- Prof. Edwin K. P. Chong, Department of ECE, Colorado State University.
- Prof. Ness B. Shroff , School of ECE and CSE, Ohio State University.
- Prof. David N. C. Tse, Department of EE, Stanford University.
- Prof. Takis Konstantopoulos , Department of Mathematics, Uppsala University, Sweden.
- Prof. Ioannis Kontoyiannis, Department of Informatics, Athens University of Econ & Business, Greece.
- Prof. Xiaodong Wang, Department of EE, Columbia University.
- Prof. Anders Host-Madsen, Department of EE, University of Hawaii.
- Dr. John Sadowsky, Intel Corporation .
- Prof. Lang Tong , Department of ECE, Cornell University.
- Prof. Lizhong Zheng , Department of EECS, Massachusetts Instituted of Technology.
- Prof. Guoliang Xue, Department of CSE, Arizona State University.
- Prof. Ying-Cheng Lai, Department of EE, Arizona State University.
- Prof. Mung Chiang, Department of EE, Princeton University.
- Prof. P. R. Kumar , Department of ECE, Texas A&M University.
- Prof. Stephen Hanly , Department of EE, Macquarie University, Australia.
- Prof. H. Vincent Poor, Department of EE, Princeton University.
- Prof. Tolga Duman , Department of EE, Arizona State University.
- Prof. Robert A Calderbank, Department of EE, CS, and Mathematics, Duke University.