Refereed Journal Articles
(See Google Scholar citation profile for all the citation information)
Aquaculture/Aquacultural Engineering/Recirculating Systems
AERS-16. Long CM, Tsai YJJ, Castillo G, Hung TC, Tobias VD, Carson EW (2024) Evaluation of visible implant elastomer (VIE) tags for use in supplementation of an endangered estuarine fish, North American Journal of Fisheries Management 44(5), 962-972.
AERS-15. Tsai YJJ, Ellison L, Stevenson T, Carson EW, Hung TC* (2023) No effect of stocking density on the survival or size of late-stage delta smelt larvae reared in a small-scale culture system, North American Journal of Aquaculture 85(4), 395-400.
AERS-14. Putri FE, Lieth JH, Hung TC* (2023) Optimization of citrus nursery production in soilless culture under controlled environment, Technology in Horticulture 3, 13.
AERS-13. Afentoulis V*, Kalmbach A, Hung TC*, Rahman MM, Ellison L, Miranda J (2022) Vital dye immersion evaluations with juvenile delta smelt, Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries 3(1), 102-111.
AERS-12. Rahman MM, Asadi Aghbolaghi M, Hung TC* (2022) Evaluate effects of the dilution medium and holding time on various motility parameters of delta smelt semen, Theriogenology 197, 301-309.
AERS-11. Mulvaney W, Rahman MM, Lewis LS, Cheng J, Hung TC* (2022) Captive rearing of longfin smelt Spirinchus Thaleichthys: First attempt of weaning cultured juveniles to dry feed, Animals 12, 1478.
AERS-10. Tsai YJJ, Ellison L, Stevenson T, Mulvaney WJ, Carson EW, Hung TC* (2022) Evaluating the performance of a small-scale culture system for delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus), North American Journal of Aquaculture 84(3), 370-380.
AERS-9. Hung TC*, Ellison L, Stevenson T, Sandford M, Schultz AA, Eads AR (2022) Early weaning in endangered Delta Smelt: effect of weaning time on growth and survival, North American Journal of Aquaculture 84, 249-260.
AERS-8. Tsai YJJ, Chase SN, Hung TC* (2021) Validating the use of sodium hypochlorite for egg detachment and photograph-based egg counting in Delta Smelt, Aquaculture Research 52, 5936-5940.
AERS-7. Putri FE, Hung TC* (2020) Comparison of nutrient removal and biomass production between macrophytes and microalgae for treating artificial citrus nursery wastewater, Journal of Environmental Management 264, 110303.
AERS-6. Sandford M, Castillo G, Hung TC* (2020) A review of fish identification methods applied on small fishes, Reviews in Aquaculture 12(2), 542-554.
AERS-5. Castillo GC, Sandford ME, Hung TC, Yang WR, Tigan G, Ellison L, Lindberg JC, Van Nieuwenhuyse EE (2019) Evaluation of chromatophores as natural marks for delta smelt: the effects of life-stage and light intensity, Environmental Biology of Fishes 102(9), 1137-1147.
AERS-4. Castillo GC, Sandford ME, Hung TC, Tigan G, Lindberg JC, Yang WR, Nieuwenhuyse EE (2018) Using natural marks to identify individual cultured adult Delta Smelt, North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38(3), 698-705.
AERS-3. Hung TC*, Stevenson T, Sandford M, Gheremariam T (2018) Temperature, density and ammonia effects on growth and fecundity of the ramshorn snail (Helisoma anceps), Aquaculture Research 49(2), 1072–1079.
AERS-2. Wilder RM, Hassrick JL, Grimaldo LF, Greenwood MFD, Acuña S, Burns JM, Maniscalco DM, Crain PK, Hung TC (2016) Feasibility of passive integrated transponder and acoustic tagging for endangered adult Delta Smelt, North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36, 1167-1177.
AERS-1. Hung TC, Piedrahita RH (2011) The performance and impact of a bubble-wash bead filter in a recirculating green water larval culture system for delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus), Aquacultural Engineering 45, 60-65.
Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus)
DS-36. Lewis L, Willmes M, Denney C, Cavole L, Xieu W, Fichman RA, Hung TC, Ellison L, Stevenson T, Schultz A, Hammock B, Teh S, Hobbs J (2025) Validating estuarine movements from otoliths for an imperiled fish, Aquatic Biology.
DS-35. Patel A, Hung TC, Rossner KF (2024) Understanding the driving forces of Bay/Delta administrative agency officials towards the Delta Smelt Resiliency Strategy: Outflow augmentation, Journal of Student Research 13(3).
DS-34. Davis BE, Hammock BG, Kwan N, Pien C, Bell H, Hartman R, Baerwald MR, Schreier B, Gille D, Acuña S, Teh S, Hung TC, Ellison L, Cocherell DE, Fangue NA (2024) Insights from a year of field deployments inform the conservation of an endangered estuarine fish, Conservation Physiology 12(1), coae088.
DS-33. Rahman MM, Hung TC* (2024) Impact of salinity and body size on sperm motility in three California smelt species, Aquaculture Reports 39, 102503.
DS-32. Habibi E, Miller MR, Schreier A, Campbell MA, Hung TC, Gille D, Baerwald M, Finger AJ (2024) Single generation epigenetic change in captivity and reinforcement in subsequent generations in a delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus) conservation hatchery, Molecular Ecology 33(15), e17449.
DS-31. Chase SN, Davis BE, Carson EW, Ellison L, Finger AJ, Baerwald MR, Hung TC* (2024) Evaluating the impact of captive ancestry on the growth and survival of Delta Smelt in a captive environment, Aquaculture Reports 36, 102169.
DS-30. Asadi Aghbolaghi M, Maloy AP, Coombs JA, Hung TC*, Carson EW (2024) Phylogenetic relationships and introduction history inferred from complete mitochondrial genomes of four smelts (Osmeridae) of the modern San Francisco Estuary, Zoologischer Anzeiger 308, 66-70.
DS-29. LaCava M, Griffiths J, Ellison L, Carson E, Hung TC, Finger A (2023) Loss of plasticity in maturation timing after ten years of captive spawning in a delta smelt conservation hatchery, Evolutionary Applications 16(11), 1845-1857.
DS-28. LaCava MEF, Donohue IM, Badger ME, Hung TC, Ellison L, Rahman MM, Kelvas K, Finger AJ, Carson EW (2024) Assessing captive spawning strategies for supplementation production of delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus), Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 153(1), 129-138.
DS-27. Dhayalan T, Tran F, Hung TC, Senegal T, Mora V, Lewis L, Teh S, Hammock BG (2024) Liver glycogen as a sensitive indicator of food limitation in delta smelt, Estuaries and Coasts. 47, 504-518.
DS-26. Chase SN, Tsai YJJ, Croshaw M, Hung TC* (2023) Salinity and diel timing affect group structure in delta smelt, Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries 3(5), 407-414.
DS-25. Ellison L, Rahman MM, Finger AJ, Sandford M, Hsueh CH, Schultz AA, Hung TC* (2023) Size, fecundity, and condition factor changes in endangered delta smelt Hypomesus transpacificus over 10 generations in captivity, Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries 3(4), 353-365.
DS-24. Baerwald MR, Kwan N, Pien C, Auringer G, Carson EW, Cocherell DE, Ellison L, Fangue NA, Finger AJ, Gille DA, Hudson H, Hung TC, Sommer T, Stevenson T, Schreier BM (2023) Captive-reared delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus) exhibit high survival in natural conditions using in situ enclosures, PLoS ONE 18(5), e0286027.
DS-23. Pasparakis C, Lohroff T, Biefel F, Cocherell DE, Carson EW, Hung TC, Connon RE, Fangue NA, Todgham AE (2023) Effects of turbidity, temperature, and predation cue on the stress response of juvenile delta smelt, Conservation Physiology 11(1), coad036.
DS-22. Tsai YJJ, Chase SN, Carson EW, Zweig L, Hung TC* (2023) A qualitative comparison of spawning behavior between cultured and wild delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus), San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 21(3), article 2.
DS-21. Lewis LS, Huang JL, Willmes M, Fichman RA, Hung TC, Ellison LT, Stevenson TA, Teh S, Hammock BG, Schultz AA, Grimsich J, Huyskens MH, Yin QZ, Cavole LM, Botto N, Hobbs JA (2022) Visual, spectral, and microchemical quantification of crystalline anomalies in otoliths of wild and cultured delta smelt, Scientific Reports 12, 20751.
DS-20. Hung TC*, Hammock BG, Sandford M, Stillway M, Park M, Lindberg JC, Teh SJ (2022) Temperature and salinity preferences of endangered Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus, Actinopterygii, Osmeridae), Scientific Reports 12, 16558.
DS-19. Pasparakis C, Wampler AN, Lohroff T, DeCastro F, Cocherell DE, Carson EW, Hung TC, Connon RE, Fangue NA, Todgham AE (2022) Characterizing the stress response in juvenile delta smelt exposed to multiple stressors, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 274, 111303.
DS-18. Kurobe T, Hammock BG, Damon LJ, Hung TC, Acuña S, Schultz AA, Teh SJ (2022) Reproductive strategy of delta smelt Hypomesus transpacificus and impacts of drought on reproductive performance, PLoS ONE 17(3), e0264731.
DS-17. Tsai YJJ, Chase SN, Carson EW, Zweig L, Hung TC* (2022) Delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus) exhibit wide variation in spawning behavior: an investigation of substrate type, diel timing, and participants, Estuaries and Coasts 45, 1480-1489.
DS-16. Xieu W, Lewis LS, Zhao F, Fichman RA, Willmes M, Hung TC, Ellison L, Stevenson T, Tigan G, Schultz A, Hobbs J (2021) Experimental validation of otolith-based age and growth reconstructions across multiple life stages of a critically endangered estuarine fish, PeerJ 9, e12280.
DS-15. Bork K, Moyle P, Durand J, Hung TC, Rypel AL (2021) Revisiting the delta smelt: A rebuttal to Weiland and Murphy, Environmental Law Reporter 51(9), ELR 10740.
DS-14. Tsai YJJ, Chase S, Carson EW, Zweig L, Hung TC* (2021) Characterization of spawning behavior in cultured delta smelt, North American Journal of Aquaculture 83, 51-57.
DS-13. Hammock BG, Ramírez-Duarte WF, Triana-García PA, Schultz AA, Avendano LI, Hung TC, White JR, Bong YT, Teh SJ (2020) The health and condition responses of delta smelt to fasting: A time series experiment, PLoS ONE 15(9), e0239358.
DS-12. Bork K, Moyle P, Durand J, Hung TC, Rypel AL (2020) Small populations in jeopardy: A delta smelt case study, Environmental Law Reporter 50(9), ELR 10714.
DS-11. Tigan G, Mulvaney W, Ellison L, Schultz A, Hung TC* (2020) Effects of light and turbidity on feeding, growth, and survival of larval Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus, Actinopterygii, Osmeridae), Hydrobiologia 847(13), 2883-2894.
DS-10. Lindberg JC, Tsai YJJ, Kammerer BD, Baskerville-Bridges B, Hung TC* (2020) Spawning microhabitat selection in wild-caught delta smelt Hypomesus transpacificus under laboratory conditions, Estuaries and Coasts 43(1), 174-181.
DS-9. Hung TC*, Rosales M, Kurobe T, Stevenson T, Ellison L, Tigan G, Sandford M, Lam C, Schultz A, Teh S (2019) A pilot study of the performance of captive-reared delta smelt Hypomesus transpacificus in a semi-natural environment, Journal of Fish Biology 95(6), 1517-1522.
DS-8. Romney ALT, Yanagitsuru YR, Mundy PC, Fangue NA, Hung TC, Brander SM, Connon RE (2019) Developmental staging and salinity tolerance in embryos of the delta smelt, Hypomesus transpacificus, Aquaculture 511, 634191.
DS-7. Willmes M, Lewis LS, Davis BE, Loiselle L, James HF, Denny C, Baxter R, Conrad JL, Fangue NA, Hung TC, Armstrong RA, Williams IS, Holden P, Hobbs JA (2019) Calibrating temperature reconstructions from fish otolith oxygen isotope analysis for California’s critically-endangered delta smelt, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 33(14), 1207-1220.
DS-6. Davis BE, Cocherell D, Sommer T, Baxter R, Hung TC, Todgham AE, Fangue NA (2019) Sensitivities of an endemic, endangered California smelt and two non-native fishes to serial increases in temperature and salinity: Implications for shifting community structure with climate change, Conservation Physiology 7(1), coy076.
DS-5. Lessard J, Cavallo B, Anders P, Sommer T, Schreier B, Gille D, Schreier A, Finger A, Hung TC, Hobbs J, May B, Schultz A, Burgess O, Clarke R (2018) Considerations for the use of captive-reared delta smelt for species recovery and research, San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 16(3), article 3.
DS-4. Finger AJ, Mahardja B, Fisch KM, Benjamin A, Lindberg J, Ellison L, Ghebremariam T, Hung TC, May B (2018) A managed conservation hatchery for delta smelt shows evidence of genetic adaptation to captivity after 9 generations, Journal of Heredity 109(6), 689-699.
DS-3. Benjamin A, Saglam IK, Mahardja B, Hobbs J, Hung TC, Finger AJ (2018) Use of single nucleotide polymorphisms identifies backcrossing and species misidentifications among three San Francisco Estuary osmerids, Conservation Genetics 19(3), 701-712.
DS-2. Kammerer BD, Hung TC, Baxter R, Teh SJ (2016) Physiological effects of salinity on delta smelt, Hypomesus transpacificus, Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 42, 219-232.
DS-1. Hung TC*, Eder KJ, Alireza J, Loge FJ (2014) Decline in feeding activity of female cultured delta smelt prior to spawning, North American Journal of Aquaculture 76, 159-163.
Longfin Smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys)
LFS-7. Pasparakis C, Biefel F, DeCastro F, Wampler A, Cocherell DE, Carson EW, Hung TC, Connon RE, Fangue NA, Todgham AE (2024) Physiological response of longfin smelt to changing temperatures and turbidities, Conservation Physiology 12(1), coae081.
LFS-6. Biefel F, Pasparakis C, Cocherell DE, Hung TC, Carson EW, Fangue NA, Geist JP, Todgham AE, Connon RE (2024) Turbidity and temperature effects on growth and gene transcription of threatened juvenile longfin smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys), Aquaculture 593, 741296.
LFS-5. Yanagitsuru YR, Mauduit F, Lundquist AJ, Lewis LS, Hobbs JA, Hung TC, Connon RE, Fangue NA (2024) Effects of incubation temperature on the upper thermal tolerance of the imperiled longfin smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys), Conservation Physiology 12(1), coae004.
LFS-4. Hung TC*, Rahman MM, Lewis LS, Yang YC, Stevenson TA, Menard KL, Connon RE, Bell H, Fangue NA (2024) Laboratory-bred longfin smelt produced offspring in the first year in captivity, North American Journal of Aquaculture 86(2), 228-233.
LFS-3. Rahman MM, Lewis LS, Fangue NA, Connon RE, Hung TC* (2023) Effects of salinity on fertilization, hatching, and larval performance of longfin smelt Spirinchus thaleichthys, Aquaculture Research 2023, 9984382.
LFS-2. Yanagitsuru YR, Daza IY, Lewis LS, Hobbs JA, Hung TC, Connon RE, Fangue NA (2022) Growth, osmoregulation, and ionoregulation of longfin smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys) yolk-sac larvae at different salinities, Conservation Physiology 10(1), coac041.
LFS-1. Yanagitsuru YR, Main MA, Lewis LS, Hobbs JA, Hung TC, Connon RE, Fangue NA (2021) Effects of temperature on hatching and growth performance of embryos and yolk-sac larvae of a threatened estuarine fish: longfin smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys), Aquaculture 537, 736502.
Computational Fluid Dynamics
CFD-3. Hung TC, Piedrahita RH (2014) Experimental validation of a novel bio-inspired particle separator, Aquacultural Engineering 58, 11-19.
CFD-2. Hung TC, Piedrahita RH, Cheer A (2012) Bio-inspired particle separator design based on the food retention mechanism by suspension-feeding fish, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 7, 046003.
CFD-1. Cheer A, Cheung S, Hung TC, Piedrahita RH, Sanderson SL (2012) Computational fluid dynamics of fish gill rakers during crossflow filtration, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 74, 981-1000.
TOX-20. Luan N, Yang Q, Liu M, Deng P, Hung TC, Wu Q, Zou J, Liu H, Li G (2024) Probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus alleviates microcystin-LR induced visual system defects and dysfunction in zebrafish by modulating apoptosis, retinal inflammation, and phototransduction, Journal of Environmental Sciences, accepted.
TOX-19. Liu H, Yang Q, Li G, Hung TC, Zuo J, Luan N, Liu X, Wu Q (2024) Probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus modulates MCLR-induced oogenesis disorders in zebrafish: evidence from the transcriptome, Science of the Total Environment 951, 175532.
TOX-18. Stillway ME, Hammock BG, Acuña S, McCormick AR, Hung TC, Schultz AA, Young TM, Teh SJ (2024) Sub-lethal responses of delta smelt to contaminants under different flow conditions, San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 22(2), article 5.
TOX-17. Luan N, Zuo J, Niu Q, Yan W, Hung TC, Liu H, Wu Q, Wang G, Deng P, Ma X, Qin J, Li G (2023) Probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus alleviates the neurotoxicity of microcystin-LR in zebrafish (Danio rerio) through the gut-brain axis, Science of the Total Environment 908, 168058.
TOX-16. Mauduit F, Segarra A, Sherman JR, Hladik M, Wong L, Young T, Lewis LS, Hung TC, Fangue NA, Connon RE (2023) Bifenthrin, a ubiquitous contaminant, impairs the development and behavior of the threatened longfin smelt during early life stages, Environmental Science & Technology 57(26), 9580-9591.
TOX-15. Lin W, Luo H, Wu J, Hung TC, Cao B, Liu X, Yang J, Yang P (2022) A review of the emerging risks of acute ammonia nitrogen toxicity on aquatic decapod crustaceans, Water 15(1), 27.
TOX-14. Nie H, Pan M, Chen J, Yang Q, Hung TC, Xing D, Peng M, Peng X, Li G, Yan W (2022) Titanium dioxide nanoparticles decreases bioaccumulation of azoxystrobin in zebrafish larvae leading to the alleviation of cardiotoxicity, Chemosphere 307(3), 135977.
TOX-13. Lin W, Luo H, Wu J, Liu X, Cao B, Hung TC, Liu Y, Chen Z, Yang P (2022) Distinct vulnerability to oxidative stress determines the ammonia sensitivity of crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) at different developmental stages, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 242, 113895.
TOX-12. Ling X, Zuo J, Pan M, Nie H, Shen J, Yang Q, Hung TC, Li G (2022) The presence of polystyrene nanoplastics enhances the MCLR uptake in zebrafish leading to the exacerbation of oxidative liver damage, Science of the Total Environment 818, 151749.
TOX-11. Lin W, Hung TC, Kurobe T, Wang Y, Yang P (2021) Microcystin-induced immunotoxicity in fishes: A scoping review, Toxins 13(11), 765.
TOX-10. Mundy PC, Huff Hartz KE, Fulton C, Lydy M, Brander S, Hung TC, Fangue N, Connon R (2021) Exposure to permethrin or chlorpyrifos causes differential dose- and time-dependent behavioral effects at early larval stages of an endangered teleost species, Endangered Species Research 44, 89-103.
TOX-9. Wu Q, Li G, Huo T, Du X, Yang Q, Hung TC, Yan W (2021) Mechanisms of parental co-exposure to polystyrene nanoplastics and microcystin-LR aggravated hatching inhibition of zebrafish offspring, Science of the Total Environment 774, 145766.
TOX-8. Zuo J, Huo T, Du X, Yang Q, Wu Q, Shen J, Liu C, Hung TC, Yan W, Li G (2021) The joint effect of parental exposure to microcystin-LR and polystyrene nanoplastics on the growth of zebrafish offspring, Journal of Hazardous Materials 410, 124677.
TOX-7. Mundy PC, Carte MF, Brander SM, Hung TC, Fangue N, Connon RE (2020) Bifenthrin exposure causes hyperactivity in early larval stages of an endangered fish species at concentrations that occur during their hatching season, Aquatic Toxicology 228, 105611.
TOX-6. Wu Q, Yan W, Liu C, Hung TC, Li G (2019) Co-exposure with titanium dioxide nanoparticles exacerbates MCLR-induced brain injury in zebrafish, Science of the Total Environment 693, 133540.
TOX-5. Jin J, Kurobe T, Ramírez-Duarte WF, Bolotaolo MB, Lam CH, Pandey PK, Hung TC, Stillway ME, Zweig L, Caudill J, Lin L, Teh SJ (2018) Sub-lethal effects of herbicides penoxsulam, imazamox, fluridone and glyphosate on Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus), Aquatic Toxicology 197, 79-88.
TOX-4. Wu Q, Yan W, Liu C, Hung TC, Li G (2018) Parental transfer of titanium dioxide nanoparticles aggravated MCLR-induced developmental toxicity in zebrafish offspring, Environmental science: Nano 5(12), 2952-2965.
TOX-3. Cheng H, Yan W, Wu Q, Lu J, Liu C, Hung TC, Li G (2018) Adverse reproductive performance in zebrafish with increased bioconcentration of microcystin-LR in the presence of titanium dioxide nanoparticles, Environmental Science: Nano 5(5), 1208-1217.
TOX-2. Wu Q, Yan W, Cheng H, Liu C, Hung TC, Guo X, Li G (2017) Parental transfer of microcystin-LR induced transgenerational effects of developmental neurotoxicity in zebrafish offspring, Environmental Pollution 231(1), 471-478.
TOX-1. Cheng H, Yan W, Wu Q, Liu C, Gong X, Hung TC, Li G (2017) Parental exposure to microcystin-LR induced thyroid endocrine disruption in zebrafish offspring, a transgenerational toxicity, Environmental Pollution 230, 981-988.
Microbial Fuel Cells
MFC-3. Fu CC, Hung TC, Wu WT, Wen TC, Su CH (2010) Current and voltage responses in instant photosynthetic microbial cells with Spirulina platensis, Biochemical Engineering Journal 52, 175-180.
MFC-2. Fu CC, Hung TC, Chen JY, Su CH, Wu WT (2010) Hydrolysis of microalgae cell walls for production of reducing sugar and lipid extraction, Bioresource Technology 101, 8750-8754.
MFC-1. Fu CC, Su CH, Hung TC, Hsieh CH, Suryani D, Wu WT (2009) Effects of biomass weight and light intensity on the performance of photosynthetic microbial fuel cells with Spirulina platensis, Bioresource Technology 100, 4183-4186.
Enzyme Immobilization
EI-4. Fu CC, Hung TC, Su CH, Suryani D, Wu WT, Dai WC, Yeh YT (2011) Immobilization of calcium oxide onto chitosan beads as a heterogeneous catalyst for biodiesel production, Polymer International 60, 957-962.
EI-3. Hung TC, Fu CC, Su CH, Chen JY, Wu WT, Lin YS (2011) Immobilization of cellulase onto electrospun polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanofibrous membranes and its application of the reducing sugar production from microalgae, Enzyme and Microbial Technology 49, 30-37.
EI-2. Chiou SH, Hung TC, Giridhar R, Wu WT (2007) Immobilization of lipase to chitosan beads using a natural cross-linker, Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology 37, 265-275.
EI-1. Hung TC, Giridhar R, Chiou SH, Wu WT (2003) Binary immobilization of Candida Rugosa lipase on chitosan, Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 26, 69-78.