High-Speed Integrated Electronic Systems Lab (HISIES)
In recent years many new mm-wave and terahertz (THz) applications and standards have been emerging. These systems are mostly a response to the ever-growing demand for higher data speed, higher image resolution, and better sensing systems. Prof. Omeed Momeni’s research vision and performance since 2006 has been to use innovative approaches to make solid-state electronics and especially silicon, with its massive infrastructure, the default platform for high performance on-chip mm-wave and THz systems. If energy efficient, low cost and on-chip THz systems are realized the numerous related applications will rapidly flourish, creating a new and unique opportunities for industry and society.
Prof. Momeni’s work is focused on many aspects of THz/mm-wave systems, including high gain/power amplification, high power and wideband signal generation/synthesis, low noise/conversion-loss mixers, scalable/wideband antenna arrays, and wide-steering-angle phased arrays, all of which operate close to or beyond the conventional limits of the transistors. His research has significantly improved the state of the art in almost all of these sub areas. On the application side, Prof. Momeni is focusing on three categories in his research directions: 1- Reconfigurable arrays for low power and high resolution THz imaging, 2- Ultra short range THz radar for sensitive sensing, and 3- Low power high data-rate wireless link. All of these projects target the main bottlenecks that if contained can make the systems practical and feasible in future.

Omeed Momeni
Associate Professor
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of California, Davis
3167 Kemper Hall
Davis, CA 95616