Rajeevan Amirtharajah


The Micropower Circuits and Systems Group is recruiting graduate student researchers for the following research projects. If you are a current UC Davis graduate or undergraduate student and are interested in getting involved, please contact Prof. Amirtharajah by email. If you are applying for graduate school at UC Davis for the 2025-2026 academic year, please contact Prof. Amirtharajah after you have been accepted to the ECE graduate program.

Undergraduate Projects

Please contact Prof. Amirtharajah if you have an interest in getting involved in undergraduate research or junior/senior design course projects.

High-Energy Physics IC Design Traineeship Program (HEPIC)

For information about the HEPIC program, see here.

MS Projects

Image Processing for Viticulture and Enology
One to two projects involving image capture and processing for monitoring foliage and grape cluster growth.

Doctoral Projects

No specific projects at this time.