
Selected Publications

Collison, R.S. and M.E Grismer. 2018. Upscaling the Zeolite-Anammox Process: Treatment of high-strength anaerobic digester filtrate. Water – in press.

Collison, R.S. and M.E Grismer. 2018. Upscaling the Zeolite-Anammox Process: Treatment of secondary effluent. Water.

Grismer, M.E. 2018. Putah Creek Hydrology Affecting Riparian Cottonwood and Willow Tree Survival. Environ. Monitor. & Assessment, 190:458. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-018-6841-x.

Grismer, M.E. and R. S. Collison. 2017. The Zeolite-Anammox Treatment Process for Nitrogen Removal from Wastewater—A Review. Water, 9(11), 901; doi:10.3390/w9110901

Grismer, M.E. 2016. Determination of watershed infiltration and erosion parameters from field rainfall simulation analyses. Hydrology 3(3):23-38.

Grismer, M.E. 2016. Surface runoff in watershed modeling – Turbulent or laminar flows? Hydrology 3(2):18-30.

Grismer, M.E. 2013. Stream Sediment and Nutrient Loads in the Tahoe Basin – Estimated versus Monitored Loads for TMDL “Crediting”. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-013-3142-2. 185(9):7883-7894.

Grismer, M.E. 2012. Detecting Soil Disturbance/Restoration effects on Stream Sediment Loading in the Tahoe Basin – Modeling Predictions. Hydrological Processes DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9554. 28:161-170. 28(2):161-170.

Grismer, M.E. and C. Asato. 2012. Oak Savanna versus Vineyard Soil-water Use in Sonoma County, CA. California Agriculture. 66(4):144-152.

Grismer, M.E. 2012. Estimating Agricultural Deep Percolation Lag times to Groundwater in the Antelope Valley, CA. Hydrological Processes, March DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9249. 27(3): 378-393.

Grismer, M.E. 2012. Erosion Modeling for Land Management in the Tahoe Basin, USA: scaling from plots to small forest catchments. Hydrological Sciences J. 57(5):878-900.

Fristensky, A. and M.E Grismer. 2009. Evaluation of ultrasonic aggregate stability and rainfall erosion resistance of disturbed and amended soils in the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA. Catena. 79:93-102.

Grismer, M.E., C. Shnurrenberger, R. Arst and M.P. Hogan. 2009. Integrated Monitoring and Assessment of Soil Restoration Treatments in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Environ. Monitoring & Assessment. 150:365-383.

Grismer, M.E., A.L. Ellis and A. Fristensky. 2008. Runoff Sediment Particle-sizes associated with Soil Erosion in the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA. Land Degradation & Dev. 19:331-350.

Grismer, M.E. 2007. Soil Restoration and Erosion Control: Quantitative Assessment in Rangeland and Forested areas. Invited to ASABE Transactions Soil & Water Centennial Collection. 50(5):1619-1626.

Grismer, M.E. and M.P. Hogan. 2005. Evaluation of Revegetation/Mulch Erosion Control Using Simulated Rainfall in the Lake Tahoe Basin: 3. Treatment Assessment. Land Degradation & Dev. 16:489-501.

Grismer, M.E. and M.P. Hogan. 2005. Evaluation of Revegetation/Mulch Erosion Control Using Simulated Rainfall in the Lake Tahoe Basin: 2. Bare Soil Assessment. Land Degradation & Dev. 16:397-404.

Grismer, M.E. and M.P. Hogan. 2004. Evaluation of Revegetation/Mulch Erosion Control Using Simulated Rainfall in the Lake Tahoe Basin: 1. Method Assessment. Land Degradation & Dev. 13:573-588.

Grismer M. E. 2005. Simulation evaluation of the effects of non-uniform flow and degradation parameter uncertainty on subsurface flow constructed wetland performance. Water Env. Research 77(7):3047-3053.

Grismer M. E., M. A. Carr and H. L. Shepherd. 2003. Evaluation of Constructed Wetland Treatment Performance for Winery Wastewater. Water Env. Research. 75(5):412-421.

Hydrological Proc: 14(14):2527-2543.Grismer M. E., M. Tausendschoen and H. L. Shepherd. 2001. Subsurface Flow Hydraulic Characteristics of a Constructed Wetland for Treatment of Winery Effluent. Water Env. Research 73(4):466-477.

Grismer, M.E., S. Bachman and T. Powers. 2000. Comparison of groundwater recharge estimation methods in a semi-arid, coastal avocado/citrus orchard, Ventura County, CA.

Battany, M.C. and M.E. Grismer. 2000. Rainfall runoff, infiltration and erosion in hillside vineyards: Effects of slope, cover and surface roughness. Hydrological Proc. 14:1289-1304.

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