Hung, Tien-Chieh

Other Talks

13. Application of sperm studies for enhancing endangered species culture, conservation, and reproductive success, Aquaculture America 2025. New Orleans, LA, 2025.

12. From refuge to release: Upgrading methods and facilities for advanced fish propagation of delta smelt, Aquaculture America 2024. San Antonio, TX, 2024.

11. Case studies of implementing research outcome into the operation of a conservation hatchery, American Fisheries Society Western Division Annual Meeting. Boise, ID, 2023.

10. The role of a university-operated conservation hatchery on a multiple agencies involved experimental supplementation project, American Fisheries Society Western Division Annual Meeting. Boise, ID, 2023.

9. Update on the delta smelt culture using raw water from Clifton Ct. Forebay and future work, Estuarine Ecology Team. Oakley, CA, 2017.

8. Aquacultural engineering & conservation of endangered fish species, BAE Leadership Board meeting, UC Davis. Davis, CA, 2016.

7. Effects of turbidity on feeding of cultured delta smelt, Interagency Ecological Program Annual Workshop. Folsom, CA, 2016.

6. Environment parameters: the choices of delta smelt, 8th Biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference. Sacramento, CA, 2014.

5. Effects of light and turbidity on feeding, growth, and survival of larval delta smelt, Estuarine Ecology Team. Tiburon, CA, 2014.

4. Changing of the guard – Fish Conservation and Culture Lab, UC Davis, Resident Fishes PWT. Sacramento, CA, 2014.

3. Quantify effects of naturally occurring physical stimuli on delta smelt behavior, Interagency Ecological Program Annual Workshop. Folsom, CA, 2014.

2. Advantages of shuttle box system in capturing behavior of the endangered delta smelt, 7th Biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference. Sacramento, CA, 2012.

1. The study of immobilization of Candida rugosa lipase using chitosan, 7th Biochemical Engineering Conference. Taipei County, Taiwan, 2002.