

The following courses are those that Professor Erickson typically teaches:

  • Advanced Energy Systems MAE 218
  • Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer MAE 211
  • Fuel Cell Systems MAE 269
  • Thermodynamics ENG 105
  • Experimental Methods EME 107A
  • Experimental Methods EME 107B
  • Engineering Fundamentals for Transportation TTP 210
  • Internal Combustion Engines and Alternatives EME 163

EME 163 Internal Combustion Engines and Future Alternatives (4)

Lecture—3 hours; laboratory—3 hours. Prerequisite: grade of C- or better in course 106. Fundamentals of internal combustion engine design and performance. Future needs to adapt to environmental concerns, and the feasibility of better alternatives in the future.

MAE 211 Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer (4)

Lecture—3 hours; discussion—1 hour. Prerequisite: Engineering 103, 105 and Mechanical Engineering 165 or the equivalent. Design aspects of selected topics; heat conduction, fins; heat transport in ducts, boundary layers and separated flows; heat exchangers.

MAE 269 Fuel Cell Systems (4)

Lecture—2 hours; discussion—2 hours. Prerequisite: Mechanical Engineering 106, 107, 165, or equivalent, or consent of instructor; graduate or junior/senior undergraduate as a technical elective. Basics of electrochemistry and fuel cell engines in mobile and stationary applications. Aspects of fuel cell energy converters and their subsystems including practice with existing fuel cell and hydrogen systems on campus.

TTP 210 Fundamentals of Transportation Technology (4)

Lecture—2 hours; discussion—2 hours. Prerequisite: consent of instructor; Mathematics 21A, 21B, 22A; graduate or junior/senior undergraduate as a technical elective.


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