jia (PhD student) received Graduate Student Travel Award from UC Davis Graduate Studies. Congratulations Henry!
    19. April, 2020: Prof. Lee was featured in UC Davis Give Day movie. Watch this.
    20. April, 2020: Prof. Lee received tenure at UC Davis and is being promoted to Associate Professor.
    21. March, 2020: We have received NSF XSEDE HPC computer resource for our research in aeroacoustics including drone rotor noise. The detailed news can be found from here.
    22. Feb., 2020: Prof. Lee gave an invited talk at Stanford University in Civil and Environmental Engineering titled “Flow-Induced Environmental Noise and Its Applications to Aircraft and Wind Energy
    23. Jan., 2020: We have received a research grant from Hyundai Motor Company for urban air mobility aircraft noise research. The detailed news can be found from here.


    1. Dec., 2019: Henry Jia passed the doctoral qualifying exam. Congratulations Henry!
    2. Nov., 2019: Prof. Lee gave a special lecture titled Principles of Rotorcraft Flight: from Helicopter to Air Taxi to first-year aerospace engineering students.
    3. Nov., 2019: Henry Jia and Prof. Lee visited Penn State to present our research at the VLRCOE annual review.
    4. Nov., 2019: Hyundai Motor Company and Uber visited us to discuss research collaboration about urban air mobility (UAM) aircraft noise.
    5. Oct., 2019: Ranjith Narasimhamurthy (MS student) will work with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He will receive a full financial support from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for his research on energy efficiency.
    6. Sep., 2019: We welcome our new graduate students to CFPA lab: Jared Sagaga (PhD student), Yiyang Ma (Visiting PhD Student), Jagdeep Batther (MS Student), and Ranjith Narasimhamurthy (MS student).
    7. August, 2019: Prof. Lee’s office room was moved to 2104 Bainer.
    8. July, 2019: Peter Shi passed the doctoral qualifying exam. Congratulations Peter!
    9. July, 2019: Prof. Lee taught high-school students about wind energy in the COSMOS summer camp.
    10. July, 2019: Prof. Lee provided a company with a 3-day training about CFD best practices and OVERGRID/OVERFLOW simulations for airfoil and rotorcraft blades.
    11. June, 2019: Henry Jia will work at the US Army ADD at NASA Ames as a summer intern. He will continue to work on high-fidelity CFD and acoustics for a lift-offset coaxial rotor and eVTOL aircraft.
    12. June, 2019: We congratulate our undergraduate students who graduated this spring: Maxime Dassonville, Hyunjune Gill, Ryan Liang, and Louis Cashatt. Best wishes to all of them for starting a new adventure!
    13. June, 2019: Prof. Lee has started consulting work to support a company to simulate rotorcraft airfoil and blade CFD using OVERFLOW.
    14. May, 2019: Prof. Lee served for session chairs in 2019 AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference for Emerging Urban Aviation Noise, Propeller, Rotorcraft and V/STOL Noise, Jet Aeroacoustics sessions.
    15. May, 2019: Prof. Lee gave an invited lecture about Introduction to Fluid Mechanics to a UC Davis freshman seminar.
    16. May, 2019: Henry Jia’s VFF award was featured in the MAE website news ( Congratulations Henry!
    17. May, 2019: Prof. Kenneth Brentner of Penn State visited us to give a seminar.
    18. April, 2019: Jessica Shum and Kevin Li passed the preliminary exam. Congratulations Jessica and Kevin!
    19. April, 2019: Maxime Dassonville was selected to receive an outstanding senior award in Aerospace Engineering. Congratulations Maxime!
    20. March, 2019: Henry Jia was selected as a recipient the Vertical Flight Foundation (VFF) scholarship this year. The VFF scholarship is a prestigious award given to top students working on rotorcraft enginering. Congratulations Henry!
    21. Feb., 2019: Prof. Kunihiko Taira of UCLA visited us to give a seminar and discuss research collaboration with us.
    22. Feb., 2019: Prof. Lee attended the dedication session for Prof. Duck-Joo Lee (KAIST) at the The Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference at Pyeongchang, Korea, and he presented a paper titled Acoustic Prediction of Quadrotor Urban Air Mobility Aircraft at the session.
    23. Feb., 2019: Prof. Lee gave an invited seminar titled “Prediction of Urban Air Mobility Aircraft Noise” to Hyundai Automotive Company.
    24. Feb., 2019: Prof. Lee gave an invited seminar titled “Aerodynamic and Acoustic Predictions of a Lift-Offset Coaxial Rotor” to the Agency for Defense Development of Korea.
    25. Feb., 2019: Prof. Lee gave an invited seminar titled “Prediction of Urban Air Mobility Aircraft Noise” to Korea Aerospace Research Institute.


    1. Dec., 2018: Prof. Lee gave a seminar to UC Davis Mechanical and Aerospace undergraduate students about Introduction to Wind Energy.
    2. Nov., 2018: Prof. Lee gave a special lecture to UC Davis Aerospace undergraduate students about Principles of Rotorcraft Flight: from Helicopter to eVTOL.
    3. Nov., 2018: Prof. Lee and Henry Jia presented the progress of our rotorcraft project to DoD and NASA reviewers at Penn State.
    4. Oct., 2018: UC Davis newsletter featured Prof. Lee’s Hellman Fellowship Award and his research on quiet eVTOL (
    5. Oct., 2018: Prof. Lee served as a session chair of the Aerodynamics and Acoustics session at the 7th Asian/Australian Rotorcraft Forum at Jeju Island, Korea.
    6. Oct., 2018: Prof. Lee gave a seminar to UC Davis Mechanical and Aerospace graduate students about Principles of Rotorcraft Flight: from Helicopter to eVTOL.
    7. August, 2018: Prof. Lee received the Hellman Fellowship Award, which is an early-career faculty award at UC Davis. The project title is Toward quiet transformative electrical vertical aircraft.(
    8. August, 2018: Danny Nguyen finished and submitted his MS thesis. Congratulations Danny for receiving a MS degree!
    9. July, 2018: Prof. Lee visited NASA Ames and US Army ADD to discuss research collaboration in rotorcraft aeroacoustics.
    10. July, 2018: Prof. Lee taught the introduction to wind energy to high school students in COSMOS program.
    11. June, 2018: Prof. Lee served as a session chair of the Propeller Rotorcraft and V/STOL Noise session at the 2018 AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2018 AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition.
    12. June, 2018: We congratulate our undergraduate students who graduated this spring: Michi Jantarakolica, Kevin Li, Jessica Shum, and Robert Moore. Best wishes to all of them for starting a new adventure!
    13. May, 2018: Prof. Lee was selected to be a new member of the AHS Acoustics Technical Committee.
    14. May, 2018: Peter Shi (PhD Student) passed the PhD preliminary exam. Congratulations Peter!
    15. April, 2018: Henry Jia (PhD Sutdent) was selected to a paid Department of Defense (DoD) High Performance Computing (HPC) summer internship position. Henry will continue to work on high-fidelity coaxial rotor simulations at NASA Ames using DoD HPC.
    16. April, 2018: Michi Jantarakolica (Undergraduate Student) has been awarded an outstanding senior award in Aerospace Engineering for 2017-2018 in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the learning environment. Michi has worked in our lab for 2 years and performed research about iced airfoil CFD simulations. Congratulations Michi!
    17. April, 2018: Henry Jia (PhD Sutdent) was awarded Joseph L Steger Fellowship, which is offered by the department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at UC Davis in recognition of outstanding academic record and excellent work in the area of computational fluid dynamics. Henry is using high-fidelity CFD simulations to predict coaxial rotor aeroacoustics. Congratulations Henry!
    18. March, 2018: Prof. Lee visited Advanced Rotorcraft Technology Inc. (ART) to give an invited seminar about rotorcraft aeroacoustic research at UC Davis and to discuss future collaborative research opportunities.
    19. Feb., 2018: Prof. Lee attended the NSF panel review in CBET – Fluid Dynamics division.
    20. Jan., 2018: Prof. Lee gave an invited seminar at Stanford University Fluid Mechanics Seminar Series about “The Use of Computational Fluid Dynamics for Coaxial Rotorcraft Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics”. Please check out the announcement. (


    1. Nov., 2017: Henry Jia (PhD Student)’s VFF award was featured in Vertiflite magazine, which is a publication of AHS International (
    2. Nov., 2017: Prof. Lee gave a seminar to MAE undergraduate students about principles of rotorcraft flight.
    3. Oct., 2017: Prof. Dimitri Papamoschou of UC Irvine visited us to give a seminar talk on jet noise prediction modeling.
    4. July, 2017: Henry Jia (PhD Student) has received the Vertical Flight Foundation (VFF) scholarship from the American Helicopter Society (AHS). He was invited to the American Helicopter Society (AHS) International 73rd Annual Forum Grand Awards Banquet, which took place on May, 10, 2017. The award news was published in the Vertiflite magazine, which is a publication of AHS International (  Please check out Henry’s biography posted on the AHS website.
    5. July, 2017: Henry Jia, PhD student, was selected as a winner of the 2017 N&M Sarigul-Klijn Flight Research/Space Engineering Award for his research proposal on coaxial rotorcraft aerodynamics and aeroacoustics. (
    6. July, 2017: Professor Lee gave lectures to high school students about wind energy in COSMOS summer camp.
    7. June, 2017: We have received a research contract grant from Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials (KIMM) for wind turbine aerodynamic research.
    8. June, 2017: Henry Jia, PhD student, started a summer intern at the US Army Research Lab. He will continue to work on co-axial rotorcraft aerodynamics and aeroacoustics research.
    9. May, 2017: Professor Lee gave a career advice seminar about graduate school to MAE undergraduate students.
    10. April, 2017: Henry Jia and Danny Nguyen, our lab Ph.D. students, passed their Ph.D. preliminary exam. Congratulations Henry and Danny!
    11. Jan., 2017: Professor Lee was selected to be a new member of the AIAA Aeroacoustics Technical Committee.
    12. Jan., 2017: Professor Jeon, Wonju of Mechanical Enginnering at KAIST visited us to give a seminar talk and discuss collaborative research opportunities.


    1. Nov., 2016: Professor Lee visited Penn State to attend a VLRCOE kick-off meeting and present our new research plan.
    2. Nov., 2016: Professor Lee visited the US Army to give a seminar about “rotorcraft aeroacoustic research at UC Davis”.
    3. Sep., 2016: Professor Lee delivered seminar talks at Seoul National University, KAIST, Pusan National University about “helicopter high-speed impulsive noise: from generation to propagation”.
    4. June, 2016: We have received a research grant from the US Army for rotorcraft aeroacoustic research and joined a new Vertical Lift Research Center of Excellence (VLRCOE) team. The award news was published in the Vertiflite magazine of the American Helicopter Society, March-April, 2017, ( 
    5. Jan., 2016: Professor Lee gave an invited talk about acoustic scattering and nonlinear sound propagation at NASA Ames Research Center. The presentation clip is available in the link here.