
  • Cooney J.J. and S. Wuertz (1989). Toxic effects of tin compounds on microorganisms. J. Ind. Microbiol. 4:375-402. (a review)
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  • Collard J.M., P. Corbisier, L. Diels, Q. Dong, C. Jenthon, M. Mergeay, S. Taghavi. D. van der Lelie, A. Wilmotte, and S. Wuertz  (1994). Plasmids for heavy metal resistance in Alcaligenes eutrophus CH34: mechanisms and applications. FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 14:405-414.
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  • Wuertz S. and M. Mergeay (1997). Impact of heavy metals on soil microbial communities and their activities. In: Modern Soil Microbiology, p 607-642. Marcel Dekker, New York.
  • Diels L., S. Wuertz, S. van Roy, M. Carpels, L. Hooyberghs, D. Springael, S. Krebs, A. Ryngaert, and M. Mergeay (1997). Bioprozesse zur Rückhaltung von Schwermetallen aus Wasser und Boden. In: Mikrobieller Schadstoffabbau. S. 261-289. Vieweg Verlag Braunschweig/Wiesbaden.
  • van der Lelie D., T. Schwuchow, U. Schwidetzky, S. Wuertz, W. Baeyens, M. Mergeay, and D.H. Nies (1997). Two linked two-component regulatory systems involved in regulation of heavy metal homeostasis in Alcaligenes eutrophus CH34. Mol. Microbiol. 23:493-503.
  • Griebe T., G. Schaule, and S. Wuertz (1997). Determination of microbial respiratory and redox activity in activated sludge. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotech. 19:118-122.
  • Wuertz S., P. Pfleiderer, K. Kriebitzsch, T. Griebe, D. Coello-Oviedo, R. Spaeth, P.A. Wilderer, and H.-C. Flemming (1998) Extracellular redox activity in activated sludge. Water Sci. Technol. 37 (4-5):379-384.
  • Späth R., H.-C. Flemming, and S. Wuertz. (1998) Sorption properties of biofilms. Water Sci. Technol. 37 (4-5):207-210.
  • Huber S., S. Minnebusch, S. Wuertz, P.A. Wilderer, and B. Helmreich. (1998) Impact of different substrates on protein composition in biomass during wastewater treatment investigated by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Water. Sci. Technol. 37 (4-5):363-366.
  • Burtscher C., P.A. Fall, P.A. Wilderer, O. Christ, and S. Wuertz. (1998) Detection and survival of pathogens during two-stage thermophilic/mesophilic anaerobic digestion of suspended organic waste. Water Sci. Technol. 38 (12):123-126.
  • Kriebitzsch K., E. Adamietz, C. Schiegl, B. Helmreich, P.A. Wilderer, and S. Wuertz. (1998) Assessment of biological activity during temperature changes in a bench-scale sequencing batch reactor fed with synthetic medium containing lignin. Water Sci. Technol. 37 (4-5):251-254.
  • Kuehn M., M. Hausner, H.-J. Bungartz, M. Wagner, P.A. Wilderer, and S. Wuertz. (1998). Automated confocal laser scanning microscopy and      semiautomated image processing for the analysis of biofilms. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 64:4115-4127.
  • Burtscher C., P.A. Fall, P.A. Wilderer, and S. Wuertz. (1999). Detection of Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes in suspended organic waste by nucleic acid extraction and PCR. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 65:2235-2237.
  • Hausner M. and S. Wuertz. (1999). High rates of conjugation in bacterial biofilms as determined by quantitative in situ analysis of biovolumes. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 65:3710-3713.
  • Tibarzawa C., S. Wuertz, M. Mergeay, L. Wyns, and D. van der Lelie. (2000). Regulation of the cnr cobalt and nickel resistance determinant of Ralstonia eutropha (Alcaligenes eutrophus) CH34. J. Bacteriol. 182:1399-1409.
  • Spaeth, R. and S. Wuertz. (2000). Extraction and quantification of extracellular polymeric substances from wastewaters. In: Biofilms. Investigative methods & applications, H.-C. Flemming, U. Szewzyk, and T. Griebe (Eds.), Technomic Publishers, Lancaster, PA, USA, pp. 51-68.
  • Kuehn M., U. Schindler, P.A. Wilderer, and S. Wuertz. (2000). Quantitative microscopy in biofilm studies. In: Biofilms. Investigative methods & applications, H.-C. Flemming, U. Szewzyk, and T. Griebe (Eds.), Technomic Publishers, Lancaster, PA, USA, pp. 195-209.
  • Wuertz S., E. Müller, Spaeth, R., P. Pfleiderer, and H.-C. Flemming. (2000). Detection of heavy metals in bacterial biofilms and microbial flocs with the fluorescent complexing agent Newport Green. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 24:116-123.
  • Bungartz H.-J., M. Kuehn, M. Mehl, M. Hausner, and S. Wuertz. (2000). Fluid flow, transport, and biomass growth in defined biofilms: experiments and numerical simulations on a microscale. Water Sci. Technol. 41 (4-5):331-338.
  • Rodenacker K., A. Brühl, M. Hausner, M. Kühn, V. Liebscher, M. Wagner, G. Winkler, and S. Wuertz. (2000). Quantification of biofilms in multispectral digital volumes from confocal laser scanning microscopes. Image Anal. Stereol. 19:151-156.
  • Hendrickx L., M. Hausner, and S. Wuertz. (2000). In situ monitoring of natural genetic transformation of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus BD413 in monoculture biofilms. Water Sci. Technol. 41 (4-5):155-158.
  • Johnsen A.R., M. Hausner, A. Schnell, and S. Wuertz. (2000). Evaluation of fluorescently labeled lectins for the localization of EPS in Sphingomonas biofilms. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66: 3487-3491.
  • Drewello U., R. Weissmann, S. Rölleke, E. Müller, S. Wuertz, F. Fekrsanati, C. Troll, and R. Drewello. (2000). Biogenic surface layers on historical window glass and the effect of excimer laser cleaning. J. Cultural Heritage Suppl. 1: 161-171.
  • Müller E., U. Drewello, R. Weissmann, and S. Wuertz. (2001). In situ analysis of biofilms on historical window glass using confocal laser scanning microscopy. J. Cultural Heritage 2: 31-42.
  • Wuertz S., L. Hendrickx, M. Kuehn, K. Rodenacker and M. Hausner. (2001) In situ quantification of gene transfer in biofilms. Meth. Enzymol. 336: 129-143.
  • Kuehn M., M. Mehl, M. Hausner, H.-J. Bungartz, and S. Wuertz. (2001). Time-resolved study of biofilm architecture and transport processes using experimental and simulation techniques: the role of EPS. Water Sci. Technol. 43(6): 143-151.
  • Wuertz S., R. Spaeth, R., A. Hinderberger, T. Griebe, H.-C. Flemming, and P.A. Wilderer. (2001). A new method for extraction of extracellular polymeric substances from biofilms and activated sludge suitable for direct quantification of sorbed metals. Water Sci. Technol. 43 (6): 25-31.
  • Xavier J.B., A. Schnell, S. Wuertz, R. Palmer, D.C. White, and J.S. Almeida. (2001). Objective threshold selection procedure (OTS) for segmentation of scanning scanning laser confocal microscopy images. J. Microbiol. Method. 47:169-180.
  • Falkentoft C.M., E. Muller, P. Arnz, P. Harremoes, H. Mosbaek, P.A. Wilderer, and S. Wuertz. (2002). Population changes in a biofilm reactor for phosphorus removal as evidenced by the use of FISH. Water Res. 36: 491-500.
  • Nogueira R., L.F. Melo, U. Purkhold, S. Wuertz, and M. Wagner. (2002). Microbial population dynamics versus nitrification performance in biofilm reactors operated with different hydraulic retention times during a shift from pure ammonia oxidation to combined organic carbon and ammonia oxidation. Water Res. 36:469-481.
  • Wilderer P.A., H.-J. Bungartz, H. Lemmer, M. Wagner, J. Keller, and, S. Wuertz. (2002). Modern scientific methods and their potential in wastewater science and technology. Water Res. 36:370-393.
  • Pereira M.O., M. Kuehn, S. Wuertz, T. Neu, and L.F. Melo. (2002). Effect of flow regime on the architecture of a Pseudomonas fluorescens biofilm. Biotech. Bioeng. 78:164-171.
  • Wuertz S. (2002). Gene exchange in biofilms. In: Encyclopedia of      Environmental Microbiology, G. Bitton (ed.), John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY. Vol. 3, p1408-1420.
  • Muller E., K. Kriebitzsch, P.A. Wilderer, and S. Wuertz. (2002). Community structure of micro-and macroflocs in pin-point sludge and the influence of sludge age and potassium addition on microfloc formation. Water Sci. Technol. 46 (1-2):405-412.
  • Wattiau P., D. Springael, S.N. Agathos, and S. Wuertz. (2002) Use of the pAL5000 replicon in PAH-degrading mycobacteria: application for strain labeling and promoter probing. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 59:700-709.
  • Bungartz H.-J., M. Kuehn, M. Mehl, and S. Wuertz. Space and time resolved simulations of processes in biofilm systems on a microscale. (2003) In: Polymer and cell dynamics – multiscale modeling and numerical simulations, M. Chaplain, M. Griebel, J. Lenz, and W. Alt (eds.), Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, pp. 175-188.
  • Hendrickx L., M. Hausner, and S. Wuertz. (2003). Natural transformation in monoculture Acinetobacter sp. BD413 biofilms. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69:1721-1727.
  • Rodrigues A.C., S. Wuertz, A.G. Brito, and L.F. Melo. (2003). Three-dimensional distribution of a gfp-tagged Pseudomonas putida during biofilm formation on solid PAHs assessed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Water Sci. Technol. 47(5), 139-142.
  • Schmid M., A. Thill, U. Purkhold, M. Walcher, J.Y. Bottero, V. Urbain, P. Ginestet, P. H. Nielsen, S. Wuertz, and M. Wagner. (2003). Characterization of activated sludge flocs by confocal laser scanning microscopy and image analysis. Water Res. 37:2043-2052.
  • Nancharaiah Y.V., P. Wattiau, S. Wuertz, S. Bathe, P. A. Wilderer, and M. Hausner. (2003). Dual labeling of Pseudomonas putida with fluorescent proteins for the in situ monitoring of conjugal transfer of the TOL plasmid. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69:4846-4852.
  • Burtscher C. and S. Wuertz. (2003). Evaluation of the use of PCR and RT-PCR for detection of pathogenic bacteria in biosolids from anaerobic digestors and aerobic composters. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69:4618-4627.
  • Lebuhn M., M. Effenberger, A. Gronauer, P.A. Wilderer, and S. Wuertz. (2003). Using quantitative real time PCR to determine the hygienic status of cattle manure. Water Sci. Technol. 48 (4):97-103.
  • Schroeder E.D. and S. Wuertz. (2003). Bacteria. In: The handbook of water and wastewater microbiology, D. Mara and N. Horan (eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, p 57-68.
  • Bathe, S., M. Lebuhn, J.W. Ellwart, S. Wuertz, and M. Hausner. (2004). High phylogenetic diversity of transconjugants carrying plasmid pJP4 in an activated sludge-derived microbial community. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 235:215-219.
  • Bathe, S., T. V.K. Mohan, S. Wuertz, and M. Hausner. (2004). Bioaugmentation of a sequencing batch biofilm reactor by horizontal gene transfer. Water Sci. Technol. 49(11-12):337-344.
  • Wuertz, S., S. Okabe, and M. Hausner. (2004). Microbial communities and their interactions in biofilm systems: an overview. Water Sci. Technol. 49 (11-12):327-336.
  • Hendrickx, L. and S. Wuertz. (2004). Investigating in situ natural genetic transformation of Acinetobacter sp. BD413 in biofilms using confocal laser scanning microscopy. J. Setlow, A. Hollender (eds.) In: Genetic Engineering, Principles and Methods, Vol. 27, p 159-174. Plenum Press, New York.
  • Pozos N., K. Scow, S. Wuertz, and J. Darby. (2004). UV disinfection in a model distribution system: biofilm growth and microbial community. Water Res. 38:3083-3091.
  • Nancharaiah Y.V., V. P. Venugopalan, S. Wuertz, P. A. Wilderer, and M. Hausner. (2005). Compatibility of the green fluorescent protein and a general nucleic acid stain for quantitative description of a Pseudomonas putida biofilm. J. Microbiol. Meth. 60: 179-187.
  • Rodrigues A.C., S. Wuertz, A.G. Brito, and L.F. Melo. (2005). Fluorene and phenanthrene uptake by Pseudomonas putida ATCC 17514: kinetics and physiological aspects. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 90:281-289.
  • Venugopalan V. P., M. Kuehn, M. Hausner, D. Springael, P. A. Wilderer, and S. Wuertz. (2005). Architecture of a nascent Sphingomonas sp. biofilm under varied hydrodynamic conditions. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 71:2677-2686.
  • Sorensen S.J., M. Bailey, L.H. Hansen, N. Kroer, and S. Wuertz. Studying plasmid horizontal transfer in situ: a critical review. Nat. Microbiol. Rev. 3:700-710.
  • GrayMerod R., L. Hendrickx, L. N. Mueller, J. B. Xavier, and S. Wuertz. (2005). Effect of nucleic acid stain Syto 9 on nascent biofilm architecture of Acinetobacter sp. BD413. Water Sci. Technol. 52(7):195-202.
  • Thompson D.E., V.B. Rajal, S.  De Batz, and S. Wuertz. (2006). Detection of Salmonella spp. in water using magnetic bead capture hybridization combined with PCR or real-time PCR.  J. Water Health 4: 67-75.
  • van Herwijnen, R., B. Joffe, A. Ryngaert, N. M. Leys, M. Hausner, D. Springael, H.A.J. Govers, S. Wuertz, and J.R. Parsons. (2006). Effect of bioaugmentation and supplementary carbon sources on degradation of PAHs by a soil derived culture. FEMS Microbiology Letters 55: 122-135.
  • Falk, M. W. and S. Wuertz. (2006). Diversity of biofilms and their formation processes. In: Biodiversity in Agricultural Production Systems, p 131 – 148, G. Benckiser and S. Schnell (eds.), CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, 2006.
  • Rajal, V. B., B. S. McSwain, D.E. Thompson, C. M. Leutenegger, B. Kildare, and S. Wuertz. (2007) Validation of hollow fiber ultrafiltration and real time PCR using bacteriophage PP7 as surrogate for the quantification of viruses from water samples. Water Res. 41:1411-1422
  • Rajal, V.B., B. S. McSwain, D.E. Thompson, C. M. Leutenegger, and S. Wuertz. (2007). Molecular quantitative analysis of human viruses in California storm water. Water Res. 41:4287-4298.
  • Merod, R.T., J. E. Warren, H. McCaslin, and S. Wuertz. (2007) Toward automated analysis of biofilm architecture: bias caused by extraneous  CLSM images. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 73:4922-4930.
  • Santo Domingo, J.W., Bambic, D.G., Edge, T.A. and Wuertz, S. (2007)  Quo vadis source tracking? Towards a strategic framework for environmental monitoring of fecal pollution. Water Res.41: 3539-3552.
  • Kildare,  B.J., Leutenegger, C.M., McSwain, B.S., Bambic, D.G., Rajal, V.B. and Wuertz, S. (2007) 16S rRNA-based assays for quantitative detection of universal, human-, cow-and dog-specific fecal Bacteroidales: a Bayesian approach. Water Res. 41:3701-3715.

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